

Suggestion! Your subconscious is instantly reactive to everything that happens to you in your outer world,if you accept it with your conscious mind.Never forget: whatever you take in,your mental pictures of experiences,is stored in your subconscious.That's why I have warned you,again and again,to beware of using your T N T the wrong way.Learn to control your wrong reaction to the things that happen to you.Don't keep on passing in to your subconscious mind fear and worry thoughts about conditions and circumstances around you.If you do,you are simply ordering that power within to keep on attracting this kind of things to you,because that is all you are picturing for it.You are creating the pattern,over and over,of what has already happened,by so doing.Your subconscious is infallible in its following of whatever instructions you give it with your conscious mind.It possesses an intelligent awareness,but it has no reasoning power.This is possessed alone by your conscious mind.So don't depend on your subconscious to do your thinking for you.It can perceive for you,if you direct it so to do,and bring you knowledge of things you need to know about,or put you in touch with sources for such knowledge ...but it is subservient,at all times,to your desires,your decisions,your free-will choices.

You say,"think the other fellow is a nice,decent man and he will become friendly." But suppose you know definitely he is scoundrel and a blackguard.Do you recommend one should still deceive himself in such a case?

I certainly do not recommend self-deception.If you know a certain person is "no good," as you imply,and not worthy of trust,you should,of course,be on your guard in any relations or contacts with him.Too often,however,individuals have made mistakes of a social or personal or criminal nature and have been so condemned by a self-righteous society that they are not permitted to make atonement for these mistakes.We expect ill from them and we get what we expect.Defensively and defiantly,these people show us their worst sides because we bring this worst side out by our own attitudes.It never hurts to give any individual the "benefit of the doubt," to appeal to his or her "best side," to give him credit for the good you see in him.Since like always attracts like,if a person feels that you are sincere,if you demonstrate your faith in him—it is more than likely he will attempt to justify this faith by returning good to you.Picture yourself being protected from the wrong thinking or wrong doings of others.Don't let yourself fear that others will take advantage of you,because this very fear will make you susceptible.Many times people have said to me,"I can't understand what you see in So-and-So" or "How can you get along with So-and-So?" It's simply because I look for the good,while these other people put up barriers which are resented.Consequently,they awaken wrong reactions in individuals who would treat them differently if they,themselves,were treated differently.Even a dog can instinctively tell how you really feel about him,however much you pretend otherwise.Wouldn't you treat human beings better than dogs? If we deny others a chance to make a come-back,what hope is there for us?

I believe you said,somewhere,that a person with a workable idea,and thoroughly convinced of its soundness,seldom has any difficulty in getting money to finance it,And yet,how many inventors,deeply convinced of the value of their inventions,have died in the poorhouse?

I have decried and denounced the unwillingness of many scientists and other intelligent people to accept or even consider new ideas.With regard to telepathy,I have stated that practically all the great electrical scientists—including Edison,Steinmetz,Tesla and Marconi—were greatly interested in telepathy.So was Dr.Alexis Carrel,who believed in it and declared that a study should be made of it by scientific men,just as physiological phenomena are studied.But despite this interest and the investigations of scientists like Dr.J.B.Rhine at Duke University,the London Society for Psychical Research,the American Society and others,which have produced a mountain of evidence,there are still scientists who belittle this work.They do not wish to consider any idea which might upset their already established theories.It is this "closed mind" attitude which the average inventor encounters.An inventor is often a quiet,introspective individual who has had not too much experience in facing the world.He can visualize what he desires to invent with faith and confidence that the creative power within will help produce it for him,but he cannot visualize,with equal faith and confidence,gaining recognition and resources for his invention.This,to him,is a different world.He submits his invention to a few prospects,and if he is rebuffed he often becomes discouraged,even despondent,and pictures failure.