Mrs Kirkpatrick was only too happy to accept Lady Cumnor's invitation.

It was what she had been hoping for, but hardly daring to expect, as she believed that the family were settled in London for some time to come.

The Towers was a pleasant and luxurious house in which to pass her holidays;and though she was not one to make deep plans, or to look far ahead, she was quite aware of the prestige which her being able to say she had been staying with 'dear Lady Cumnor' at the Towers, was likely to give her and her school in the eyes of a good many people; so she gladly prepared to join her ladyship on the 17th.Her wardrobe did not require much arrangement;if it had done, the poor lady would not have had much money to appropriate to the purpose.She was very pretty and graceful; and that goes a great way towards carrying off shabby clothes; and it was her taste more than any depth of feeling, that had made her persevere in wearing all the delicate tints - the violets and greys - which, with a certain admixture of black, constitute half-mourning.This style of becoming dress she was supposed to wear in memory of Mr Kirkpatrick; in reality because it was both lady-like and economical.Her beautiful hair was of that rich auburn that hardly ever turns grey; and partly out of consciousness of its beauty, and partly because the washing of caps is expensive, she did not wear anything on her head; her complexion had the vivid tints that often accompany the kind of hair which has once been red; and the only injury her skin had received from advancing years was that the colouring was rather more brilliant than delicate, and varied less with every passing emotion.She could no longer blush; and at eighteen she had been very proud of her blushes.Her eyes were soft, large, and china-blue in colour.they had not much expression or shadow about them, which was perhaps owing to the flaxen colour of her eyelashes.Her figure was a little fuller than it used to be, but her movements were as soft and sinuous as ever.Altogether, she looked much younger than her age, which was not far short of forty.She had a very pleasant voice, and read aloud well and distinctly, which Lady Cumnor liked.Indeed, for some inexplicable reason, she was a greater; more positive favourite with Lady Cumnor than with any of the rest of the family, though they all liked her up to a certain point, and found it agreeably useful to have any one in the house who was so well acquainted with their ways and habits; so ready to talk, when a little trickle of conversation was required; so willing to listen, and to listen with tolerable intelligence, if the subjects spoken about did not refer to serious solid literature, or science, or politics, or social economy.About novels and poetry, travels and gossip, personal details, or anecdotes of any kind, she always made exactly the remarks which are expected from an agreeable listener; and she had sense enough to confine herself to those short expressions of wonder, admiration, and astonishment, which may mean anything, when more recondite things were talked about.It was a very pleasant change to a poor unsuccessful schoolmistress to leave her own house, full of battered and shabby furniture (she had taken the goodwill and furniture of her predecessor at a valuation, two or three years before), where the look-out was as gloomy, and the surrounding as squalid, as is often the case in the smaller streets of a country town, and to come bowling through the Towers Park in the luxurious carriage sent to meet her; to alight, and feel secure that the well-trained servants would see after her bags and umbrella, and parasol, and cloak, without her loading herself with all these portable articles, as she had had to do while following the wheel-barrow containing her luggage in going to the Ashcombe coach-office that morning; to pass up the deep-piled carpets of the broad shallow stairs into my lady's own room, cool and deliciously fresh, even on this sultry day, and fragrant with great bowls of freshly gathered roses of every shade of colour.There were two or three new novels lying uncut on the table; the daily papers, the magazines.Every chair was an easy-chair of some kind or other; and all covered with French chintz that mimicked the real flowers in the garden below.She was familiar with the bedroom called hers, to which she was soon ushered by Lady Cumnor's maid.It seemed to her far more like home than the dingy place she had left that morning; it was so natural to her to like dainty draperies and harmonious colouring, and fine linen and soft raiment.She sate down on the arm-chair by the bed-side, and wondered over her fate something in this fashion, - 'One would think it was an easy enough thing to deck a looking-glass like that with muslin and pink ribbons; and yet how hard it is to keep it up!