

All you have to do is to maintain the faith that help will come to you at the time you need it most.Such an attitude of mind will free the God-given creative power of any and all self-imposed limitations and enable it to provide you with the aid and direction you must have to meet your particular crisis.

Bill Toles didn't question that God knew His business when he kept repeating,with faith,"Please God-let me be rescued." He knew—he believed—and so it was!

Cast aside your doubts forever because:

If you believe it—it's so!


If you haven't the desire,by this time,to improve your own individual position in life,you had better stop reading right now and burn this.But if you are fired with new resolution to get somewhere—then I can assure you that you are on your way to progress.

Some types of individuals will read a book like this(as they have read The Magic of Believing and similar books) with mental chips on their shoulders.Many of them have had a smattering of every kind of ism; they have delved into occult subjects,Hindu philosophies; they have tried to spiritualize through faddish diets,all forms of self-denial,sublimation of sex,and so on; they have exposed themselves to "practical psychology," Unity,Astrology.They know all there is to be known,and still nothing has helped them.

Such people write in to say,not without some bitterness: "I have had very little results from my study of metaphysics,through no fault of mine,for I am conceded to be a good student,an intelligent person,and I understand the principles of metaphysics perfectly.I am very sorry to report,and so disappointed,too,that I am not getting any results from the methods outlined in your book…."

Now these are no words of mine; this is a direct quotation from one of a number of letters I have received from well-meaning men and women who have gone from one book and religion and philosophy and ism and metaphysical practice to another,sampling here and sampling there,to prove to themselves that nothing will work for them! They want help desperately,but their mental and emotional attitude is such that they won't let themselves receive help.They are intellectually superior to everything they study; they are telling themselves "this won't work for me" even while they are reading about a suggestion or a technique of thinking that has accomplished wonders for thousands of others.These people are the perfectionists who are looking for the faults,the inconsistencies,the fallacies in everything,rather than for constructive and confirming points of agreement which can be applied to the solving of problems and correcting of unhappy conditions in their own lives.Subconsciously,something has happened to these men and women which has caused them to want to remain "problem children" to themselves and others.It is a way of getting attention, indulging their self-pity,getting even with a parent or someone else whom they feel has not treated them right or done enough for them.To salve their conscience for their inability to meet life as they should,they keep on studying metaphysics so they can continue to prove that they can't be helped "no matter how much they try."

One woman of this type confessed to me: "I've been dealt one severe blow after another.I have always strived constantly to improve conditions in my life through metaphysics and prayer but without success.I can get conditions to start changing for the better and it will appear as though things are going to come right for me and that I will have happiness,but something always happens and my life pattern swings around back into the same old tragic,monotonous,nonsensical way,only it's worse each time.By now trouble,tragedy,unhappiness and loneliness have gotten to be a fixed idea in my consciousness,which I cannot break,try as I may!"

Of course it is difficult to see ourselves as others see us,to get an outside perspective,an impersonal evaluation of what we are doing to ourselves through our wrong thinking,that has been contributing to the unhappy conditions we continue to attract.

This same woman went on to say to me,"It's not true,your statement that 'a person should always do something for the other fellow,for it pays dividends.' Since a child,I have been doing good deeds for others but no one has ever done anything for me.People have come into my life under the guise of friends,accepting and taking advantage of my hospitality and generosity.Practically all of these so-called friends turned out to be merely spongers and bums.There is far more truth in the old saying,'People will ride a free horse to death' than in the Bible verse,'Cast your bread on the waters,and after many days it shall return unto you.' I have been casting my bread on the waters all my life and it has not returned to me yet.Evidently someone else grabs it before it gets back to me."

Do you detect that "mental chip" on her shoulder?You cannot do a calculated good deed for another person,expecting something in return.This is not free-spirited giving.Nor can you help others who do not want help.They will resent it,and rightfully.When people insist on being nice to you,for no apparent reason,it makes you suspicious.You say to yourself,"Why are they going out of their way to do these things? Why are they trying to place me under obligation? What are they getting ready to request of me in exchange?"

You've heard many men and women say,"After all I've done for so-and-so,can you imagine this person treating me the way he has?"

There are times when friends and relatives selfishly or designedly take advantage of us,but there are also times when we mistakenly expect too much,when we get paid back in the kind of coin we give out.