
第70章 口语(42)

Green: I ordered 10, 000 pairs of ladys shoes, but I received the sameamount of mens beyond expectation.

Smith: Im awfully sorry, sir. I was informed just now that someone inour company has made a mistake in filling your order. I wouldapologize to your company on behalf of our company.

Green: Can you do anything about the goods mistakenly shipped

Smith: Well manage to send you the correct goods as quickly aspossible.

Smith: Well try our best to make sure that we ship the goods by the endof the month.

Green: How about the wrong goods

Smith: If you could sell them at the spot price at your end, so much thebetter.

Green: Im afraid its not an easy job. Because the design is not popularin China. But for the sake of friendship, well be glad to help you.

Smith: Your offering help to sell the goods will be highly appreciated.


格 林:有件事您得帮助我解决。


格 林: 本来我订购的是10, 000 双女式皮鞋,但是没想到收到的却是相同数目的男式皮鞋。

史密斯: 真是太抱歉了,先生。刚才得到通知,我们公司某人填错了你们的订货单。我愿代表我公司向贵公司道歉。

格 林:货物装错了,您看怎么办?


格 林: 需要等多长时间?我希望我们的客户能在元旦前收到这批货。


格 林:错发的货怎么办?


格 林: 恐怕这不是件轻而易举的工作。因为这种式样在中国不大受欢迎。不过如果你们可以削价,我们将乐于帮忙。


经 典 释 疑

I would apologize to your company on behalf of our company. 我愿代表我公司向贵公司道歉。on behalf of: 代表。例如:On behalf of my colleaguesand myself I thank you. 我代表我的同事和我本人向你表示感谢。

But for the sake of friendship, well be glad to help you. 但是从友谊出发,我们愿意帮忙。

for the sake of: 看在……的份上,是指具有某种目的性的原因,例如:

The young lady married the man for the sake of money. 看在钱的份上,那个年轻的女人才和他结婚的。for the sake of 与because of 这两个词组看似词义相同,但实际上差别较大。because of 是指纯粹的导致结果的原因。例如:We couldnt arrive in time because of the bad weather. 因为天气不好,我们不能按时到达。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. The goods supplied by you are below the quality we requires. 贵方供应的货物比我方要求的质量要低。

2. Im not at all satisfied with the quality of these goods. 对于这些货的质量我一点也不满意。

3. You should take steps to avoid the inferior quality for the goods. 你方应该采取措施避免质量问题发生。

inferior /infiri/ adj. 低劣的。

4. Please let there be no recurrence of this error. 不要再有这种错误发生。

recurrence /rikrns/ n. 再发生。

5. The quality of the goods is so poor that we cannot accept it. 这批货质量太差,我方不能接受。

6. We accept the claim you filed for the inferior quality of the goods. 我方接受你方提出的关于货物质量问题的索赔。

file /fail/ v. 提出。

7. Unfortunately, Case No.11 contains only 8 pieces instead of 10. 非常不幸,第11 号箱内只有8 件,而不是10 件。

8. You should be responsible for all the losses resulting from the delayedshipment. 你方应对延误装运造成的一切损失负责。

delayed /dileid/ a. 延迟的。

9. We wish you can make the disposal of our claims as soon as possible.


disposal /dispuzl/ n. 处理。

10. We are very regretful that the consignment has not arrived at your port.


11. The buyers are rather disappointed at the postponement of delivery ofthe goods. 买方对延期交货很失望。

postponement /pustpunmnt/ n. 延期。

12. We are disappointed in this consignment due to the inferior quality. 因这批货物质量很低劣,我们非常失望。

13. Can you do anything about the goods shipped mistakenly 货物装错了,您看怎么办?

14. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you.


15. We make a claim for the loss we have sustained. 我方就所受损失提出索赔。

sustain /sstein/ v. 承受11 We have decided to strenghten marketresearch. 我们决定加强市场调研。

触 类 旁 通

We have made up our mind to strenghten market research.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Market Research

Mike: Do you come to Datong frequently

John: Well, when I take a trip around Shanxi I will drop here.

Mike: Then you must be very familiar with the coal markets in that partof the world. Do you mind giving me a rundown on it

John: My honour.

Mike: Can you give me some ideas on how the market are going atpresent

Mike: Well, just so-so, I should say, neither too bright nor dark.

John: How about our products in an domestic market

Mike: Price is OK, but in terms of its guaranteed service over a longperiod of time, I would say no.

John: Ill keep your words in mind. Well, appreciate your time and thankyou so much.

Mike: Thats OK. At your service.




迈克: 那你一定对该地的煤炭市场相当熟悉了。您介意给我介绍一下吗?





约翰: 就价格来讲,是可以的。但从保证长期服务的角度来看,我就要说不行了。



经 典 释 疑

appreciate your time 常用于口语中,很地道的说法,若某事打搅别人时,最后离开时就会说,“浪费你的宝贵时间了,占用你的时间了”。

at your service 也常用于口语中,表示愿意为某人效劳之意。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. Well have a market research this month. 这个月我们将进行一次市场调查。

2. The recent marketing research shows that our products have anadvantage over the others. 最近的市场调查显示我们的产品比其他的占优势。

3. Our market share has been increasing in the past 1 month. 在过去的一个月中我们的市场份额持续上升。

4. Im here today to present my research. 我今天来这是为了呈上我的调查结果。

5. To conclude, even though our target audience is clearly defined, introducinga new product is always a gamble. 总的来说,即使我们的目标顾客已很清晰,但新产品上巿本来就像赌博,没人能有十成的把握。

6. If youll take a look at this chart, the best media mix would be acombination of TV and magazine advertisements. 如果各位看一下这张图表,就可以知道,最好的媒体组合是电视和杂志广告并用。

7. According to my figures, of the working women we polled, 60% said theyread at least one of the top-five selling womens magazines in Beijing. 根据我所得到的数据,接受调查访问的职业妇女中,有百分之六十的人表示,她们阅读北京最畅销的五本妇女杂志中至少一本。

8. In order to enlarge our new market, we should make a particular plan.


9. Can you tell them how to make a questionnaire 能告诉他们怎么去做问卷调查吗?

questionnaire /kwest∫ne/ n. 调查表, 问卷。

10. Hell give us a report on the result of the research in the afternoon. 下午他将就调查结果给我们做一次报告

11. According to the new survey, the New Concept English has a goodmarket in China. 根据最新调查,新概念英语书在中国有很好的市场。

12. As a salesman in the company, I often have to attend many refreshercourses. 作为这家公司的销售人员我必须经常参加专业进修

13. The final data shows that there is a slide in the stock market. 根据最终数据显示股票市场有所下滑。

slide /slaid/ v. 下跌, 下滑。

14. Do you think this product is competitive enough in the internationalmarket 你认为我们的这一产品在国际市场上有足够的竞争力吗?