
``Events of this kind pass in less time than the description of them can be written, or than it can be read.The Colonel was for a few moments supported by his men, and particularly by that worthy person Lieutenant-Colonel Whitney, who was shot through the arm here, and a few months after fell nobly at the battle of Falkirk, and by Lieutenant West, a man of distinguished bravery, as also by about fifteen dragoons, who stood by him to the last.But after a faint fire, the regiment in general was seized with a panic; and though their Colonel and some other gallant officers did what they could to rally them once or twice, they at last took a precipitate flight.And just in the moment when Colonel Gardiner seemed to be making a pause to deliberate what duty required him to do in such circumstances, an accident happened, which must, I think, in the judgment of every worthy and generous man, be allowed a sufficient apology for exposing his life to so great hazard, when his regiment had left him.He saw a party of the foot, who were then bravely fighting near him, and whom he was ordered to support, had no officer to head them; upon which he said eagerly, in the hearing of the person from whom I had this account, `These brave fellows will be cut to pieces for want of a commander,' or words to that effect; which while he was speaking, he rode up to them and cried out, `Fire on, my lads, and fear nothing.' But just as the words were out of his mouth, a Highlander advanced towards him with a scythe fastened to a long pole, with which he gave him so dreadful a wound on his right arm, that his sword dropped out of his hand; and at the same time several others coming about him while he was thus dreadfully entangled with that cruel weapon, he was dragged off from his horse.The moment he fell, another Highlander, who, if the king's evidence at Carlisle may be credited (as I know not why they should not, though the unhappy creature died denying it), was one Mac-Naught, who was executed about a year after, gave him a stroke either with a broadsword or a Lochaber-axe (for my informant could not exactly distinguish) on the hinder part of his head, which was the mortal blow.All that his faithful attendant saw further at this time was, that as his hat was falling off, he took it in his left hand and waved it as a signal to him to retreat, and added what were the lost words he ever heard him speak, `Take care of yourself;' upon which the servant retired.''

_Some remarkable Passages in the Life of Colonel James Gardiner, by P.

Doddridge, D.D._ London, 1747, p.187.

I may remark on this extract, that it confirms the account given in the text of the resistance offered by some of the English infantry.Surprised by a force of a peculiar and unusual description, their opposition could not be long or formidable, especially as they were deserted by the cavalry, and those who undertook to manage the artillery.But although the affair was soon decided, I have always understood that many of the infantry showed an inclination to do their duty.

Note W, p.<? p306b>.---The Laird of Balmawhapple.

It is scarcely necessary to say that the character of this brutal young Laird is entirely imaginary.A gentleman, however, who resembled Balmawhapple in the article of courage only, fell at Preston in the manner described.A Perthshire gentleman of high honour and respectability, one of the handful of cavalry who followed the fortunes of Charles Edward, pursued the fugitive dragoons almost alone till near Saint Clement's Wells, where the efforts of some of the officers had prevailed on a few of them to make a momentary stand.Perceiving at this moment that they were pursued by only one man and a couple of servants, they turned upon him and cut him down with their swords.I remember, when a child, sitting on his grave, where the grass long grew rank and green, distinguishing it from the rest of the field.A female of the family then residing at Saint Clement's Wells used to tell me the tragedy of which she had been an eye-witness, and showed me in evidence one of the silver clasps of the unfortunate gentleman's waistcoat.

Note X, p.<? p318>.---Andrea di Ferrara.

The name of Andrea di Ferrara is inscribed on all the Scottish broad-swords which are accounted of peculiar excellence.Who this artist was, what were his fortunes, and when he flourished, have hitherto defied the research of antiquaries; only it is in general believed that Andrea di Ferrara was a Spanish or Italian artificer, brought over by James IV.or V.to instruct the Scots in the manufacture of sword blades.Most barbarous nations excel in the fabrication of arms; and the Scots had attained great proficiency in forging swords, so early as the field of Pinkie; at which period the historian Patten describes them as ``all notably broad and thin, universally made to slice, and of such exceeding good temper, that as I never saw any so good, so I think it hard to devise better.---(_Account of Somerset's Expedition._)

It may be observed, that the best and most genuine Andrea Ferraras have a crown marked on the blades.

Note Y, p.<? p322>.---Miss Nairne.

The incident here said to have happened to Flora Mac-Ivor, actually befell Miss Nairne, a lady with whom the author had the pleasure of being acquainted.As the Highland army rushed into Edinburgh, Miss Nairne, like other ladies who approved of their cause, stood waving her handkerchief from a balcony, when a ball from a Highlander's musket, which was discharged by accident, grazed her forehead.``Thank God,'' said she, the instant she recovered, ``that the accident happened to me, whose principles are known.Had it befallen a Whig they would have said it was done on purpose.''

Note Z, p.<? p364>.---Prince Charles Edward.