

He Pays Too Much for His Whistle

Guidance for Reciting

Human's misery results to a large extent from the wrong evaluation of their work and pursuit,yet they have paid too much for their“whistles”. Then a further question is what the criterion is for the evaluation and to what extent it is affected by the social values.

When Franklin was seven years old,his friends filled his pockets with coppers. He immediately started for the toy shop,but on the way the sound of a whistle turned him aside. Franklin was so charmed by the whistle that he offered its owner all the money he had for it. With joy he returned to tell his family of the purchase. Instead of sharing his joy,his family told him that he had paid four times what the whistle was worth. They laughed at him so much that he was soon shedding bitter tears.

As he grew older,Franklin generalized this principle. When he saw a man neglecting his family or business for political popularity,or a miser giving up friendship for the sake of accumulating wealth,he'd say,“He pays too much for his whistle.”


1.turn aside 转变方向(闪开,撇开,离开正道)

2.shed tears 流眼泪




