

You won't have to batter others down to get where you want to go; you won't have to climb over their dead bodies; you won't have to doublecross your friends and business associates; you won't have to reach your goal through connivance and pretense and deceit.You'll get there with your head up and your feet firmly on the ground.And what you have been able to do once,you'll know how to do again and again—and do better each time.

This is what the creative power of mind,working in and through you,can and will do for you.As you progress,you will find that you'll wish to do charitable things,good things,for other people; performing services,little acts of kindness and thoughtfulness,going an extra mile or two to help the other fellow when you can,in appreciation of what has been done for you.As and when you do this,you'll observe that your friendly acts will bring about a willingness in the other fellow to do something for you.There is nothing selfish about this—it's just a matter of cause and effect.

Andre Ampbre knew the law.He called it the law of attraction as applied to electrical magnetism: "Parallel currents in the same direction attract one another."Simple,isn't it? And when you are out of tune and antagonistic,you put others out of tune and make them antagonistic because: "Parallel currents in opposite directions repel one another." It's the old,old,true story,boiled down to three big little words: "Like begets like!"

When you perform a service you will be paid huge dividends.There is no mystery about it,it's just so!

Tap-tap-tap! Start doing what you've been told to do,over and over again,until your technique of right thinking is perfected.

There is strength in teamwork.Get others in on this kind of thinking with you! The esprit de corps pounded into those of us who were in the Army in the First World War made the American forces what they were.This same spirit is responsible for the terrific job our boys did in the Second World War; and inspired teamwork in any battle will provide the enthusiasm,the confidence and the determination to move always forward.

If you accept what I am telling you in the spirit in which it is given,and put it into execution,you will be unbeatable.And by getting in tune and getting others on the track,the world is yours!

"When Fear rules the will,nothing can be done,but when a man casts Fear out of his mind,the world becomes his oyster.

"To lose a bit of money is nothing,but to lose hope—to lose nerve and ambition—that is what makes men cripples."

Herbert N.Casson

Charles M.Schwab once said: "Many of us think of salesmen as people traveling around with sample kits Instead,we are all salesmen,every day of our lives We are selling our ideas,our plans,our energies,our enthusiasm to those with whom we come in contact."

So it is with every endeavor,and especially is this true of selling commodities,because there you must contact people.

And when I say "contact," I mean contacting them face-to-face.The day of order-taking is once more disappearing.It never really was here ...because there is no substitute for seeing prospects face-to-face.But even more so in the days to come,the only persons who will achieve outstanding success will be those who get out and "beat the bushes" and meet the people.The others will sink.

You cannot get around this fundamental law,"the survival of the fittest." Therefore forget about order-taking,and keep in mind that the only way you can close a sale is to make the prospect think as you think! The best way will always be face-to-face contact.You have got to be in his presence,you have got to see his reactions—"the old law of cause and effect"—and you have got to adapt yourself to the conditions as they confront you with the individual prospect.

If you are intent on making a sale(and you must be if you are going to succeed) keep in mind my theme.The subconscious mind will be giving you ideas,hunches,inspirations,a perfect flood of them,which will guide you correctly.They will point out the way to get into a busy man's presence—into the privacy of his very self; and,when you get there,to stand on both feet.

Be alert.Make your prospect feel your personality—Know what you are talking about.Be enthusiastic.Don't quail!

You are just as good as he is,and besides you may have something which he hasn't,and that is utmost confidence,utmost faith in the article you are selling.On the other hand,if he is a success,he also has personality.Therefore,be sure to put the contact on a fifty-fifty basis.Do not belittle him: do not let him belittle you.Meet on common ground.Make him like you,and when he likes you and you him,success is on its way.Hold in mind from the start that you are going to sell him.…You are going to sell him!

Your main,over-all theme in life,of course,is: "I am going to succeed in everything I undertake! ...I am going to succeed in everything I undertake!"(Repetition,reiteration.Tap-tap-tap! Always tapping,pushing forward.Repeating,repeating—seeing yourself doing it,over and over—visualizing,"I can! ..." "I will…" "I believe it—and it is so!")

Get your friends interested.Form study groups.Exchange experiences.Discuss your failures.Find out what mistakes you made.Pick up the pieces and try again.Criticize each other.Determine why certain plans didn't work out.Share the news and the joy of your successes! Conduct experiments in telepathy,in developing your powers of visualization,concentration,intuition.Demonstrate the value of TNT to your friends,family and business associates as their interest in this power develops.

With a nucleus of interest in T N T eventually established in each community,with large numbers of men and women studying and applying the power of right thinking ...great changes will begin to take place in the minds and hearts of people and the world!