
said Major Melville.

``Some of the people,'' replied Gilfillan, ``hungered and were athirst by the way, and tarried until their poor souls were refreshed with the word.''

``I am sorry, sir,'' replied the Major, ``you did not trust to your refreshing your men at Cairnvreckan; whatever my house contains is at the command of persons employed in the service.''

``It was not of creature comforts I spake,'' answered the Covenanter, regarding Major Melville with something like a smile of contempt; ``howbeit, I thank you; but the people remained waiting upon the precious Mr.Jabesh Rentowel, for the out-pouring of the afternoon exhortation.''

``And have you, sir,'' said the Major, ``when the rebels are about to spread themselves through this country, actually left a great part of your command at a field-preaching!''

Gilfillan again smiled scornfully as he made this indirect answer---``Even thus are the children of this world wiser in their generation than the children of light!''

``However, sir,'' said the Major, ``as you are to take charge of this gentleman to Stirling, and deliver him, with these papers, into the hands of Governor Blakeney, I beseech you to observe some rules of military discipline upon your march.For example, I would advise you to keep your men more closely together, and that each in his march should cover his file leader, instead of straggling like geese upon a common; and for fear of surprise, I further recommend to you to form a small advance-party of your best men, with a single vidette in front of the whole march, so that when you approach a village or a wood''---(Here the Major interrupted himself,)---``But as I don't observe you listen to me, Mr.Gilfillan, I suppose I need not give myself the trouble to say more upon the subject.You are a better judge, unquestionably, than I am, of the measures to be pursued; but one thing I would have you well aware of, that you are to treat this gentleman, your prisoner, with no rigour nor incivility, and are to subject him to no other restraint than is necessary for his security.''

``I have looked into my commission,'' said Mr.Gilfillan, ``subscribed by a worthy and professing nobleman, William, Earl of Glencairn; nor do I find it therein set down that I am to receive any charges or commands anent my doings from Major William Melville of Cairnvreckan.''

Major Melville reddened even to the well-powdered ears which appeared beneath his neat military side-curls, the more so as he observed Mr.Morton smile at the same moment.``Mr.Gilfillan,''

he answered with some asperity, ``I beg ten thousand pardons for interfering with a person of your importance.I thought, however, that as you have been bred a grazier, if I mistake not, there might be occasion to remind you of the difference between Highlanders and Highland cattle; and if you should happen to meet with any gentleman who has seen service, and is disposed to speak upon the subject, I should still imagine that listening to him would do you no sort of harm.But I have done, and have only once more to recommend this gentleman to your civility, as well as to your custody.---Mr.Waverley, I am truly sorry we should part in this way; but I trust when you are again in this country I may have an opportunity to render Cairnvreckan more agreeable than circumstances have permitted on this occasion.''

So saying, he shook our hero by the hand.Morton also took an affectionate farewell; and Waverley, having mounted his horse, with a musketeer leading it by the bridle, and a file upon each side to prevent his escape, set forward upon the march with Gilfillan and his party.Through the little village they were accompanied with the shouts of the children, who cried out, ``Eh! see to the Southland gentleman, that's gaun to be hanged for shooting lang John Mucklewrath the smith!''