

I was in the office of Johnny Neblett,a radio commentator,one time in Chicago,when an attractive young woman came in,unannounced,and said to him: "Well,here I am.You've been calling to me and I have come.What do you want with me?"

Mr.Neblett stared at the young woman in amazement,then decided that this was a "gag" of some kind,and laughed.

"This is no laughing matter," said the woman,highly incensed."I can't sleep nights ...you're always talking to me.I hear your voice all the time.You've got to stop it.You're driving me crazy!"

This sobered Johnny in a hurry and he turned nervously to me for help.

"This man is a psychologist," he said,introducing me to the woman."I haven't been calling you or talking to you.I never saw you before.I'm sure it's all in your mind.He can explain it to you."

Just as easy as that! I was handed some assignment.This young woman,quite obviously,was emotionally unbalanced and had developed a fixation on the commentator from listening to him on the radio.Something in his voice appealed to her,aroused her emotionally,and she had mesmerized herself into thinking she heard his voice "inside her head," as she put it.

"If I'm thinking of him all the time I might as well be with him," she insisted."He's lying.He really wants me.He has attracted me telepathically.He doesn't need to have seen me before.His mind is so strong that he can reach me and make me do what he wants."

It took several hours to convince this woman that the voice she thought she heard was a creation of her own emotionally disturbed consciousness.During this time she had accused the commentator of having designs upon her and demanded that he "release" her.

When she was finally straightened out and left,considerably embarrassed,apologizing for the trouble she had caused,and thanking me for freeing her from her delusion,my commentator friend almost had a nervous collapse himself.

"One more case like that," he said,"and I give up radio!"

I cite this experience to make it very,very clear that the "voice within" has no connection whatsoever with this kind of voice.It is not a voice,actually,in the external sense of the word.It is an intelligence,a sudden idea or knowledge or intuitive flash which communicates with you from the subconscious and gives you an urge,a definite feeling of what to do or say or in what direction to move with respect to some problem or situation.

You can,with a little practice and training,always distinguish a hunch or the "voice within" from the way you feel when your imagination or your wishful thinking tries to cook up something for you.This difference in feeling cannot be put in words,but you'll recognize it.You won't let yourself be carried away with the wrong impressions.You'll know,deep down within yourself,when the real you is talking to you,from the center of your being ...the creative center.

Then,like Gandhi,you will act,with confidence,in meeting any life experience as it should be met,saying to yourself: "I am doing this because a voice within me speaks."


There is no wore miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision.


There can be no gainsaying that once you have made up your mind to do a thing,it will be done.But the trouble with most of us is that we sidestep,vacillate,backtrack,detour and seldom make up our minds to do what we want or determine clearly the road on which we wish to travel.

All daydreams and wishes could become realities if we kept them constantly before us,put fear behind,shoved away all reservations,ifs,ands and buts.Again,many of us think we know what we want when,as a matter of fact,we don't.This sounds paradoxical,but if we all knew what we wanted,we would get it,provided we had the will power,the stamina,the dynamic force,the fight to go after it.

The world is divided into two classes of people: the "I Will-ers" and the "Should-I-or-Shouldn't-I-ers"; and this latter class includes the great majority of men and women.

How many times have you said to yourself: "Should I or shouldn't I?" More human lives have been wrecked on the shoals of indecision than from any other cause.

"That something"—the creative power within-cannot magnetically attract things to you unless it is magnetized by your decision.A magnet cannot attract in two directions at once.Its magnetic force must be centered upon some definite object.You can demonstrate this by passing a magnet over a pile of iron filings.When you point the magnetized end of the magnet at any specific place in the pile,the iron filings are drawn instantly to it.Move the magnet away from this section and its power diminishes in proportion to the distance and direction.

When you are pulling against yourself,mentally and emotionally,you are confusing,stalemating and even destroying your magnetic powers of attraction,for the time being.

An unsettled condition of mind and body can only attract unsettled conditions.It has no power to attract anything else.

The great lament of thousands upon thousands of human beings is: "I can't make up my mind!" This is one of the saddest dirges ever to rise from human hearts because it sounds the death knell of hope,ambition,self-confidence,initiative,accomplishment.

As long as you can't make up your mind you are comparatively helpless,unable to move in any direction with assurance or with any feeling of safety and security.

"My mind is like an unmade bed," one woman said to me,"it's all in a jumble.I'm afraid to make it up——I'm afraid to touch it—for fear I'll make it even worse.I guess I'll just leave it as it is!"

Do you wish to remain where you now are? If you do,just don't make up your mind! Unless you change your thinking,you will stay in whatever position you find yourself.Either that,or you will sink to a lower position because nothing stands still in life.It moves either up or down.Metal rusts if nothing is done to keep it polished and free of disintegrating forces.