

How much do you know about your subconscious mind? Do you know it's the most remarkable mechanism in the universe? Perhaps "mechanism" isn't the right word: but you've got to call it something.It operates with the precision of a watch if you properly direct it.If you had a servant who trusted you implicitly and followed your every order right down to the minutest detail,brought you everything you thought you wanted,whether it was good or bad for you—you would have a small sample of what your subconscious does.

It stores away for your future use all the mental pictures and feelings of experiences you have had.How you feel about anybody or anything is filed in your subconscious.Your fears and worries and hates and prejudices are all there ...along with your good thoughts.When you think good thoughts,you tune in on other good thoughts of the same nature that are already on file.If you like somebody today and nothing happens to change this regard,you will like him more tomorrow,because each day's feelings about that person is added to the feelings of day before.Repetition is a tremendous force.

Start doing things a certain way,and you'll keep on doing them that way unless you change your mind or something happens to make you act differently.You form a groove in your mind like the groove in a phonograph record—but the groove doesn't have to stay that way.You can make a new groove any time you wish,because you are a creature of free will and free choice and your subconscious mind is always controlled and directed by your conscious desires and decisions.

Your subconscious is a vast reservoir of knowledge which you have acquired through past experience and education and reflective thinking.It also possesses knowledge that it brings to you through your intuitive faculties,your extrasensory organs,because a part of your subconscious is not limited by time or space.It is a powerhouse of energy which reaches out into the universe around you and brings you an awareness of things that could never get through your conscious mind alone.Just how your subconscious does all this no one knows,but scientists are gathering plenty of proof that you are a powerful sending and receiving station with what amounts to a universal hookup.You can be put in contact with just about anybody or anything you want.Of course,not many of us are developed to the point that we can direct these higher powers so as to communicate consciously with the physical,mental,psychic and,according to many investigators,spiritual worlds,past,present and future ...but we are told this will,one day,be possible!

Your body is a reflector of your thought!

Your subconscious is the one part of you that never sleeps.If it ever lay down on the job your body would stop functioning,for it contains that miraculous intelligence which keeps your heart beating,your lungs breathing,your stomach digesting whatever you eat(and don't think that doesn't take some real doing,at times!).Every organ of your body,including the functioning of your five physical senses,is regulated by your subconscious,and if you don't interfere with its control by throwing a monkey wrench into your subconscious machinery in the form of fear or worry,your heart never skips a beat,you breathe without thinking about it,and you never know that your stomach is digesting your food.But start getting upset about something,making your body tense— and watch your heart start to palpitate,notice how your breath gets short,and you don't feel like eating because your stomach is tied in a knot.Maybe you even get sick at your stomach.This ought to teach you to take care of your thinking and let your subconscious take care of your body.If you tell your subconscious that you are upset,your subconscious has to tell your body the same thing,because your body—the house you live in—is just a reflection of your thought.You can't say that you feel bad,and feel good.

Give your subconscious mind a problem to work on just before you go to sleep.Have faith that this higher intelligence within you can and will solve this problem.Forget about it,and in the morning,as like as not,you'll wake up with the answer or know what to do to get the answer.The more you practice giving your subconscious jobs to do,the more it will carry the ball for you.It's the most willing servant you will ever have! It doesn't mind how much you pile on the work,how many problems you hand it,how many desires or goals you are carrying in consciousness at one time.Remember: your subconscious is not limited in its operation,except as you limit it by your limited thinking.

This amazing subconscious possesses a power that,for want of any better way to describe it,is magnetic.It seems to magnetize conditions around you the moment you give it a clear picture of what you desire.And it commences attracting everything you need,even the people you need to meet,to help you get what you are after.Things start happening so naturally that you often don't realize your subconscious mind is doing it for you.It is using all of its powers—on the physical,mental and spiritual levels of your life—and focusing these powers on your objective.

You can't fail if you properly instruct your subconscious and maintain your faith in the wonder-working God Power within.But the most mysterious of all your subconscious workings is what science calls its "extra-sensory faculties."

What you need to know about extra-sensory perception!

Your are familiar,I suppose,with the exhaustive experiments along parapsychological lines which Dr.J.B.Rhine and his staff at Duke University have conducted and are still carrying out.A little briefing on his work will be of value.