书城公版When the World Shook


The Chariot of the Pit Oro came and of necessity alone.Yet there was that in his air as he advanced into the temple, which suggested a monarch surrounded by the pomp and panoply of a great court.He marched, his head held high, as though heralds and pursuivants went in front of him, as though nobles surrounded him and guards or regiments followed after him.Let it be admitted that he was a great figure in his gorgeous robes, with his long white beard, his hawk-like features, his tall shape and his glittering eyes, which even at that distance I could see.Indeed once or twice Ithought that he glanced out of the corners of them towards the chapel where we were hid.But this I think was fancy.For as Yva said, his thoughts were set elsewhere.

He reached the statue of Fate and stood for a while contemplating it and the suppliant figures on either side, as though he were waiting for his invisible court to arrange itself.

Then he doffed his jewelled cap to the effigy, and knelt before it.Yes, Oro the Ancient, the Super-man, the God, as the early peoples of the earth fancied such a being, namely, one full of wrath, revenge, jealousy, caprice and power, knelt in supplication to this image of stone which he believed to be the home of a spirit, thereby showing himself to be after all not so far removed from the savages whose idol Bastin had destroyed.

More, in a clear and resonant voice which reached us even across that great space, he put up his prayer.It ran something as follows, for although I did not understand the language in which he spoke Yva translated it to me in a whisper:

"God of the Sons of Wisdom, God of the whole earth, only God to whom must bow every other Power and Dominion, to thee I, Oro the Great King, make prayer and offer sacrifice.Twenty times ten thousand years and more have gone by since I, Oro, visited this, thy temple and knelt before this, thy living effigy, yet thou, ruler of the world, dost remember the prayer I made and the sacrifice I offered.The prayer was for triumph over my enemies and the sacrifice a promise of the lives of half of those who in that day dwelt upon the earth.Thou heardest the prayer, thou didst bow thy head and accept the sacrifice.Yea, the prayer was granted and the sacrifice was made, and in it were counted the number of my foes.

"Then I slept.Through countless generations I slept on and at my side was the one child of my body that was left to me.What chanced to my spirit and to hers during that sleep, thou knowest alone, but doubtless they went forth to work thy ends.

"At the appointed time which thou didst decree, I awoke again and found in my house strangers from another land.In the company of one of those whose spirit I drew forth, I visited the peoples of the new earth, and found them even baser and more evil than those whom I had known.Therefore, since they cannot be bettered.

I purpose to destroy them also, and on their wreck to rebuild a glorious empire, such as was that of the Sons of Wisdom at its prime.

"A sign! O Fate, ruler of the world, give me a sign that my desire shall be fulfilled."He paused, stretching out his arms and staring upwards.While he waited I felt the solid rock on which I stood quiver and sway beneath my feet so that Yva and I clung to each other lest we should fall.This chanced also.The shock of the earth tremor, for such without doubt it was, threw down the figures of the ancient man and the lovely woman which knelt as though making prayers to Fate, and shook the marble sword from off its knees.

As it fell Oro caught it by the hilt, and, rising, waved it in triumph.

"I thank thee, God of my people from the beginning," he cried.

"Thou hast given to me, thy last servant, thine own sword and Iwill use it well.For these worshippers of thine who have fallen, thou shalt have others, yes, all those who dwell in the new world that is to be.My daughter and the man whom she has chosen to be the father of the kings of the earth, and with him his companions, shall be the first of the hundreds of millions that are to follow, for they shall kiss thy feet or perish.Thou shalt set thy foot upon the necks of all other gods; thou shalt rule and thou alone, and, as of old, Oro be thy minister."Still holding the sword, he flung himself down as though in an ecstasy, and was silent.

"I read the omen otherwise," whispered Yva."The worshippers of Fate are overthrown.His sword of power is fallen, but not into the hands that clasped it, and he totters on his throne.Agreater God asserts dominion of the world and this Fate is but his instrument."Oro rose again.

"One prayer more," he cried."Give me life, long life, that Imay execute thy decrees.By word or gesture show me a sign that Ishall be satisfied with life, a year for every year that I have lived, or twain!"He waited, staring about him, but no token came; the idol did not speak or bow its head, as Yva had told me it was wont to do in sign of accepted prayer, how, she knew not.Only I thought Iheard the echo of Oro's cries run in a whisper of mockery round the soaring dome.

Once more Oro flung himself upon his knees and began to pray in a veritable agony.

"God of my forefathers, God of my lost people, I will hide naught from thee," he said."I who fear nothing else, fear death.

The priest-fool yonder with his new faith, has spoken blundering words of judgment and damnation which, though I do not believe them, yet stick in my heart like arrows.I will stamp out his faith, and with this ancient sword of thine drive back the new gods into the darkness whence they came.Yet what if some water of Truth flows through the channel of his leaden lips, and what if because I have ruled and will rule as thou didst decree, therefore, in some dim place of souls, I must bear these burdens of terror and of doom which I have bound upon the backs of others! Nay, it cannot be, for what power is there in all the universe that dares to make a slave of Oro and to afflict him with stripes?