
第48章 口语(20)

Traveler: Oh, I nearly forget it.

Driver: Dont worry. Here we go.




旅客:我得在7 点之前赶到机场,你能赶到吗?



司机:可能要50 分钟。不过现在是高峰期,交通拥挤。







经 典 释 疑

Here we go. 我们出发啦。here we go 的用法有两种:1) 鼓舞型,一般有点打气的味道,比如,大家约定要做某件事并决定开始做了,就来一句“Here we go”,意思是“好,开工了,大家好好干啊”。2)泄气型:比如你刚刚坐过山车,坐得头晕眼花,你的朋友一定要你陪他再坐一次,你可以叹道“Here we go again”。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. Queue here for a taxi. 等候出租汽车在此排队。

2. Could you please drive faster Im in a hurry. 您能开快点儿吗?我赶时间。

3. I got in a taxi and rushed to the company.我搭了一辆计程车赶往公司。

4. Can you get us to the Fragrant Hills Park 你能载我们去香山公园吗?

5. There are five of us. We cannot cram into one taxi. 我们有五个人。一辆出租车坐不下。

6.Can you take me to the Olympic Village 师傅,去奥运村。

7. Let me go shares with you in the taxi fare. 我和你分摊计程车费吧。

8. Let us out here. 让我们在这儿下车吧。

9. It isnt free. Its occupied. 不是空车。已经有人了。

10. Let me check the metre out. 我查看一下计价器。

4 Should I just drive


触 类 旁 通

Should I drive a car


超 级 情 景 会 话

Drive a Car

Tim: Hey guys, thanks for picking me up. I thought Id be stranded out here all night.

Peter: No problem. Sucks you missed your bus though.

Tim: Yeah, thats﹩10. I wont be seeing again.

Peter: Alright, hop in the back seat. Jack has shotgun.

Tim: Alright.Hey, would you mind putting on some music

Peter: OK, as long as its not rap. Jack, put some tunes on.

Tim: Jack, could you turn that up I love this song.

Peter: OK, but if you buckle up. I dont need a ticket.


Tim: 嘿,哥们儿,谢谢你们来接我,我还以为我要在这里流浪一个晚上呢。


Tim:是啊,那是10 美元呢。我再也见不到了。






经 典 释 疑

Would you mind putting on some music 放点音乐好吗?

mind 作为动词,常用的搭配是“Would you mind + doing...”,表示礼貌地提出请求。还有一种比较常用的用法,即“Would you mind + if 引导的条件句”,用来征得别人的同意,例如:Would you mind if I openthe window 如果我打开窗户,你介意吗?

mind 用作动词时,后面接动词的动名词形式,“mind +doing...”或“mindsomebodys doing...”,表示“介意(某人)做……事情”。例如:Didyou mind being away from home for so long离家这么长时间,你介意吗?

另外,mind 后面也可以接从句作为宾语,“mind + that...”。例如:

He didnt mind that other people thought him odd. 他不介意其他人认为他有点儿怪。

mind 还可用作名词,表示“智力;悟性;注意力”。例如:The eventis still fresh in most peoples minds. 这个事件对于大多数人来说还是记忆犹新。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. Lets go for a ride. 我们开车去兜风吧。

2. I have to slow it down a little bit. 我得把速度放慢一点。

3. It is a no-passing lane. 这条路禁止通行。

4. He is a very cautious driver. 他是个很谨慎的司机。

5. Whats the speed limit here 这儿限速多少?

6. Watch where youre going. 注意观察你的前进方向。

7. Can I see your drivers license 能否让我看看你的驾驶执照?

8. Do you want me to drive 你想让我来开车?

9. Buckle your seat belt. 系好你的安全带。

10. Were stuck in a traffic jam. 我们碰到了堵车。

5 I go there by bike.


触 类 旁 通

I go to work by bicycle.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Riding a Bicycle or Driving a Car

Bailey: How do you usually get to school

Cailyn: I usually ride my bike. Which form of transport do you prefer touse

Bailey: I feel that I can see more when I ride a bicycle, but when I feellazy, I drive my car.

Cailyn: I think we should discourage people from using their privatecars. They produce too much pollution!

Bailey: I agree, but I would find it difficult to stop using my car. Its justso convenient.

Cailyn: Cars might be convenient, but they are so bad for the environment.

Bailey: Do you have a car

Cailyn: No, I used to have one though. Once I started using my bicycleto get around, I found that I didnt really need it.

Bailey: Maybe if I sold my car now, I wouldnt be so tempted to use it.

Cailyn: You could try. It would save you a lot of money.

Bailey: Thats true. Every month, I spend hundreds of dollars on gas,insurance and repairs.

Cailyn: If you got to class by bicycle every day instead of by car, youwill get lots of exercise, too!




贝莉: 我觉得蹬自行车的时候可以看到更多的风景,但是犯懒的时候我就开车。

凯琳: 我觉得我们应该劝人们尽量少开私家车。汽车制造的污染太严重了!




凯琳: 没有。以前有过。后来开始骑自行车才发现,其实我并不是特别需要汽车。



贝莉: 没错。我每个月都要花上百美元付那些油费、保险费和修理费。

凯琳: 如果你要是加入骑自行车的行列而不是开车,你还能得到很多锻炼呢!

经 典 释 疑

I agree, but I would find it difficult to stop using my car. 我同意,不过我觉得不开车很难做到。difficult:难的,做或完成都很困难的,含义是“克服某种障碍需要特别的技能、才智、知识或勇气”,此外,也常常用于表示难以应付或难以对付。常用用法是It is difficult for us to dosth.。例如:It was difficult for us to decide which road to take. 对我们来说,很难决定走哪一条路。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. I generally ride my bike to school. 我通常是骑自行车上学。

2. He always goes to work on foot. 他总是步行上班。

3. Cycling is good for our environment. 骑自行车对环境有利。

4. More people are taking their bikes because they are being encouraged tolead healthier lifestyles. 越来越多的人迷上了骑自行车,因为这是被鼓励采用的一种健康方式。

5. If you go to work by bicycle instead of by car, you may get moreexercise. 如果你骑车上班而不是开车,你会有更多的锻炼。

6. You should ride along the bicycle line. 你应该沿着自行车道骑。

7. It costs more than you think to run a car.养一辆车比你想像的要贵得多。

8. Driving makes you lazy, and its not as environmentally friendly ascycling. 开车会让你变懒,而且不如骑自行车环保。

9. Riding a bike is more conducive to environmental protection. 骑自行车有利于环保。

6 We need to take a nonstop flight.


触 类 旁 通

We need to take a direct flight.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Booking a Ticket

Customer: I need to get a flight to Chicago on the 6th in the morning.

Can you give me a hand

Clerk: Certainly, sir. There is a flight at 8:20 am and one at 11:00.

Which would you prefer

Customer: The earlier one would be better. Is it a non stop flight

Clerk: Yes, it is.

Customer: OK. Ill take that flight.

Clerk: You want to go first class or economy class

Customer: I prefer first class, and could you give me a window seat,please Whats the fare

Clerk: No problem. One-way is $200.

Customer: Is there any discount for this flight

Clerk: Im afraid not, sir.

Customer: Fine, Ill take it.

Clerk: A seat on Flight AZ3259 to Chicago 8:20 on the morning ofthe 6th. Is it right, sir

Customer: Right.


顾客:我需要订一个6 日上午去芝加哥的航班,你能帮忙吗?