

It is inconceivable that you will accept a further injection of "I won't!"—but you might,if you still hold hatred and resentment in your mind and heart,if you are sore at the world or at society and still want to prove that no power in heaven or on earth can or will help you!

A fixed idea is not easy to blast out of consciousness,but "I will" is the power that can do it! If you have gotten into the habit of "enjoying the worst," this habit will resist eviction to the last! You'll have to be hardboiled,ruthless with yourself and your past faults and weaknesses.Don't let self-pity take possession of you or any self-defensive feelings.If you do,"I can't" and "I won't" will remain in control.They will oppose "I will!” as long as they can,because they know they're through when "I will" moves in!

How about it? Have you joined the ranks of the "I will-ers?" If you have,don't ever again look back upon your "I won't" days.You have a new,ever-widening road ahead,filled with eager,joyous,progressing individuals who have added,"I can" to "I will," and are reaching objectives in their lives they never dared dream of before!

Say to yourself right now: "I will! I will! I will! I will! "Doesn't it do something to you—inside? Doesn't it lift your spirits,give you new hope,new ambition,new determination,new self-confidence?

Say,“I will!" and believe it—and you are on your way out of all past difficulties—forever!


All of us are prone to calculate and weigh things,permitting the negative side to creep to the fore,and our thoughts evidence themselves in such remarks as "It can't be done"; I 'm afraid"; "What will happen if I do it? '"People won't understand"; "It isn't worth the effort"; "I haven't the time" and similar verbal alibis.If you haven't expressed these thoughts to yourself,then others have to you,and,through the power of suggestion,you have accepted them as your own conclusions.

It takes an affirmative type to make progress,and you should know,by now,how to develop yourself into the affirmative type.

The negative type is sunk before he starts.Nature takes care of these situations through the old law of the survival of the fittest.We know what happened in the days of ancient Sparta when children were put on their own as babies,and only those who survived were given further chance.

A negative type is a quitter; or,putting it another way,a quitter is a negative type.There is no point to going around hitting everybody on the nose,just to start something.Just the same,it's poor business to let yourself be put on the defensive in everything you attempt to do in life,as that is a negative sign.

The person who won't be licked,can't be licked.

If you are taken unawares and suddenly put on the defensive,snap out of it.Take the offensive as soon as you can,because if you remain on the defensive,you are beaten.

One of your greatest enemies in life will always be fear.This is what makes many people negative,what keeps them from assuming and maintaining a positive attitude.Fear is the Great Destroyer.Give fear command of your life and you will be powerless to achieve anything worth while.

Some 3,500 years ago,Job said:

For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me,and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.

Certainly they came upon him because he,in his fears,pictured these things ...he used the immutable law to attract them.Just as you bring the good things which you want into reality by holding the positive thoughts constant,so do you bring the bad things—those which you fear—by holding the worry,the negative thoughts constant.

If you have read this far,then you must realize that when you look after your thoughts,your thoughts will look after you! This being true,which will it be-grief,trouble,ill health,worry,failure—or health,wealth,happiness,success? It's entirely up to you.No power on this earth but you can direct your thoughts,and the way you use your will to keep your thoughts positive is a matter solely under your control.

Our late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt made one terrific statement when he said: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!"'

He knew whereof he spoke,and millions of people who heard him make this statement knew that he knew because they had only to check the effect of fear in their own lives to realize that fear itself was even worse than the things feared!

It is often easier to face something you have feared than it is to anticipate the facing of it,because your imagination usually exaggerates,through fear,what you are afraid may happen to you.

Many people are ashamed when they finally meet a situation they had feared,only to find it isn't nearly as bad or difficult as they had thought it would be.

Eliminate your fear pictures

You should always remember that since you think in pictures,every wrong picture which enters your consciousness,with intense feelings of fear behind it,is like a seed which takes root in mind and,eventually,reproduces similar happenings in your life.

To protect yourself from the increasing effect of wrong emotional reactions,or your occurring and recurring fears,you must acquire the ability to control your feelings.You are still,more or less,a victim of fear and worry if you catch yourself expressing your feelings and apprehensions like this:

“I'm so worried,I can't think straight."

“I've a feeling that nothing I try to do will turn out right."

‘‘I've lost faith in myself—and in God."

“I'm so nervous and tense,I haven't slept for weeks."

‘‘I can't get over what happened to me."

“I know better but I can't help burning myself up with hate and resentment and fear."

“I've lost all interest in living—I'd put myself out of the way if I weren't afraid to do it."

"The doctor says if I don't learn to control my fears and worries,I'll kill myself."

Does this sound like you or like remarks you have made? If it does,it's time you were getting busy and eliminating this negative,defeatist attitude.