
第34章 舌尖上的上海(1)

Dining in Shanghai


Shanghai Cuisine

The locals in Shanghai put it:'Blessed are those who are born in Shanghai as they have many chances to taste delicious food'. Shanghai Cuisine is not one of the Eight Major Cuisines of China but it is a blend of the most appealing aspects of other food. Also, Shanghai's chefs are always ready to adopt the best aspects of foreign cuisines and make them their own. Therefore, it may be safely said that you can enjoy all the best food from home and abroad in Shanghai.


Shanghai Cuisine, also known as Hu Cai, includes two styles - Benbang Cuisine and Haipai Cuisine.


Benbang Cuisine, literally meaning 'local cuisine', is the traditional family style that appeared in Shanghai over 100 years ago. Using fresh fish, chicken, pork and various vegetables as the main ingredients, Benbang Cuisine always has a great flavor and a bright color derived from the oil and soybean sauce. Like the dishes of Suzhou and Wuxi cuisines, Shanghai Benbang dishes taste fresh, mellow and sweet.

本帮菜,顾名思义,也就是指上海本地传统菜肴, 在上海已有上百年的历史。本帮菜多以新鲜的鱼、鸡肉、猪肉以及各种蔬菜为食材,多油多酱,味道浓郁,颜色鲜亮。像苏州菜和无锡菜一样,上海的本帮菜爽口,软润,香甜。

Haipai Cuisine, literally meaning 'all-embracing cuisine'is derived from the cosmopolitan culture formed in Shanghai in the end of the Qing Dynasty (1644--1911). It absorbs the advantages of many cuisines from other regions of China and even western countries, and then adapts them to suit local tastes. Fresh fish, shrimps and crabs are the main ingredients of Haipai Cuisine. The appearance, flavors and cooking techniques of the Haipai dishes have many variations.


Benbang and Haipai Cuisine also have many things in common: First, they make great use of fresh meat, chicken, vegetables and especially various marine ingredients such as fish, shrimps and crabs. Secondly, Shanghai Cuisine has a great number of signature dishes made from various seasonal ingredients. Thirdly, a wide range of cooking techniques have been adopted, including steaming, braising, stewing, stir-frying, quick-frying, deep-frying, boiling, marinating, smoking and roasting. Fourthly, strongly hot food hardly ever forms part of Shanghai Cuisine. Most of the dishes taste fresh, clear, mellow, sweet or subtly spicy.


In recent years, Shanghai Cuisine has been greatly influenced by Cantonese Cuisine. Consequently the dishes are now less oily and more delicate with the use of high quality and expensive ingredients. People here have become more concerned about a healthy diet. This means there is an upsurge in the trend towards the use of fresh ingredients and in particular good quality fruit and vegetables.


Shanghai cuisine is a popular style of Chinese cuisine. The city of Shanghai itself does not have a separate and unique cuisine of its own, but modifies those of the surrounding provinces, such as Jiangsu and Zhejiang. What can be called Shanghai cuisine is epitomised by the use of alcohol. Fish, crab and chicken are 'drunken'with spirits and are briskly cooked, steamed or served raw. Salted meats and preserved vegetables are also commonly used to enhance the flavor.


The use of sugar is common in Shanghai cuisine, especially when used in combination with soy sauce.The most notable dish of this type is 'sweet and sour spare ribs'. 'Red cooking'is another popular style of stewing meats and vegetables.



1.ingredient[in?ɡri?di?nt] n. 原料;要素;组成部分

例:The garlic was just such a key ingredient that this dish couldn"t have been made without it.大蒜是一个关键的组成部分,没有蒜就做不成这道菜。

2.braising [breizi?] n. 炖

例:Shanghainese cooking uses a lot of salted and preserved foods and relies on stewing, braising and frying.上海菜多用腌制食物,并使用蒸、炖、煎、炸的烹饪方法。

3.upsurge [?p?s??d?]n. 高涨,高潮

例:A new upsurge in construction is in the making.一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。


A:Shanghai is really a paradise for those who like eating.上海真可谓是吃货的天堂啊!

B:Yes. Shanghai has various kinds of food, east and west.对啊,上海有来自中西的各种食物。

A:That'true. But I like local cuisine most.没错,但我还是最喜欢本地的菜。

B:What's your favorite dish?


A:It must be Steamed Crabs in Clear Soup.当然是清蒸大闸蟹。

B:Why do you like it?


A:The crabs are fresh and tasty. And you know one can never get tired of seafood, unless he is allergic to it.因为蟹肉新鲜美味。而且你知道的,一个人吃海鲜永远不会腻,除非是对海鲜过敏。

B:Haha, I can't agree any more!







