书城公版Within an Inch of His Life

第136章 XXVII.(2)

And, calling one of the Misses Lavarande, she told her,--"Come, Aunt Elizabeth, be quick. Take your hat and your shawl. I am going out, and you are going with me."The prisoner counted so fully upon the promptness of his betrothed, that he had already gone down into the parlor when she arrived at the prison, quite out of breath from having walked so fast. He took her hands, and, pressing them to his lips, he said,--"Oh, my darling! how shall I ever thank you for your sublime fidelity in my misfortune? If I escape, my whole life will not suffice to prove my gratitude."But he tried to master his emotion, and turning to Aunt Elizabeth, he said,--"Will you pardon me if I beg you to render me once more the service you have done me before? It is all important that no one should hear what I am going to say to Dionysia. I know I am watched."Accustomed to passive obedience, the good lady left the room without daring to make the slightest remark, and went to keep watch in the passage. Dionysia was very much surprised; but Jacques did not give her time to utter a word. He said at once,--"You told me in this very place, that, if I wished to escape, Blangin would furnish me the means, did you not?"The young girl drew back, and stammered with an air of utter bewilderment,--"You do not want to flee?"

"Never! Under no circumstances! But you ought to remember, that, while resisting all your arguments, I told you, that perhaps, some day or other, I might require a few hours of liberty.""I remember."

"I begged you to sound the jailer on that point.""I did so. For money he will always be ready to do your bidding."Jacques seemed to breathe more freely.

"Well, then," he said again, "the time has come. To-morrow I shall have to be away all the evening. I shall like to leave about nine; and I shall be back at midnight."Dionysia stopped him.

"Wait," she said; "I want to call Blangin's wife."The household of the jailer of Sauveterre was like many others. The husband was brutal, imperious, and tyrannical: he talked loud and positively, and thus made it appear that he was the master. The wife was humble, submissive, apparently resigned, and always ready to obey;but in reality she ruled by intelligence, as he ruled by main force.

When the husband had promised any thing, the consent of the wife had still to be obtained; but, when the wife undertook to do any thing, the husband was bound through her. Dionysia, therefore, knew very well that she would have first to win over the wife. Mrs. Blangin came up in haste, her mouth full of hypocritical assurances of good will, vowing that she was heart and soul at her dear mistress's command, recalling with delight the happy days when she was in M. de Chandore's service, and regretting forevermore.

"I know," the young girl cut her short, "you are attached to me. But listen!"And then she promptly explained to her what she wanted; while Jacques, standing a little aside in the shade, watched the impression on the woman's face. Gradually she raised her head; and, when Dionysia had finished, she said in a very different tone,--"I understand perfectly, and, if I were the master, I should say, 'All right!' But Blangin is master of the jail. Well, he is not bad; but he insists upon doing his duty. We have nothing but our place to live upon.""Have I not paid you as much as your place is worth?""Oh, I know you do not mind paying."

"You had promised me to speak to your husband about this matter.""I have done so; but"--

"I would give as much as I did before."

"In gold?"

"Well, be it so, in gold."

A flash of covetousness broke forth from under the thick brows of the jailer's wife; but, quite self-possessed, she went on,--"In that case, my man will probably consent. I will go and put him right, and then you can talk to him."She went out hastily, and, as soon as she had disappeared, Jacques asked Dionysia,--"How much have you paid Blangin so far?"

"Seventeen thousand francs."

"These people are robbing you outrageously.""Ah, what does the money matter? I wish we were both of us ruined, if you were but free."But it had not taken the wife long to persuade the husband. Blangin's heavy steps were heard in the passage; and almost immediately, he entered, cap in hand, looking obsequious and restless.

"My wife has told me every thing," he said, "and I consent. Only we must understand each other. This is no trifle you are asking for."Jacques interrupted him, and said,--

"Let us not exaggerate the matter. I do not meant to escape: I only want to leave for a time. I shall come back, I give you my word of honor.""Upon my life, that is not what troubles me. If the question was only to let you run off altogether, I should open the doors wide, and say, 'Good-by!' A prisoner who runs away--that happens every day; but a prisoner who leaves for a few hours, and comes back again-- Suppose anybody were to see you in town? Or if any one came and wanted to see you while you are gone? Or if they saw you come back again? What should I say? I am quite ready to be turned off for negligence. I have been paid for that. But to be tried as an accomplice, and to be put into jail myself. Stop! That is not what I mean to do."This was evidently but a preface.

"Oh! why lose so many words? asked Dionysia. "Explain yourself clearly.""Well, M. de Boiscoran cannot leave by the gate. At tattoo, at eight o'clock, the soldiers on guard at this season of the year go inside the prison, and until /reveille/ in the morning, or, in others words, till five o'clock, I can neither open nor shut the gates without calling the sergeant in command of the post."Did he want to extort more money? Did he make the difficulties out greater than they really were?""After all," said Jacques, "if you consent, there must be a way."The jailer could dissemble no longer: he came out with it bluntly.