

Picture whatever you desire as though it has already been achieved in mind.See yourself having something,being something,or doing something as an accomplished fact.Don't try to picture the individual steps that you think you should take to get where you want to go.Your conscious mind is so limited in its operation—limited by your five physical senses—that it cannot know what is the best move for you to make or the best direction to take.But your subconscious mind,"that something" within,is not limited by time or space.It can function on all levels and in all directions at once,and put you in touch with all manner of opportunities and people that you do not even know of,consciously,as yet.

Whatever you need to fit into the pattern of achievement that you have pictured,will be attracted to you by the power within if you persist in your visualizing,day after day,and put forth every effort in support of your heartfelt desire.

This is the simple technique to follow.It will produce infallible results,in due course of time,if you master the art of picturization.

But I should make clear that there are two types of minds,the visualizing type and the feeling type! If you find it difficult to create a picture in your mind's eye of what you want in life,don't strain in an attempt to do it.You are probably the feeling type ...and all you then have to do is to concentrate on an imaginary focal point in the dark room of your inner mind and let yourself feel that what you desire has been accomplished in consciousness—that all that remains is for it to be materialized by the magnetic creative power in your outer world.You will get the same results as those who find it easy to visualize.

You must know how to relax!

Of course,it should go without saying that before you can concentrate upon what you desire,you have to know how to relax your physical body and make your conscious mind passive.

Can you relax? Can you let go of your body with your mind so that it loses all tenseness,so that you can become "un-self-conscious" of your body while you are meditating or visualizing?

Many men and women have told me that they have great difficulty becoming "still" in body and in mind.They feel a tightness in the back of the neck,across the eyes,in the solar plexus—in one or all of these places.They say they hadn't realized how tense and nervous they really are until they had tried to become quiet,physically and mentally.Some tell me that their conscious mind is filled with all sorts of fragmentary fears and worries and jumbled thoughts,that they just can't make it a blank and get ready to picture what they really want.

Well,I don't wonder.So many of us live such hectic every-day lives.We've formed such bad habits in our thinking,and few of us have attained any dependable emotional control.All sorts of little things upset us and we carry these upsets around with us all day.They are still with us at night when we try to relax and do some constructive thinking for a change.The result is that when we do quiet down,we are even more conscious of the disturbances of the day which dramatize themselves in the forefront of our minds.

How can we get rid of them? That's a $64.oo question! It's worth a lot more than that to you,if you can get the answer.You've got to get the answer if you are ever to picture clearly and confidently your objectives in mind.

Have you ever heard that it is impossible to have any more than one thought in your conscious mind at one time? It's true! At any given moment,you can be conscious of but one thought.The secret of concentration is fixing the attention of the conscious mind upon an imagined focal point in consciousness—such as a mental screen.Visualize that screen as stretched across the dark room of your inner mind,and as long as you hold your attention on it,other stray thoughts and fears and worries can't chase across that screen.

Project your own picture!

Take your time,quietly,relaxedly,ana throw your own mental picture on that screen.Don't try to hold it too long.The instant you feel that the creative power within has received this picture,say to yourself,"It is finished...it has been created"—whatever you feel like saying which adds conviction to your visualization or your feelings,and let go.

If you took a picture with a camera,you wouldn't keep opening up the camera and looking at the negative to see if the picture was developed,would you? Have faith that the creative power— "that something" within—will do the developing for you.Go about your life activities with the happy expectation that what you have pictured is in the process of materialization.But repeat the picturization every day,several times a day,and at night before retiring,until what you have pictured or felt yourself having achieved in mind has become a fact in real life.

Now,the question is,how do you go to work to help make what you have pictured come true? You can't just sit around,expecting this creative power to do the whole job for you.The best way to prove to the creative power within that you mean business is to go to work on your own and do everything you can toward the reaching of your objective.Sometimes you won't reach the objective you think you are aiming at—but will accomplish something even better.

Bill McDaniel was one of New York City's finest insurance salesmen.He believed in the higher powers of mind and attributed his success to his developed use of them.He operated in the absolute faith that when he pictured a sale of a policy or an annuity as accomplished in mind,it was all but wrapped up.However,he didn't indulge in any wishful thinking or pollyannish affirmations.He did plenty of leg work,made the personal contacts and set the stage for the consummation of each deal.There were times when his intuition told him he shouldn't press,that he should sit tight and wait till he had the hunch to move in for the kill.