

Different Approaches to a Problem [A]

Guidance for Reciting

From the front,it looks like a mountain range;From the side,it looks like a peak.

From a thousand different positions,it takes on a thousand different appearances.

The normal Western approach to a problem is to fight it. The saying,“When the going gets tough,the tough get going,”epitomizes this aggressive,combat-ready attitude toward problem-solving. No matter what the problem is,or the techniques available for solving it,the framework produced by the Western way of thinking is fight,which is the so-called vertical thinking:the traditional,sequential,Aristotelian thinking of logic,moving firmly from one step to the next,like toy blocks being built one on top of the other. The flaw is,of course,that if at any point one of the steps is not reached,or one of the toy blocks is incorrectly plated,then the whole structure collapses. Impasse is reached,and frustration,tension,feelings of fight take over.






1.epitomize [i5pitEmaiz] v. 摘要,概括

2.aggressive [E5gresiv] a. 侵犯的,攻击性的,有进取心的

3.sequential [si5kwenFEl] a. 连续的(序贯的)

4.vertical [5vE:tikEl] a. 垂直的n. 垂直线

5.collapse [kE5lAps] v. 倒塌,崩溃,瓦解