书城公版King Henry VI Part 2

第1章 ACT I(1)

SCENE I.London.The palace

Flourish of trumpets;then hautboys.Enter the KING,DUKE HUMPHREY OF GLOUCESTER,SALISBURY,WARWICK,and


SUFFOLK.As by your high imperial Majesty I had in charge at my depart for France,As procurator to your Excellence,To marry Princess Margaret for your Grace;So,in the famous ancient city Tours,In presence of the Kings of France and Sicil,The Dukes of Orleans,Calaber,Bretagne,and Alencon,Seven earls,twelve barons,and twenty reverend bishops,I have perform'd my task,and was espous'd;And humbly now upon my bended knee,In sight of England and her lordly peers,Deliver up my title in the Queen To your most gracious hands,that are the substance Of that great shadow I did represent:The happiest gift that ever marquis gave,The fairest queen that ever king receiv'd.KING HENRY.Suffolk,arise.Welcome,Queen Margaret:I can express no kinder sign of love Than this kind kiss.O Lord,that lends me life,Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness!For thou hast given me in this beauteous face A world of earthly blessings to my soul,If sympathy of love unite our thoughts.QUEEN.Great King of England,and my gracious lord,The mutual conference that my mind hath had,By day,by night,waking and in my dreams,In courtly company or at my beads,With you,mine alder-liefest sovereign,Makes me the bolder to salute my king With ruder terms,such as my wit affords And over-joy of heart doth minister.KING HENRY.Her sight did ravish,but her grace in speech,Her words y-clad with wisdom's majesty,Makes me from wond'ring fall to weeping joys,Such is the fulness of my heart's content.Lords,with one cheerful voice welcome my love.ALL.[Kneeling]Long live Queen Margaret,England's happiness!QUEEN.We thank you all.[Flourish]SUFFOLK.My Lord Protector,so it please your Grace,Here are the articles of contracted peace Between our sovereign and the French King Charles,For eighteen months concluded by consent.GLOUCESTER.[Reads]'Imprimis:It is agreed between the French King Charles and William de la Pole,Marquess of Suffolk, ambassador for Henry King of England,that the said Henry shall espouse the Lady Margaret,daughter unto Reignier King of Naples,Sicilia,and Jerusalem,and crown her Queen of England ere the thirtieth of May next ensuing.Item:That the duchy of Anjou and the county of Maine shall be released and delivered to the King her father'-[Lets the paper fall]KING HENRY.Uncle,how now!GLOUCESTER.Pardon me,gracious lord;Some sudden qualm hath struck me at the heart,And dimm'd mine eyes,that I can read no further.KING HENRY.Uncle of Winchester,I pray read on.CARDINAL.[Reads]'Item:It is further agreed between them that the duchies of Anjou and Maine shall be released and delivered over to the King her father,and she sent over of the King of England's own proper cost and charges,without having any dowry.'KING HENRY.They please us well.Lord Marquess,kneel down.We here create thee the first Duke of Suffolk,And girt thee with the sword.Cousin of York,We here discharge your Grace from being Regent I'th'parts of France,till term of eighteen months Be full expir'd.

Thanks,uncle Winchester,Gloucester,York,Buckingham,Somerset,Salisbury,and Warwick;We thank you all for this great favour done In entertainment to my princely queen.Come,let us in,and with all speed provide To see her coronation be perform'd.Exeunt KING,QUEEN,and SUFFOLK GLOUCESTER.Brave peers of England,pillars of the state,To you Duke Humphrey must unload his grief Your grief,the common grief of all the land.What!did my brother Henry spend his youth,His valour,coin,and people,in the wars?Did he so often lodge in open field,In winter's cold and summer's parching heat,To conquer France,his true inheritance?And did my brother Bedford toil his wits To keep by policy what Henry got?Have you yourselves,Somerset,Buckingham,Brave York,Salisbury,and victorious Warwick,Receiv'd deep scars in France and Normandy?Or hath mine uncle Beaufort and myself,With all the learned Council of the realm,Studied so long,sat in the Council House Early and late,debating to and fro How France and Frenchmen might be kept in awe?And had his Highness in his infancy Crowned in Paris,in despite of foes?And shall these labours and these honours die?Shall Henry's conquest,Bedford's vigilance,Your deeds of war,and all our counsel die?O peers of England,shameful is this league!