
Our hero, who had attended Evan Dhu during his perquisitions, was much struck with the ingenuity which he displayed in collecting information, and the precise and pointed conclusions which he drew from it.Evan Dhu, on his part, was obviously flattered with the attention of Waverley, the interest he seemed to take in his inquiries and his curiosity about the customs and scenery of the Highlands.Without much ceremony he invited Edward to accompany him on a short walk of ten or fifteen miles into the mountains, and see the place where the cattle were conveyed to; adding, ``If it be as I suppose, you never saw such a place in your life, nor ever will, unless you go with me, or the like of me.''

Our hero, feeling his curiosity considerably excited by the idea of visiting the den of a Highland Cacus, took, however, the precaution to inquire if his guide might be trusted.He was assured, that the invitation would on no account have been given had there been the least danger, and that all he had to apprehend was a little fatigue; and as Evan proposed he should pass a day at his Chieftain's house in returning, where he would be sue of good accommodation and an excellent welcome, there seemed nothing very formidable in the task he undertook.

Rose, indeed, turned pale when she heard of it; but her father, who loved the spirited curiosity of his young friend, did not attempt to damp it by an alarm of danger which really did not exist; and a knapsack, with a few necessaries, being bound on the shoulders of a sort of deputy gamekeeper, our hero set forth with a fowling-piece in his hand, accompanied by his new friend Evan Dhu, and, followed by the gamekeeper aforesaid, and by two wild Highlanders, the attendants of Evan, one of whom had upon his shoulder a hatchet at the end of a pole, called a Lochaber axe,<*> and the other a long ducking gun.Evan, upon * The Town-guard of Edinburgh were, till a late period, armed with * this weapon when on their police duty.There was a hook at the back of * the axe, which the ancient Highlanders used to assist them to climb over * walls, fixing the hook upon it, and raising themselves by the handle.The * axe, which was also much used by the natives of Ireland, is supposed to * have been introduced into both countries from Scandinavia.

Edward's inquiry, gave him to understand that this martial escort was by no means necessary as a guard, but merely, as he said, drawing up and adjusting his plaid with an air of dignity, that he might appear decently at Tully-Veolan, and as Vich Ian Vohr's foster-brother ought to do.``Ah!'' said he, ``if you Saxon Duinh<e'>-wassel (English gentlemen) saw but the Chief with his tail on!''

``With his tail on!'' echoed Edward in some surprise.

``Yes---that is, with all his usual followers, when he visits those of the same rank.There is,'' he continued, stopping and drawing himself proudly up, while he counted upon his fingers the several officers of his chiefs retinue---``there is his _hanch-man,_or right-hand man; then his _b<a`>rd,_ or poet; then his _bladier,_or orator, to make harangues to the great folks whom he visits;then his _gilly-more,_ or armour-bearer, to carry his sword and target, and his gun; then his _gilly-casfliuch,_ who carries him on his back through the sikes and brooks; then his _gilly-comstrian,_to lead his horse by the bridle in steep and difficult paths; then his _gilly-trushharnish,_ to carry his knapsack; and the piper and the piper's man, and it maybe a dozen young lads besides, that have no business, but are just boys of the belt, to follow the laird, and do his honour's bidding.''

``And does your Chief regularly maintain all these men?''

demanded Waverley.

``All these!'' replied Evan, ``ay, and many a fair head beside, that would not ken where to lay itself, but for the mickle barn at Glennaquoich.''

With similar tales of the grandeur of the Chief in peace and war, Evan Dhu beguiled the way till they approached more closely those huge mountains which Edward had hitherto only seen at a distance.It was towards evening as they entered one of the tremendous passes which afford communication between the High and Low Country; the path, which was extremely steep and rugged, winded up a chasm between two tremendous rocks, following the passage which a foaming stream, that brawled far below, appeared to have worn for itself in the course of ages.A few slanting beams of the sun, which was now setting, reached the water in its darksome bed, and showed it partially, chafed by a hundred rocks, and broken by a hundred falls.The descent from the path to the stream was a mere precipice, with here and there a projecting fragment of granite, or a scathed tree, which had warped its twisted roots into the fissures of the rock.On the right hand, the mountain rose above the path with almost equal inaccessibility; but the hill on the opposite side displayed a shroud of copsewood, with which some pines were intermingled.

``This,'' said Evan, ``is the pass of Bally-Brough, which was kept in former times by ten of the clan Donnochie against a hundred of the Low Country carles.The graves of the slain are still to be seen in that little corri, or bottom, on the opposite side of the burn---if your eyes are good, you may see the green specks among the heather.---See, there is an earn, which you Southrons call an eagle---you have no such birds as that in England---he is going to fetch his supper from the Laird of Bradwardine's braes, but I'll send a slug after him.''