
第15章 身边的寓言(10)

It's true.Skateboarding doesn't seem like real work,but I'm proud of what I do.My parents never once questioned the practicality behind my passion,even when I had to scrape together gas money and regarded dinner at Taco Bell as a big night out.

I hope to pass on the same lesson to my children someday.Find the thing you love.My oldest son is an avid skater and he's really gifted for a 13-year-old,but there's a lot of pressure on him.He used to skate for endorsements,but now he brushes all that stuff aside.He just skates for fun and that's good enough for me.

You might not make it to the top,but if you are doing what you love,there is much more happiness there than being rich or famous.












Love and Music in Their Hearts


For many years as I went about my weekend routine of doing all those chores around our house,I would regularly hear the sound of a piano playing and singing in the background.One of our neighbors has always had a love of music and obviously the family enjoyed gathering around the piano on the weekend.

Living in a fairly relaxed and quiet suburban area does have many pluses,however,this little bonus of weekend enjoyment was something I looked forward to,although at the time I never realised that I did.

Around three years ago the music and singing stopped and it wasn't until our neighbors told me of the troubles that their teenage son was dealing with that I came to realise why-the family was no longer a happy one.

Over the following months,I was to discover our neighbors'son had got involved with a group of other teenagers who indulged in late night partying,drinking,drugs and doing lots of other anti-social things.Such is peer pressure I guess,however,it didn't make it any easier for my two delightful neighbors who had always been such wonderful parents and who had brought some weekend enjoyment to me as I went about the household chores.

Over the last couple of years I have often spent time with them in an endeavour to be of some assistance to them in the time of trouble.I also had a couple of conversations with their son but nothing seemed to be working to get this young man back on track and his family,personal and schooling life suffered greatly.

Just over a year ago things started to change for the better and this young man who was now almost out of his teens started to come out of the horror period in his life.He went back to school to complete his high school studies and has now gone to commence studies to become a naturopath.From afar and as a neighbor it is great to see that at last everything is back on track for this young man and his parents.

From time to time all our immediate neighbors get together to celebrate those special yearly occasions.Just recently our neighbors with the son who had come back on track,invited us and a number of other families over for lunch to celebrate one of those special yearly occasions.

During the course of a relaxing and enjoyable afternoon I sat on the piano stool in front of the now silent piano.It is a piano with a highly polished black finish.I could not help but notice that there were some words and some images scratched onto the front of the piano,immediately above the keyboard.

The words said"I Hate You"and they appeared they may have been scratched onto the piano in a fit of rage as they were very rough and fairly deeply etched into the surface of the piano.An attempt had also been made to cover up these three words with a series of scratches crisscrossing over the top of the words.

Immediately underneath this crudely written and very sad statement were three images spread across the front of the piano.The images were three stick figures,two large ones and a slightly smaller one,followed by the shape of a heart and then a flower.

As I sat there I felt the urge to find out what these three words and three images meant,however,I did not feel it was appropriate to ask for fear that it someway related to past events that were best forgotten.The answer came without me even having to ask as our neighbor and mother of the young man saw me looking at the front of the piano and came over to sit next to me on the piano stool.

She explained with just a hint of tears in her eyes that her son had scratched the words onto the piano during a fit of anger as he struggled to come to terms with the pressures he was facing at one of the lowest points in his life.She also explained that they had then endeavoured to remove the words themselves but to no avail and could not afford the high cost of repairing the panel.Equally,at that time they did not know if he would do it again and so decided to leave it there.