

When you get to know yourself,you can develop this same intensity of purpose,this determination to get ahead.And,shortly,this determination will show in your eyes,your speech,your actions.

You have heard people say that a certain person has a penetrating gaze,that he looks right through one.What is it? Nothing more than that fire from within—intensity—or whatever you wish to call it,which means that the person who has that gaze usually gets what he wants,He compels,commands,attracts.

Remember,the eyes are the windows of the soul.Look at the photographs of successful men.Study their eyes and you will find that every one of them has that intensity.Therefore,I say,let it be reflected in the way you walk,in the way you carry yourself,and it will not be long before people will feel your presence when you walk through a crowd—and an individual prospect will feel that personality when you talk with him.

To my way of thinking,selling bonds,books,clothes,insurance,electric service,washing machines,is no different from selling any other commodity ...selling yourself or selling ideas.I have found that in trying to put over an idea,first I have had to believe in myself,then in the idea and my ability to sell both myself and the idea! I have also found that you have got to know what you are talking about and only hard,personal,persistent,intelligent study will enable you to do this.

How much do you know about yourself,about others,and the world you live in? The kind of personality you are expressing depends upon this knowledge.You can't express yourself with ease and assurance and authority unless you possess an awareness of self,of others and of the world!

Awaken! Know what is going on about you!

Get understanding!

You can develop and expand your personality by keeping step with the world's affairs.Keep informed.Find out all you can that is of interest about the people you have met or are to meet,so you'll have much more in common to talk about.You never know what a new friend or prospect may be interested in,and it's sometimes necessary to get his attention or your "break" through entirely irrelevant subjects.You can't always start a conversation about the weather or your aches and pains.Read the newspapers,current periodicals,listen to important radio newscasts and television commentators.Use your eyes and ears.Be sure you're up-to-date.I don't mean to cover every detail of a murder or a suicide,but get a digest of the day's activities,at home and abroad.It will enlarge your perspective.

Never forget—knowledge is power! That may sound like an old bromide,but,brother,it's true!

Who wants to listen to an uninformed,ignorant,self-centered individual?

Increase your knowledge,and the scope of your activities and interests will be greatly increased,as will the desire for greater things—larger things.As your desire expands,the things which you previously thought you wanted will become to your mind trivial and will be disregarded,which is another way of saying that you ultimately will hitch your wagon to a star and,when you do,you'll move with lightning-like speed!

Study,learn and work.Develop a keenness of observation.Step on the gas.Do better than that: get jet propulsion.Become alive for yourself,and you'1l pass on this aliveness to the other fellow.You'll pep him up just by your being in his presence.Some of your magnetism will rub off on him and he will like you for it.You've heard people say: "I get a big kick out of being with so-and-so.He always gives me a lift! "

Get confidence,enthusiasm,let loose some of that inner fire—"that something"—and you'll set up like vibrations all around you.That's the theory of all life,as old as the world itself.Like begets like—tap,tap,tap! I'm repeating that statement,and I don't care how many times you've heard it before.Perhaps if I repeat it often enough—tap,tap,tap!—you'll never forget it.Like begets like.A laugh brings a laugh,a good deed calls for a good deed,riches beget riches,love,love—you go on from there! It works! It's contagious! The old law of attraction never fails.

But don't get the idea that I am giving you an over-size wishbone and all you have to do is sit down and start talking to yourself,and by using repetition,get what you want.It's not that easy! You've got to have the wishbone backed up with a backbone.And that isn't all.The wishbone and the backbone must be coordinated and synchronized to a point where they are operating in perfect harmony.When they are in tune,you will find personality developing.Then put action,energy into your scheme and everything will move before you.

I take it that all of us have admired that intense type of person.I mean by that,one whose shoulders are back,whose chest is out,whose head is up and whose eyes are alert.It is easy to pick out in any organization those whose feet lag,whose shoulders droop,whose chins sag and whose eyes are a blank.Drifters,loafers,quitters.

Discover your faults

First,measure yourself.Then study those with whom you are associated,and you can tell,at almost a glance,those who will make progress and those doomed to failure.

Are you close to that category? If you are,snap out of it!

The fault,dear Brutus,is not in our stars,

But in ourselves,that we are underlings.

William Shakespeare wrote that,as you know,and it's plain to be seen,in his writings,that he knew and used this inner power in his life.He rose high above the commonplace and won for himself an immortal niche in the literary hall of fame,through reliance upon the creative power within.

Yes,the fault is in yourself,if you are not what you want to be and where you want to be.

If you are timid,backward,in a rut and an underling,it is because of yourself.Blame not the stars.Blame not society.Blame not the world.Blame yourself.Again I say,change gears.Get out of low and shift into high.Start picturing what you really want to be and you'll start to move.