
第39章 商务英语合同实例(23)







① 借用期在6个月以下的,试用期不超过15日;

② 借用期在6个月以上1年以下的,试用期不超过30日;

③ 借用期在1年以上3年以下的,试用期不超过60日;

④ 借用期在3年以上的,试用期最长不超过6个月。













法定节假日加班费=月工资÷21.75天 ÷ 8小时×实际加班时间×300%;















年______月______日年______月 日


Partnership Agreement

(Name), and_______________(Name), the below signed hereby enter into this Partnership Agreement on behalf of themselves, their heirs, successor and assigns, and set forth following terms and conditions as constituting the Partnership Agreement in its entirety:

1. The partnership shall go by the following name:


2. The partnerships principle place of business shall be_______________.

3. The first day that the partnership shall begin business is:

(DATE) and the partnership will continue until the partners agree to terminate it or until it is forced to cease its operation by law.

4. The partnerships operation shall be primarily in the following field or area:

5. The partnership shall be capitalized as follows:

For each_______________$(AMOUNT) (dollars) each partner shall receive_______________shares with contribution being made as follows:

Partner A contributes_______________(AMOUNT) and shall receive

shares, the same being_______________% of the total shares available.

Partner B contributes_______________(AMOUNT) and shall receive

shares, the same being_______________% of the total shares available.

6. Losses and gains on contributed capital and other property shall be assigned as follows:

The IRSs general allocation rule shall apply, and gains and losses shall be allocated according to the percentage of total capital contributed by each partner as set out in paragraph 5 above.

7. Profits and losses shall be allocated according to the same percentage allocation set forth in paragraph 6 above.

8. Salary, if any, for the services rendered shall be determined by unanimous approval of the partners.

9. Control and management of the partnership shall be split equally amongst the partners.

10. Each partner shall maintain both an individual drawing account and an individual capital account. Into the capital account shall be placed the partners initial capital and any increases thereto. The drawing accounts shall be used for withdrawal accounts, the size of which is limited to US $_________(AMOUNT) on any one day.

11. Adequate accounting records shall be made and maintained. Any partner and his/her agent may review any and all accounting or other records at anytime.

12. The partners designate the following as the partners business and check accounts into which all the funds of the Partnership shall be placed and maintained:

13. Accounting records and books shall be kept on a (select one) ① cash basis ② accrual basis and the fiscal year shall begin on the____day of_______________(MONTH) and shall end_______________day of(MONTH).

14. At the close of the fiscal year there shall be annual audit conducted by the following accounting firm: (DESCRIBE)

15. The partnership shall dissolve upon the retirement, death or incapacity of any partner unless the remaining partner selects the option of buying out that partners share. If so selected, the partnership shall be valued by submission to arbitration with GAMA, Inc., according to reasonable accounting and valuation principles as set forth in paragraph 17 below. The finding of the arbitrator as to the value of the partnership shall be final and binding upon the partners, their heirs, successor, and assigns. Upon the assurance of this finding, the remaining partner shall have_______________(TIME) to buy out the previous partners share. Should more than one partner desire to buy this share, the share shall be split evenly between the same.

16. Upon termination or dissolution of the partnership, the Partnership will be promptly liquidated, with all debts being paid first, prior to any distribution of the remaining funds. Distribution shall be made according to the percentage of the ownership as set out in paragraph 5 above.