
第28章 希腊神话故事(26)

Not long after Aphrodite leaves,Adonis comes across an enormous wild boar,much larger than any he has ever seen.It is suggested that the boar is the god Ares,one of Aphrodite's lovers,made jealous through her constant doting on Adonis.Although boars are dangerous and will charge a hunter if provoked,Adonis disregards Aphrodite's warning and pursues the giant creature.Soon,however,Adonis is the one being pursued;he is no match for the giant boar.

Aphrodite and Adonis 阿芙洛狄忒和阿多尼斯

In the attack,Adonis dies from a loss of blood.Aphrodite rushes back to his side,but she is too late to save him and can only mourn over his body.Wherever Adonisblood falls,Aphrodite causes anemones to grow in his memory.She vows that on the anniversary of his death,every year there will be a festival held in his honor.



Aphrodite and Adonis 阿芙洛狄忒和阿多尼斯





例句 Horse-racing is her passion.赛马是她最喜爱的运动。


例句 Shes naturally musical.她天生喜爱音乐。

3.take up 开始从事,开始学

例句 He left a job in the City to take up farming.



例句 We were enraptured by the view of the mountains.



例句 He caused his parents great anxiety by cycling long distances alone.他独自骑自行车远行,父母非常担心。


例句 Young huntress who lives in a land of unending daylight.


7.come across 偶遇;无意中发现

例句 Weve just come across an old friend.



例句 The team made an enormous effort.



例句 The doting mother may take a toll on her boys future independence.



例句 If you provoke the dog,it will bite you.



例句 He completely disregarded my point of view.


12.die from 死于(某种原因,不包括疾病、过度悲伤等)

例句 Why do people still die from cancer?



例句 Do you want this anemone to sting you?



例句 She vowed never to speak to him again.



例句 A golden wedding is the fiftieth anniversary of a marriage.金婚是结婚五十周年纪念日。

16.in sb‘s/sth's honour 为纪念,为庆祝……

例句 Every year there will be a ceremony held in the soldiershonor who were killed in the battle.每年这里都会为纪念阵亡士兵举行一个仪式。


Adonis 阿多尼斯;美男子;美少年


例如 Did you see that Adonis in Toms study group?你看见汤姆学习小组里那个帅哥了吗?

She apparently takes him as her Adonis.显然,她把他当作小白脸儿啦。


Echo was a beautiful nymph who was talkative.Zeus loved consorting with beautiful nymphs and visited them on Earth often.Eventually,Zeuss wife,Hera,became suspicious,and came from Mt.Olympus in an attempt to catch Zeus with the nymphs.

Sometimes the young and beautiful nymph Echo would distract and amuse Hera,with long and entertaining stories while Zeus took advantage of the moment to run away.When Hera discovered the trickery,she was so annoyed that she punished Echo by taking away her voice,except in foolish repetition of anothers shouted words.Thus,all Echo could do was repeat the voice of another.

Narcissus,the son of Cephissus,was extremely handsome,wearing golden hair and sky-blue eyes.Many women fell in love with him,but he turned them away.

Echo 厄科

One day,Narcissus became separated from his friends,how she longed to be able to say,"I love you."……But……she started to cry.

Finally,Narcissus heard something rustle among the leaves."Whos here?"he shouted aloud.

"Here……"Echo replied.

"Here I am,come."said him.

"Come……"Echo as said as came out from the trees.

When Narcissus saw a stranger,instead of one of his friends as he had expected,he looked surprised and walked quickly away.

After this,Echo was so upset that she left and hid in a cave,never came out and allowed herself to be seen again.

The goddess of the hunt,Artemis,found out about this,and she was very angry.She made Narcissus fall in love with himself.

One day,Narcissus reached a stream,and leaned over to take a drink,then he saw his beautiful face reflected in the water.He had never seen his reflection before,so he thought that his reflection must be someone who lived in the stream.He fell in love with this beautiful person.

But every time Narcissus tried to kiss his love,the reflection disappeared.He could not bear that,so he began to waste away.Finally unable to stand the agony,Narcissus plunged a dagger in his heart and died.

Narcissus' body disappeared,and in its place beside the stream grew some beautiful flowers with silvery-green leaves and golden petals.And where Narcissus'blood soaked the earth sprung up these white flowers with its red corollas,and that flower is called a Narcissus.Echo also wasted away,and finally became a stone near the narcissus,leaving behind only her voice.