

In some way that we still cannot comprehend,Ann Davies' picturization of her dog Tzaddi's mouth,as it had been before this growth appeared,reached the creative power within the consciousness of the dog and so activated it that an instantaneous healing took place!

This opens up a new field of speculation! Is it possible,because dogs have not been taught to speak,have not had their dog minds filled with words to which certain meanings have been given,that dogs or other animals,so treated,would respond more quickly and effectively than humans?

Remember,I have emphasized that we do not think in words.We think in pictures! The universal language is feeling because feeling can be communicated without words ...it is extrasensory!

Certainly something happened,something definite,in answer to the picture Ann Davies held in her own mind.And what has happened once can happen again and again,when the same creative law is understood and applied to human beings as well as to animals.

Actually,I believe man is related to all forms of life,divided only by the body form he indwells.Some day man will develop the intelligence to communicate,understandably,with different forms of life,not through language,but through feeling!

Who knows? Perhaps the power of love united with the creative power and performed the healing.Intelligence operates in matter and upon matter but is not matter.This must really be the explanation.Mind is the basic ruler,and when mind takes charge,everything seemingly material must alter its form as mind directs! The magnet and the iron filings again!

There is a gold mine of health in this chapter.Get busy—and dig it out!


You've heard,all your life,about the power of suggestion: how easy it is to make a person ill by constantly suggesting to him that he doesn't look well.If enough people conspire to do this,the average individual can't take it.He actually gets sick.

The monotonous,persistent mental review of his crime often makes a lawbreaker confess.As a newspaperman,I have been in on many "third-degree sessions." I have seen detectives and prosecutors corner a single individual and shoot questions at him until his face was bathed in perspiration and he was nervous and jittery.It is the deadly repetition,the reiteration,the tap,tap,tap,through the power of suggestion which brings confessions.

A good salesman uses the power of suggestion all the time.A sale is effected by getting a prospect to think as you do; and unless you believe that the thing you are selling is good,then obviously you can't make the other fellow believe it.

That is just plain common sense.So for those of you who may be selling,keep in mind what I have previously said about knowing your article and selling yourself—that is 99 per cent of the success of selling; the other1 per cent is leg work contacting the prospect.

You should realize that the bending of other people to your will or getting them to do as you wish is simply having them think as you think,and that is very easy.At least,it always seems easy when you learn how it is done.

Elmer Gowing of Marion,Indiana,was the greatest salesman of "anything" I have ever met in my life.It didn't make any difference what the product or project or idea was ...Elmer could sell it.A civic club would put on a drive of some kind which would be bogging down because its members couldn't sell it to the community."Send for Elmer!" someone would cry,and this long,lanky,homely,good-natured middle-aged man would be summoned.He would listen to the merits of the project and would leave saying,"Is that all there is to it? Why don't you give me something difficult?" Then Elmer would disappear,and in a few hours show up with enough backers of the project to put it over.How he did it was Elmer's secret.

One day the Junior Chamber of Commerce was putting on a home-talent show.Tickets had been printed up late,and the local publicity on the event had not been very good,with the consequence that by late afternoon of the day before the performance very few tickets had been bought.

"Where's Elmer?" demanded the J.C,President."Looks as if he's our only salvation—and I doubt if even Elmer can pull us out this time!"

The power of suggestion

Elmer was called in and given a packet of five hundred tickets,priced at a dollar apiece.

"Can you sell all these by tomorrow night?" he was asked.

Elmer looked at the bundle and then looked off into space."I can," he said,"if you'll arrange with my boss for me to take off from work." The head of the insurance company who employed Elmer gave his consent.At four—thirty the next day,Elmer walked into the offices of the Junior Chamber of Commerce,his pockets bulging with bills and checks."Looks as if you're going to have a full house tonight," he grinned."They're all gone—and I could have sold more!"

This was too much for me.I had to get hold of Elmer's secret,so I went to see him."How about having lunch with me tomorrow at the Spencer House?" said I."I'll buy you the best meal in town,in return for the low-down on your selling power.Is it a deal?"

"It's so simple," said Elmer,"I'd be cheating you—but I like to eat."

The next day,as soon as we had finished lunch,I eyed Elmer,expectantly."All right,Elmer," I appealed." I've kept my end of the bargain.Give!"

In place of answering me,Elmer was playing with the table knife.He picked it up and examined it.

"I hadn't noticed before," he observed,"but this is uncommonly good silverware for a hotel to be using.I could be wrong,but it looks like Gorham.Distinctive design.Wonder if the hotel bought it at an auction? I'll have to ask Manager Thornburg next time I see him." He handed the knife to me."Notice how light it is ...real sterling,too ...this stuff is really high grade...."

I took the knife,a bit annoyed at this diversion because I was eager for Elmer to get on with his sales tip.