He was as vain as a girl; and perhaps his extreme shyness was one of the results of his extreme vanity.If Miss Rebecca can get the better of him, and at her first entrance into life, she is a young person of no ordinary cleverness.
The first move showed considerable skill.When she called Sedley a very handsome man, she knew that Amelia would tell her mother, who would probably tell Joseph, or who, at any rate, would be pleased by the compliment paid to her son.All mothers are.If you had told Sycorax that her son Caliban was as handsome as Apollo, she would have been pleased, witch as she was.Perhaps, too, Joseph Sedley would overhear the compliment--Rebecca spoke loud enough--and he did hear, and (thinking in his heart that he was a very fine man) the praise thrilled through every fibre of his big body, and made it tingle with pleasure.Then, however, came a recoil."Is the girl making fun of me?" he thought, and straightway he bounced towards the bell, and was for retreating, as we have seen, when his father's jokes and his mother's entreaties caused him to pause and stay where he was.He conducted the young lady down to dinner in a dubious and agitated frame of mind.
"Does she really think I am handsome?" thought he, "or is she only making game of me?" We have talked of Joseph Sedley being as vain as a girl.Heaven help us! the girls have only to turn the tables, and say of one of their own sex, "She is as vain as a man,"and they will have perfect reason.The bearded creatures are quite as eager for praise, quite as finikin over their toilettes, quite as proud of their personal advantages, quite as conscious of their powers of fascination, as any coquette in the world.
Downstairs, then, they went, Joseph very red and blushing, Rebecca very modest, and holding her green eyes downwards.She was dressed in white, with bare shoulders as white as snow--the picture of youth, unprotected innocence, and humble virgin simplicity.
"I must be very quiet," thought Rebecca, "and very much interested about India."Now we have heard how Mrs.Sedley had prepared a fine curry for her son, just as he liked it, and in the course of dinner a portion of this dish was offered to Rebecca."What is it?" said she, turning an appealing look to Mr.Joseph.
"Capital," said he.His mouth was full of it: his face quite red with the delightful exercise of gobbling.
"Mother, it's as good as my own curries in India.""Oh, I must try some, if it is an Indian dish," said Miss Rebecca."I am sure everything must be good that comes from there.""Give Miss Sharp some curry, my dear," said Mr.
Sedley, laughing.
Rebecca had never tasted the dish before.
"Do you find it as good as everything else from India?"said Mr.Sedley.
"Oh, excellent!" said Rebecca, who was suffering tortures with the cayenne pepper.
"Try a chili with it, Miss Sharp," said Joseph, really interested.