
第6章 音标(5)

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, ASU. Thank you very much.

Thank you very much. Thank you so much. Thank you. Please, thankyou very much. Well, thank you. Thank you, President Crow, for thatextremely generous introduction, for your inspired leadership, as well,here at ASU. I want to thank the entire ASU community for the honorof attaching my name to a scholarship program that will help openthe doors of higher education to students from every background.

What a wonderful gift. Thank you. That notion of opening doors ofopportunity to everybody; that is the core mission of this school. Itsthe core mission of my presidency, and I hope this program will serveas a model for universities across this country. So, thank you so much.

感谢,感谢,感谢亚利桑那州州立大学,非常感谢,非常感谢,十分感谢,谢谢,万分感谢。是的,感谢,谢谢克劳校长,为了你极为慷慨的介绍,为了你令人鼓舞的领导。同样,在ASU 这里,我想感谢全体亚利桑那州州立大学成员,为了你们把我的名字授予一项奖学金项目的这样一种荣誉,这将会为来自不同背景的学生打开更高教育的大门。多么棒的礼物啊!谢谢!为每一个人开启机会之门,这就是我们学校的核心任务,也是我在担任总统期间的主要使命。我希望这个信念能够作为一个模范传播给全国所有的大学,因此,我要谢谢你们。

7. /I/-/dZ/


Ugly Betty 《丑女贝蒂》节选

Shakira: Every magazine has abikini shot on the cover. I meanthat doesnt sound very fearlessto me.

Betty: Well, youre right, yeah.

Heres another way we could go.

Shakira: Really Im tellingyou, I wear less than this on aski slope.






Torres: I would have had achoice. What you do...lying allthe time...deciding who gets toknow what...It doesnt matterwith Loker, cause he worshipsyou, or Foster who indulges you,but not me. Not anymore.

Lightman: So, time to find adifferent job then

Lie To Me 《别对我撒谎》节选





发/I/ 音时,舌头从/I/ 音滑向 音,在接近/r/ 时停止,口型从小变为略开。前面的/I/ 发得较清楚,后面的 较弱,双唇始终半开。发音时力求过渡自然。


发/SI/ 音时, 嘴巴张开,嘴唇拢成椭圆形,上下齿分开,但不露出,舌头位于口腔中央。



bee /bi:/ 蜜蜂


pig /pIg/ 猪


deer /dI/ 鹿


boy /bdZ/ 男孩


ear /I/ n. 耳朵

here /hI/ pron. 这儿

pier /pI/ n. 码头

cheer /tSI/ v. 欢呼

realize /5rIlaIz/ v. 意识到

serious /5sIrIs/ a. 严肃的

dear /dI/ a. 昂贵的,亲爱的

experience /Iks5pIrIns/ v. 经历


e/ia-material /m5tIrIl/ 材料

ea-idea /ai5dI/ 主意

ear-hear /hI/ 听到

eer-beer /bI/ 啤酒

ere-here /hI/ 这里


oi-soil /sdZl / 土壤

oy-enjoy /Sn5dZ dZ/ 享受


oil /dZ/ n. 油

toy /dZ/ n. 玩具

boy /dZ/ n. 男孩

join /dZ dZ / v. 加入

joy /dZ dZ/ n. 欢乐

coin /dZdZ / n. 硬币

choice /dZ dZ / n. 选择

employ /dZ dZdZ/ v. 雇用


I shed tears for he shearsmy dear toy deers ear.


Near an ear, a nearer ear, anearly toy eerie ear.



A noise annoys an oyster,but a noisy noise annoys anoyster more!


A spoiled boy destroyed atoy for joy.



Dont loiter on noisy city streets.


Roy enjoyed those toy cars verymuch.


/I/He is an experienced engineer.


She doesnt fear the deer anymore.



After three years of this work, I went to law school, because Iwanted to understand how the law should work for those in need. Ibecame a civil rights lawyer and taught constitutional law, and aftera time, I came to understand that our cherished rights of liberty andequality depend on the active participation of an awakened electorate.

It was with these ideas in mind that I arrived in this capital city as aState Senator.


Most of all, lets be the generation that never forgets whathappened on that September day and confront the terrorists witheverything weve got. Politics doesnt have to divide us on thisanymore; we can work together to keep our country safe. Ive workedwith Republican Senator Dick Lugar to pass a law that will secureand destroy some of the worlds deadliest, unguarded weapons. Wecan work together to track terrorists down with a stronger military,we can tighten the net around their finances, and we can improveour intelligence capabilities. But let us also understand that ultimatevictory against our enemies will only come by rebuilding our alliancesand exporting those ideals that bring hope and opportunity to millionsof people around the globe.

最为重要的是,让我们成为永远牢记“911”事件,尽一切努力与恐怖分子作斗争的一代。政治分歧不应使我们再在这些问题上存在分歧。我们可以通过共同行动来保卫国家的安全。我已与共和党参议员迪克 卢格一道通过了一项法案,确保销毁世界上某些最具致命性和难以预防的武器。我们能够团结一致,依靠一支更加强大的武装力量抓捕恐怖分子,能够加强网络以断绝他们的资金渠道,提高我们情报机关的能力。但我们也应明白对抗敌人的最终胜利,只能来自于重建我们的联盟,将那些价值观念输出到国外,为世界上数百万的人们带去希望和机遇。

8. /e/-/dZ/

Sarah: Jake. Jake!

Charlie: Hello there.

Sarah: Hi. Hi, Im looking forJake. Jake Anderson. Is he hereCharlie: No, he isnt. But luckyfor us, I am.

Sarah: I dont have time forthis. Do you know where he is

Charlie: Youre “must lovedogs”,arent you

Must Love Dogs 《征婚广告》节选









Bob: Well, actually, its a veryromantic story. You tell it, Carol.

Carol: No, go ahead, honey.

Bob: No, no, really, you should.

She tells this story great.

Must Love Dogs 《征婚广告》节选鲍勃:实际上,是个很浪漫的故事,你来吧,卡萝。




发/e/ 音时,从/e/ 音滑向 音,靠近 时停止。发音时舌端抵下齿,舌前部略抬起,双唇半开。


发/U/ 音时,舌头从/U/ 音滑向 音,靠近 音时停止,嘴唇从收圆到半开。


bee /bi:/ 蜜蜂


pig /pIg/ 猪


bear /be/ 熊


tourist /5tUrist/ 旅行者


bear /be/ v. 忍受

share /Se/ v. 分享

area /5erI/ n. 地区

vary /5verI/ v. 变化

airport /5ep:t/ n. 机场

parent /5pernt/ n. 父母

haircut /5hekt/ n. 理发

careful /5kefUl / a. 精心的


air-hair /he/ 头发

are-care /ke/ 关心

ear-pear /pe/ 梨

eir-their /De/ 他们的

ere-there /De/ 那里


oor-poor /pU/ 穷的

our-tour /tU/ 游览

ure-sure /SU/ 当然


cure /kjU/ v. 治愈

fuel /fjUl/ n. 燃料

pure /pjU/ a. 纯的

poor /pU/ a. 可怜的

February /5febrUrI/ n. 2 月

spiritual /5spIrItjUl/ a. 精神上的

during /5djUrIN/ prep. 在……期间


The man with fair hairdare not repair their chair therebecause there is a bear there.
