





单词解析Word analysis

1. ceremony['ser?m?n?]n.典礼,仪式

例句:The queen was crowned with due ceremony.


2. pubIicity[p?b'l?s?t?]n.关注,报道

例句:Standards in education have received much publicity over the last few years.


3. absoIuteIy['?bs?lu?tl?]adv.完全地,绝对地

例句:Are you absolutely sure?


4. express[?k'spres; ek-]v.表达

例句:Bill is not afraid to express his opinions.


5. remarkabIe[r?'mɑ?k?b(?)l]adj.非凡的,不同寻常的

例句:She has made remarkable progress.


6. earn[??n]v.挣钱

例句:You don't earn much money being a nurse.


7. triumph['tra??mf]n.胜利

例句:Winning the championship is a great personal triumph.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. The biggest winner clearly in terms of trophies, six, was the film Gravity

“biggest”是“big”的最高级,表示“最大的”;“in terms of”在……方面而言。

2. He said he'd always felt an outsider, so you are surprised to be told he'd ever been considered for that award

“be surprised to”惊奇地做某事;have/has been+过去分词,表示现在完成时被动语态。

3. But the bigger award which is what gets all the publicity, the best film went to Twelve Years A Slave, as everyone I think now knows story of slavery in the US side in the 1840s and 1850s.

“which”引导定语从句修饰“the bigger award”;“what gets all the publicity”名词性从句做表语;“the best film went to……”,最佳电影当属……;“as”引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的“Twelve Years A Slave”。

4. It didn't all go as the way of that film though Lupita Nyong'o from a Kenyan family who had been expected by many including me, to be honest, to win best supporting actress for her role in Twelve Years A Slave.

“who”引导定语从句,修饰Lupita Nyong'o;expect sb to do sth期望,预料某人做某事;to be honest做插入语。

5. Now we always tend to refer to him as Mexican, but in truth, as he has been living in London now for 13 or 14 years, accepting the award for best director, which wasn't as we've said the only award the film got, Cuaron said he felt he'd earned the right to triumph as the man who made the best British film.

“tend to do sth”易于做某事,往往发生某事;“refer to sb as”把某人指做什么;“in truth”事实上;“accepting the award……the film got”做状语,其中“which”引导定语从句修饰“the award for best director”。

19:红杉树因偷猎者砍伐受到威胁Redwood under threat from poachers


Some of the tallest trees in the world are under threat from poachers. Parts of the redwood forest park have been closed off after a 400-year old tree was cut down. More and bigger burls are being taken near former logging towns where the economy has collapsed.

They are the tallest trees on the planet. Some are 2000 years old. We've come looking for stolen burls. When cut into slabs and then polished up, they can produce a very seriking piece of wood. And that's how these things are cut off. So by removing a burl, you are taking away that tree's ability to repopulate, to regenerate.

People cut down trees for burl, yeah, that's stupid.

People are out to strive. And if there is a burl on a tree, and they don't care whose property it's on, they are gonna get it themselves.

In front of me is one of the biggest burls to be recovered by the national park service. It's aspherical block. It was taken from a 400-year old tree which was cut down by the poachers in order to get access to it. While the theft of burls has been going on for years, recently they become more frequently and more brazen.

Well, this is the tree where that burl came from. And we are looking now at the burl cut from that burl that we saw just a few minutes ago.

The end of logging hit the town hard, but there is a bigger picture.

There were two million acres of redwood forest. In the last 150 years, more than 95%of that original primeval redwood forest has been logged. And that's why parks are here to protect that original forest.

Well, I mean, we got to preserve some, of course. But the problem of international park is they don't know how to coincide with locals. That's always been a problem with the international park. It's not just here.











单词解析Word analysis

1. threat[θret]n.威胁,恐吓

例句:Your threats don't scare me.


2. coIIapse[k?'l?ps]v.垮掉,崩溃,瓦解

例句:The luxury car market has collapsed.


3. pIanet['pl?n?t]n.行星

例句:Mercury is the smallest of all the planets.


4. poIish['p?l??]v.擦亮,擦光

例句:I spent all afternoon polishing the silver.


5. regenerate[r?'d?en?re?t]v.再生

例句:Small nodules form as the liver cells regenerate.


6. property['pr?p?t?]n.所有物,财产

例句:Some of the stolen property was found in Mason's house.


7. bIock[bl?k]n.一块(木头,石头)

例句:The wall is made of concrete blocks.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. When cut into slabs and then polished up, they can produce a very seriking pieceof wood.