

Wandering on the Sandy Seashore

Guidance for Reciting

Let's escape from the harsh world,return to nature,and enjoy the peace of life.

Wandering on the sandy seashore,I can't help getting excited as the view spreading before me is so spectacular and attracting. The sun is shining brightly in the pure blue sky,and the surface of the sea,glittering in sunlight. On the sea,frequently a ship cleaves through water,sounding a siren. Sometimes a fishing boat sails slowly in the distance as if a sheet of leaf floating down the water. Now and then I can even see a seagull or two skip over the surface of the sea.

Instead of the noise of the busy city,what I hear is the water licking rhythmically at my feet. When the wind is blowing,the waves beating at the rocks sound like the music played by the sea.

Wandering leisurely on the seashore,I feel as if I have thrown away all the unhappiness in my mind. My heart has been taken up by the happiness of enjoying the pleasant scenery. Being close to the nature can make the strained world remote.








1.spectacular [spek5tAkjulE] a. 惊人的

2.cleave [kli:v] v. 劈开,分开

3.siren [5saiErin] n. 汽笛,警报器

4.strained [streind] a. 紧张的,装作的,矫饰的