

"That's the road you are on now.What a simpleton you have been! They tried to teach you,they tried to help you and you kept your mind closed—thinking that you alone could find the road and stay on it."

I was nearly overcome with the sheer joy of it all.My fears,my worries had disappeared.I smiled.I knew that I was right and that everything would be right for me from then on.I slept like a baby.

There was a different atmosphere in the office that day.The oppressive black clouds which hung over us began to fade away.I told the woman—she with the reproachful eyes—what had happened,and she smiled a knowing smile.She helped me get back on the track,and I can never repay her.

As one learned man said: “All of us are born with the ability to differentiate between right and wrong,and with the ability to achieve,but some of us must run head-on into a stone wall,smash ourselves to bits before we really know what it's all about.”

I hit the wall with a terrific crash and it was the greatest thing,the finest thing,that ever happened to me.

Many,noting the transformation,asked for an explanation.I told some of my closest friends.Knowing it will help,I give it to all of you.


Take a little at a time.Like a little drop of water,tap—tap—tap,T N T will wear away your old fears and doubts and prejudices,making room for new ideas,new concepts,new truths.

Tap—tap—tap: it is opportunity knocking at the door of your mind.Open up your mind and let this knowledge in.

From the day I decided to pass on this charge of TNT to others,it has been put to use by thousands of individuals,firms and organizations.In addition,I have talked and lectured,in person and over the radio,to many additional thousands; and I am very happy to say that,without exception,phenomenal results have been obtained by those who have understood and applied the principles and mechanics outlined herein.


You may get it all at once,or it may take you a little time to prepare your mind so that the power you've always had can work through you.But don't work at it too hard ,don't try to force it.Be assured,the power is there and you can learn to use it.

At the time my awakening came,the morale of our whole organization was at its lowest ebb.Everyone was discouraged.Afraid.By the very necessity of things,we had to do an about-face.

Right is right

My job was doing everything I could to help the other fellow because I knew it was right.At first I was perplexed as to the methods I should employ to help others,but I used my own system in calling upon the subconscious,and the inner voice said that I should talk to them.

Some were skeptical,but I said to myself: "I can prove that I am right!" And during the week that followed I spent every waking hour reviewing the books that I had studied through the years.Naturally,the Bible came first; then followed studies in Yogism,the philosophies of the old Greek and Roman masters and of the later-day teachers and students.Again I deliberated over the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius,reread Thomas Jay Hudson's Law of Psychic Phenomena and another book,The Gist of It,written by a brilliant physician,Haydon Rochester.Once more,I studied my books on physics,electricity,and those on the vibrations of light,and discovered that not only was I right,as I knew I would be,but that peculiarly the same general basic principles ran through them all.I reread numerous books on psychology and found the same story everywhere.Subsequently,I quoted excerpts,and lo and behold,things began to move!

Where is your nichel?

As I looked about me I made the significant observation that men and women who use this power are showmen,or to use the words of my newspaper days,headliners those who hit the front page.Something causes them to toss away the bushel basket under which they hide their heads,and they rise above the commonplace.

Not that you may ever want to become a headliner in this sense ,but you will surely agree that such people who have developed the power within to the nth degree have become headliners,or they would never have gotten their niche in the hall of fame.It doesn't follow that they are newspaper publicity-seekers,because some of them are very reticent—and possibly by their very reticence are showmen.(Page Greta Garbo!) Others adopt certain peculiarities or use certain devices to make them stand out from their fellow men.Some wear an efficacious smile(Dwight D.Eisenhower,for one!),others scowl(John L.Lewis!),some command attention by critical barbs at peoples and customs(George Bernard Shaw!),and still others have a certain charm of manner(Eleanor Roosevelt).Long hair(many musicians and conductors such as Leopold Stokowski),whiskers and sideburns(the Smith Brothers!),monocles(Charles Coburn) play their part.Flowing robes and distinctive dress are worn by others(Mark Twain and his famous white suits!).The showmanship of some is evidenced by red neckties,others by spats,affected manners,and some even by their number of marriages and divorces(such as Tommy Manville!)

The world takes note of the unorthodox,the unconventional,the uninhibited individuals,and most headliners come under these classifications.They are different in some one or more particulars.Some deliberately flaunt and dramatize their differences.Others are not concerned with what people think about them.They are too busy being themselves and doing what they want in life,whether or not it is making right use of their power of T N T.

Many master the art of oratory,the science of warfare,banking,statesmanship,politics,the arts; but all of them stand out in the full glare of the spotlight—as headliners.