
第17章 身边的寓言(12)

As I typed,I noticed shoes crowding toward me on the sidewalk.Whispers and chuckles came from behind my back.When I finally pulled the page out of the typewriter,I looked up to see about 25 people surrounding me.

"Read it!"shouted a few of them.I did.And when it was over,they applauded.In that moment,the entire direction of my life veered off-road.I had no idea what I had discovered-or what had discovered me-but I could see that it worked.So I wrote another,and another.Rather than scaring me into silence,the crowd spurred me on.They were the ultimate deadline.

My life took on a Clark Kent-Superman split:mild-mannered reporter for the ABA by day;60-Second Novelist,fighting a battle for literature and tips,by night.

That first summer,I feared I was turning into a Stupid Human Trick:"Dan Hurley,the human story machine.Put in a word,he spits out a story!"I also feared that I'd soon get bored.But 17 years and thousands of novels later,I'm still waiting.

I've since devoted my life to writing these novels:on streets and online,at department stores and trade shows,at bars and bar mitzvahs.No venue is too ordinary or bizarre.

The longer I keep at it,the more people seem to open up to me.They give me their trust.I give them stories that are some hither to unknown confection of fact,fiction,fable and bibliotherapy.But before I type the first word,I give them something else:my ears,my eyes,my total,200-percent attention.

At this point,there aren't enough seats in Madison Square Garden to contain all the people I've written for(by now the figure is more than 25,000).From the first day,I kept a carbon copy of each story.The pile of tissue-thin duplicates now stands over four feet tall in my study.They're white,green,pink,blue and yellow-a rainbow of stories,a pillar of life's little lessons.

There may be no getting around the Stupid Human Trick aspect of it all.But I'd like to think there's something more,something that speaks to the incredible power of the life stories we tell about ourselves.After all,everyone's a born author of his or her own life story.

Here is my favorite.

At a seaside amusement park north of New York City,I wrote this story for a pretty young woman named Alice,in which I dared to predict her future:

A Walk Along the Ocean

Alice went out with a guy for four years and then he broke up with her because he was confused,which made her very unhappy at the time,but now she thinks it was for the best.In the year and a half since then,she has gone out on dates,but either she likes the guy and he doesn't like her,or vice versa.

Well,this is all pretty rotten.

So she has taken to seeing her grandmother,a very wise woman,encouraging and loving.Alice talks with her and feels much better,and finds warmth and laughter.But how will she ever find true love?

One day,after visiting her grandmother,Alice will go for a walk along the ocean,and she shall meet a man.He will ask her a question and the first thing she will think is,"Wow,is this guy something!"and they will talk and fall in love.

He might come from a ship.He might be swimming.He might be walking.Maybe he will fall from the sky,or maybe he will come from beneath the waves.But the important thing is he will come from the ocean after she goes to see her Grandma and isn't even thinking about a man.For there are plenty of fish in the sea,and many men,too.

The fact that Alice and I met not 20 yards from the water's edge didn't occur to me the day I wrote her story.Two months later I walked into a writing class and sat down in the only available seat."Remember me?"said the person beside me.It was Alice.

We've been married for nine years now and have a beautiful five-year-old daughter,Anne.We're living proof that you can rewrite your life story to find a happy ending.

And so,not only did my crazy idea to write stories on the street bring me a career,it brought me a wife and a family.I guess you could say my dream of becoming a novelist also came true.Not quite the way I had anticipated-writing novels on the street,one page in length,one person at a time.But then,no good story turns out the way you expect.

















