
第5章 老外最感兴趣的上海历史文化(4)

19.calligraphy [k??liɡr?fi] n. 书法

例:His effortless calligraphy has an unconventional grace of its own.他的书法, 信笔写来, 十分超脱。


A: Peter, are you interested in Chinese culture?


B:Yes. I think Chinese culture is fascinating. Can you talk to me about it?


A:Sure. I went to Shanghai a week ago. My friend Lucy told me about some Shanghai traditions. They are very enchanting.


B: Really Tell me about it. I am so eager to hear that.


A: Calm down. I will tell you all I know.


B: Okay, okay. I am all ears, please.


A:Shanghai culture is generally called Shanghai School, which originates from “Songjiang School”. Actually, if you want to know more, you can read the Chapter called “Shanghai School”.


B:OK. What you know is less than I need. I'd better figure it out on my own.



中国华夏五千年,各民族辛勤劳动,创立了各自风格不同的文化。除了上海的海派文化(Shanghai School),神州大地(the Wonderful land of China)上还孕育了像岭南文化、纳西文化等优秀的文化传统。从地域上来说,岭南文化大体分为广东文化、桂系文化和海南文化三大块,主要以属于广东文化的广府文化(Guangfu Culture)、客家文化(Hakka Culture)和潮汕文化为主,这是岭南文化的主体。

纳西族是一个古老文明的民族,他们的文字是云南最古老的少数民族象形文字。纳西族信奉多神的“东巴教”。东巴文化就源于东巴教。 东巴文化包括象形文字(hieroglyph)、东巴经、东巴绘画、东巴音乐舞蹈等。


Longtang Culture

Longtang, unique to Shanghai and Shanghainese, is a special form of residence that solved the conflict between a large population and limited houses in the past. The timeworn Longtangs record the stories of Shanghai, and reflect the traditions the life style and attitude of Shanghainese. They concentrate many different people from all over China who have brought with them diverse cultures . Examine Longtang and you will understand the society and the history of Shanghai.


Thousands upon thousands of Shanghai people are sentimentally attached to the Longtangs till now. The main reason is that a strong human relationship prevails in the Longtang.A good and close neighborhood relationship has taken shape there, which can hardly appear in other modern residences. Longtang is such a place that provided the residents more chances to communicate with each other. In the Longtangs, people always meet together, all the residents are closely associated and conglomerated, thus bringing forth a strong sense of localism, safety and family-likeness. The main social activities in Longtangs are those of the old people and children. In a Longtang they are never neglected as they are nowadays in other places. The special space arrangement in the Longtang can provide people places for the old people and children to carry on public activities. Some of the old people are keen on doing public welfare activities, for example, doing the cleaning work, taking care of each other and looking after the children. Such activities are carried on spontaneously, and have strong sense of humanity and life’s pleasure.


The Longtang is also a diversified and complicated living space. The residents, with different professions, different backgrounds and different cultural levels have brought a diversified life here. People of different social status, have learned from each other and influenced each other, thus shaping a special civil culture. This kind of civil culture, due to the diversity and complexity of the living conditions here, can neither be degenerated, nor turn into an elegant culture. Thus the culture of Longtangs becomes secular as well as harmonious , constituting the main content of the civil culture in Shanghai.


With the rapid growth of the urban population in Shanghai and due to some historical reasons, the housing problem in the city is becoming very serious. Each unit of the Longtang house, formerly occupied by one family, now has been shared by several families. The residents even built sheds in the places where buildings are not allowed to be built by law. There are too many houses built in a lane area that is overpopulated, thus causing the deteriorating of the quality of the residences. There has been the peculiar phenomenon of dozens of families living in a single house under such special condition. Some parts of the house, such as the kitchen and washroom, formerly were used only by one family and now are used by several families.


The life in the Longtangs is rich and full of vitality. People like to describe Longtangs as a kaleidoscope of the city life and as a museum of life and customs. It is in the Longtangs where you can notice the peculiar feelings of people there, you can know the origin of the personality of Shanghai people, and you can feel the pulse and life of the whole Shanghai.



1.unique[ju??ni?k]adj. 独特的;稀罕的;唯一的;独一无二的

例:She was a woman of unique talent and determination.


2.Shanghainese[??a?hai?ni:z] n. 上海话;,沪语;上海人;上海菜