It is even so,he said,with a thundering sound of exultation --it is even so,my little dandieprat.But who the devil could teach it thee?Do not thou care about that,said Flibbertigibbet--but--he looked at Wayland and the lady,and then sunk what he had to say in a whisper,which needed not be a loud one,as the giant held him for his convenience close to his ear.The porter then gave Dickie a warm caress,and set him on the ground with the same care which a careful housewife uses in replacing a cracked china cup upon her mantelpiece,calling out at the same time to Wayland and the lady,In with you--in with you!and take heed how you come too late another day when I chance to be porter.Ay,ay,in with you,added Flibbertigibbet;I must stay a short space with mine honest Philistine,my Goliath of Gath here;but I will be with you anon,and at the bottom of all your secrets,were they as deep and dark as the Castle dungeon.I do believe thou wouldst,said Wayland;but I trust the secret will be soon out of my keeping,and then I shall care the less whether thou or any one knows it.They now crossed the entrance tower,which obtained the name of the Gallery-tower,from the following circumstance:The whole bridge,extending from the entrance to another tower on the opposite side of the lake,called Mortimer's Tower,was so disposed as to make a spacious tilt-yard,about one hundred and thirty yards in length,and ten in breadth,strewed with the finest sand,and defended on either side by strong and high palisades.The broad and fair gallery,destined for the ladies who were to witness the feats of chivalry presented on this area,was erected on the northern side of the outer tower,to which it gave name.Our travellers passed slowly along the bridge or tilt-yard,and arrived at Mortimer's Tower,at its farthest extremity,through which the approach led into the outer or base-court of the Castle.Mortimer's Tower bore on its front the scutcheon of the Earl of March,whose daring ambition overthrew the throne of Edward II.,and aspired to share his power with the She-wolf of France,to whom the unhappy monarch was wedded.
The gate,which opened under this ominous memorial,was guarded by many warders in rich liveries;but they offered no opposition to the entrance of the Countess and her guide,who,having passed by license of the principal porter at the Gallery-tower,were not,it may be supposed,liable to interruption from his deputies.They entered accordingly,in silence,the great outward court of the Castle,having then full before them that vast and lordly pile,with all its stately towers,each gate open,as if in sign of unlimited hospitality,and the apartments filled with noble guests of every degree,besides dependants,retainers,domestics of every description,and all the appendages and promoters of mirth and revelry.
Amid this stately and busy scene Wayland halted his horse,and looked upon the lady,as if waiting her commands what was next to be done,since they had safely reached the place of destination.
As she remained silent,Wayland,after waiting a minute or two,ventured to ask her,in direct terms,what were her next commands.She raised her hand to her forehead,as if in the act of collecting her thoughts and resolution,while she answered him in a low and suppressed voice,like the murmurs of one who speaks in a dream--Commands?I may indeed claim right to command,but who is there will obey me!Then suddenly raising her head,like one who has formed a decisive resolution,she addressed a gaily-dressed domestic,who was crossing the court with importance and bustle in his countenance,Stop,sir,she said;I desire to speak with,the Earl of Leicester.With whom,an it please you?said the man,surprised at the demand;and then looking upon the mean equipage of her who used towards him such a tone of authority,he added,with insolence,Why,what Bess of Bedlam is this would ask to see my lord on such a day as the present?Friend,said the Countess,be not insolent--my business with the Earl is most urgent.You must get some one else to do it,were it thrice as urgent,said the fellow.I should summon my lord from the Queen's royal presence to do YOUR business,should I?--I were like to be thanked with a horse-whip.I marvel our old porter took not measure of such ware with his club,instead of giving them passage;but his brain is addled with getting his speech by heart.Two or three persons stopped,attracted by the fleering way in which the serving-man expressed himself;and Wayland,alarmed both for himself and the lady,hastily addressed himself to one who appeared the most civil,and thrusting a piece of money into his hand,held a moment's counsel with him on the subject of finding a place of temporary retreat for the lady.The person to whom he spoke,being one in some authority,rebuked the others for their incivility,and commanding one fellow to take care of the strangers'horses,he desired them to follow him.The Countess retained presence of mind sufficient to see that it was absolutely necessary she should comply with his request;and leaving the rude lackeys and grooms to crack their brutal jests about light heads,light heels,and so forth,Wayland and she followed in silence the deputy-usher,who undertook to be their conductor.
They entered the inner court of the Castle by the great gateway,which extended betwixt the principal Keep,or Donjon,called Caesar's Tower,and a stately building which passed by the name of King Henry's Lodging,and were thus placed in the centre of the noble pile,which presented on its different fronts magnificent specimens of every species of castellated architecture,from the Conquest to the reign of Elizabeth,with the appropriate style and ornaments of each.