书城公版The Prime Minister



When the party had been about a week collected at Gatherum Castle, Ferdinand Lopez had manifestly become the favourite of the Duchess for the time, and had, at her instance, promised to remain there for some further days.He had hardly spoken to the Duke since he had been in the house,--but then but few of that motley assembly did talk much with the Duke.Gunner and Pountney had gone away,--the Captain having declared his dislike of the upstart Portuguese to be so strong that he could not stay in the same house with him any longer, and the Major, who was of a stronger mind, having resolved that he would put the intruder down.'It is horrible to think what power money has in these days,' said the Captain.The Captain had shaken the dust of Gatherum altogether from his feet, but the Major had so arranged that a bed was to be found for him in October,--for another happy week; but he was not to return till bidden by the Duchess.

'You won't forget;--now will you, Duchess?' he said, imploring her to remember him as he took his leave.'I did take a deal of trouble about the code;--didn't I?' 'They don't seem to me to care for the code,' said the Duchess, 'but, nevertheless, 'I'll remember.'

'Who, in the name of all that's wonderful, was that I saw you with in the garden?' the Duchess said to her husband one afternoon.

'It was Lady Rosina De Courcy, I suppose!'

'Heaven and earth!--what a companion for you to choose.'

'Why not?--why shouldn't I talk to Lady Rosina De Courcy?'

'I'm not jealous a bit, if you mean that I don't think Lady Rosina will steal your heart from me.But why you should pick her out of all the people here, when there are so many would think their fortunes made if you would only take a turn with them, Icannot imagine.'

'But I don't want to make anyone's fortune,' said the Duke: 'and certainly not in that way.'

'What could you be saying to her?'

'She was talking about her family.I rather like Lady Rosina.

She is living all alone, it seems and almost in poverty.Perhaps there is nothing so sad in the world as the female scions of a noble but impoverished stock.'

'Nothing so dull, certainly.'

'People are not dull to me, if they are real.I pity that poor lady.She is proud of her blood and yet not ashamed of her poverty.'

'Whatever might come of her blood she has been all her life willing enough to get rid of her poverty.It isn't above three years since she was trying her best to marry that brewer at Silverbridge.I wish you could give your time a little to some of the other people.'

'To go and shoot arrows?'

'No;--I don't want you to shoot arrows.You might act the part of host without shooting.Can't you walk about with anybody except Lady Rosina De Courcy?'

'I was walking about with Sir Orlando Drought last Sunday, and Ivery much prefer Lady Rosina.'

'There has been no quarrel?' asked the Duchess sharply.

'Oh dear no.'

'Of course he's an empty-headed idiot.Everybody has always known that.And he's put above his place in the House.But it wouldn't do to quarrel with him now.'

'I don't think I am a quarrelsome man, Cora.I don't remember at this moment that I have ever quarrelled with anybody to your knowledge.But I may perhaps be permitted to--'

'Snub a man, you mean.Well I wouldn't ever snub Sir Orlando very much, if I were you; though I can understand that it might be both pleasant and easy.'

'I wish you wouldn't put slang phrases into my mouth, Cora.If Ithink that a man intrudes upon me, I am of course bound to let know my opinion.'

'Sir Orlando has--intruded!'

'By no means.He is in a position which justifies his saying many things to me which another might not say.But then, again, he is a man whose opinion does not go far with me, and I have not the knack of seeming to agree with a man while I let his words pass idly by me.'

'That is quite true, Plantagenet.'

'And, therefore, I was uncomfortable with Sir Orlando, while Iwas able to sympathize with Lady Rosina.'

'What do you think of Ferdinand Lopez?' asked the Duchess, with studied abruptness.

'Think of Mr Lopez! I haven't thoughy of him at all.Why should I think of him?'

'I want you to think of him.I think he's a very pleasant fellow, and I'm sure he's a rising man.'

'You might think the latter, and perhaps feel sure of the former.'

'Very well.Then, to oblige you, I'll think the latter and feel sure of the former.I suppose it's true that Mr Grey is going on this mission to Persia?' Mr Grey was the Duke's intimate friend, and was at this time member for the neighbouring borough of Silverbridge.

'I think he will go.I've no doubt about it.He is to go after Christmas.'

'And will give up his seat?'

The Duke did not answer her immediately.It had only just been decided,--decided by his friend and himself,--that the seat should be given up when the journey to Persia was undertaken.Mr Grey, somewhat in opposition to the Duke's advice, had resolved that he could not be in Persia and do his duty in the House of Commons at the same time.But this resolution had only now been made known to the Duke, and he was rather puzzled to think how the Duchess had been able to be so quick upon him.He had, indeed, kept the matter back from the Duchess, feeling that she would have something to say about it, which might possibly be unpleasant, as soon as the tidings should reach her.'Yes,' he said, 'I think he will give up his seat.That is his purpose, though I think it is unnecessary.'

'Let Mr Lopez have it.'

'Mr Lopez!'

'Yes,--he is a clever man, a rising man, a man who is sure to do well, and who will be of use to you.Just take the trouble to talk to him.It is assistance of that kind that you want.You Ministers go on shuffling the old cards till they are so worn out and dirty that one can hardly tell the pips on them.'

'I am one of the dirty old cards myself,' said the Duke.

'That's nonsense, you know.A man who is at the head of affairs as you are can't be included among the pack I am speaking of.