
Yet who, in Fortune's summer-shine, To waste life's longest term away, Would change that glorious dawn of thine, Though darkened ere its noontide day.

Be thine the Tree whose dauntless boughs, Brave summer's drought and winter's gloom!

Rome bound with oak her patriots' brows, As Albyn shadows Wogan's tomb.

Whatever might be the real merit of Flora Mac-Ivor's poetry, the enthusiasm which it intimated was well calculated to make a corresponding impression upon her lover.The lines were read---read again---then deposited in Waverley's bosom---then again drawn out, and read line by line, in a low and smothered voice, and with frequent pauses which prolonged the mental treat, as an epicure protracts, by sipping slowly, the enjoyment of a delicious beverage.The entrance of Mrs.Cruickshanks, with the sublunary articles of dinner and wine, hardly interrupted this pantomime of affectionate enthusiasm.

At length the tall ungainly figure and ungracious visage of Ebenezer presented themselves.The upper part of his form, notwithstanding the season required no such defence, was shrouded in a large great-coat, belted over his under habiliments, and crested with a huge cowl of the same stale, which, when drawn over the head and hat, completely overshadowed both, and being buttoned beneath the chin, was called a trot-cozy.

His hand grasped a huge jockey-whip, garnished with brass mounting.His thin legs tenanted a pair of gambadoes, fastened at the sides with rusty clasps.Thus accoutred, he stalked into the midst of the apartment, and announced his errand in brief phrase:---``Yer horses are ready.''

``You go with me yourself then, landlord?''

``I do, as far as Perth; where you may be supplied with a guide to Embro', as your occasions shall require.''

Thus saying, he placed under Waverley's eye the bill which he held in his hand; and at the same time, self-invited, filled a glass of wine, and drank devoutly to a blessing on their journey.Waverley stared at the man's impudence, but, as their connection was to be short, and promised to be convenient, he made no observation upon it; and, having paid his reckoning, expressed his intention to depart immediately.He mounted Dermid accordingly, and sallied forth from the Golden Candlestick, followed by the puritanical figure we have described, after he had, at the expense of some time and difficulty, and by the assistance of a ``louping-on-stane,'' or structure of masonry erected for the traveller's convenience in front of the house, elevated his person to the back of a long-backed, raw-boned, thin-gutted phantom of a broken-down blood-horse, on which Waverley's portmanteau was deposited.Our hero, though not in a very gay humour, could hardly help laughing at the appearance of his new squire, and at imagining the astonishment which his person and equipage would have excited at Waverley-Honour.

Edward's tendency to mirth did not escape mine host of the Candlestick, who, conscious of the cause, infused a double portion of souring into the pharisaical leaven of his countenance, and resolved internally that in one way or other the young Englisher should pay dearly for the contempt with which he seemed to regard him.Callum also stood at the gate, and enjoyed, with undissembled glee, the ridiculous figure of Mr.Cruickshanks.As Waverley passed him he pulled off his hat respectfully, and approaching his stirrup, bade him ``Tak heed the auld Whig deevil played him nae cantrip.''

Waverley once more thanked and bade him farewell, and then rode briskly onward, not sorry to be out of hearing of the shouts of the children, as they beheld old Ebenezer rise and sink in his stirrups, to avoid the concussions occasioned by a hard trot upon a hard-paved street.The village of ------ was soon several miles behind him.