

"It looks as if you've substituted a new divan for me," he said."This can't be the old one! Why,the cracks are softened up and smoothed out,the leather is pliable and alive again,and the soiled spots are all gone.Mr.Mattern—you've just earned yourself a contract to clean and preserve all of our leather upholstered furniture."

H.C.Mattern left the W.& J.Sloane company that morning with a check for $400.00,advance payment for the work he was to do for them.

"That something," the creative power you are going to learn how to operate for you,had done it! It would have rendered Mattern the same service years before,had he only called upon it,in the right way.

And what did Mattern do,in an effort to return thanks to God for the release of this power in and through him? He took a vow,that night,that he would never pass by another human being who needed help,that he would always take time to counsel with these persons,whoever they might be.

Don't read a book—study it!

Today,H.C.and his wife,Mary Mattern,are widely known from coast to coast,as the champion do-gooders of the country.They have given away thousands of copies of self-help books,which they have placed in the hands of bank presidents,leading industrialists and businessmen,congressmen,senators,governors,waitresses,porters,laborers,farmers,hotel clerks and maids,newsboys,housewives,people of all races,classes,professions and colors.

In the front of each book the Matterns write: “Do not read this book—study it!" Then they underline different paragraphs throughout with three different colored pencils,for emphasis.To make certain that the contents are studied,they staple the pages of different chapters or parts of chapters together,with the written instruction: "Do not remove these staples until you are sure you understand and practice what has.gone before." Or: "Do not study this section for a month.It will take you that long to digest what you are now studying."

Mattern states that it takes them on the average an hour to fix each book,but "It's worth it—it makes all the difference in the world in what the individual gets from any book.Most people have the habit of reading,not studying,and they don't apply themselves.That's why they don't get anywhere."

Concerning the problems that various human beings are up against,Mattern declares: "Their problems are all fundamentally the same and can be solved only by calling upon the creative power within."

As for H.C.Mattern and his equally dynamic helpmate,Mary,their "Keep Smiling Always" salutation radiates constantly from them,and their indomitable spirit is best expressed by the slogan on their business card:

Domg the impossible—because we know how !

Well,what do you think of the creative power now? Are you getting ready to accept its operation in your life? If you are,you'd better start using Mattern's method,and underline every statement in this book that hits you between the eyes,that you feel can mean something special to you,so each thought will be hammered into your consciousness,and made a part of your thinking.

But,first,before you can release this power,you will have to rid your mind of a lot of wrong thoughts and feelings.This may be somewhat painful in the doing but it'll pay you tremendous dividends! Are you game? Can you face yourself? All right—let's go!