
第33章 商务英语合同实例(17)


Assembling Contract

ABC Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called Party A) 12/15, Nishi 1- chrome, Tokyo, Japan and Guangzhou Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called Party B) 5, Beijing Road, Guangzhou, China have mutually agreed that Party A entrusts Party B with the manufacturing of transistor radios in Guangzhou with all necessary parts and components supplied by Party A under the terms and conditions specified as follows:

1. Commodity and Quantities for Assembling

a. Commodity: Transistor radios

b. Quantity: 500 000 sets in total

2. Parts and components either to be supplied by Party A or to be purchased in Guangzhou by Party B are as per the list attached.

3. The assembling charge for each model is as follows:

a.6-transistor set at USD0.50 each

b.8-transistor set at USD0.60 each

c.9-transistor set at USD0.65 each

d.10-transistor set at USD0.70 each

e.11-transistor set at USD0.75 each

f.12-transistor set at USD0.80 each

g.14-transistor set at USD0.90 each

4. a. The main parts, consumption articles and components required for assembling will be sent in time to Guangzhou by Party A and if there is any shortage of, or damage to, these parts and components, Part A shall be responsible for supplying replacements.

b. Party A shall pay Party B by opening an irrevocable L/C covering the full amount of assembling charges and costs of parts, consumption articles and components purchased in Guangzhou by Part B, one month before the shipment of the finished products concerned.

c. Party B shall complete the manufacturing of all transistor radios and effect shipment within the time mutually agreed unless some unforeseen circumstances beyond control have occurred.

5. The Damage Rate of Parts and Components

The damage rate of parts and components in assembling is 3%, and such a rate of loss of parts and components shall be supplied free by Party A. In case the damage rate exceeds 3%, Party B shall provide at its own expense for the excessive damage to parts and components needed for assembling.

6. Parts and components supplied by Part A for transistor radios shall be assembled by Party B strictly according to the design specified by Party A without making any alteration.

7. Technical Service

Party A agrees to dispatch technicians to Guangzhou to help training technicians of Party B at the request of the latter at any time and allows the said technicians to remain with Party B for inspection of finished products. In such a case, Party B agrees to pay monthly salary RMB 500 for each person. All other expenses (including round trip tickets) shall be borne by Party A.

8. All import and export procedures in connection with this Contract shall be taken care of by Part B.

9. All transistor radios assembled by Party B will be shipped to foreign buyers designated by Party A. The relevant freight and insurance premium shall be borne by Party A.

10. Other Terms and Conditions

a. The trade marks of transistor radios will be supplied by Party A and should there be any illegal involvement, Party A is to be held fully responsible.

b. All parts and components purchased by Party B in Guangzhou, if necessary for assembling transistor radios, must measure up to the quality standard of and be approved by Party A beforehand.

c. For promoting export business, Party B must get ready samples of transistor radios and send them at any time by air to foreign buyers designated by Party A. All parts and components required and air freight paid for this purpose shall be supplied and borne by Party A.

11. This Contract shall be made in triplicate and Party A and Party B shall, after signing all copies, retain one copy respectively and submit the other one to the Government authorities concerned in Guangzhou for registration.


Singed By: Singed By:

Signed at China Hotel, Guangzhou, on October 15, 2000


1. rate 作为名词,意思是“比率;(利息)费率;速度;等级”如:

The damage rate of parts and components in assembling is 3%. 组装部件损坏比率是3%。

The government insisted that it would not be panicked into interest rate cuts. 政府称不会因陷入恐慌而匆忙下调银行利率。

The worlds tropical forests are disappearing at an even faster rate than experts had thought. 世界上热带森林消失的速度比专家们预想的还要快。


The film was rated excellent by 90 per cent of children. 90%的孩子都表示这部电影很精彩。

He is generally rated Italys No. 3 industrialist. 他被公认为意大利第三大实业家。

2. approve常常与approve of 连用,意思是“同意,批准,赞成”, 同义词还有 consent, agree, endorse, subscribe to,但合同中表示“批准,核准”时,一般用approve, 如:

The termination of this Agreement due to any event of force majeure shall be effective only if approved by both parties in writing. 如本协议因不可抗力而被解除,则双方应签署书面的解除协议。

Upon its expiration, the parties may, if they choose, extend the term hereof for_________years or execute a new cooperation agreement, provided they apply to and are approved by the Authority agencies concerned. 期满后,双方如愿意继续合作,经向政府有关部门申请,获得批准后,可延期_________年或重新签订合同。

3. assemble v. 意思是“装配,组装”。

assembling with/ of supplied parts (component/ parts and components) 来件装配

assembling shop 装配车间

assembling plant 装配厂

a processing and assembling line 加工和装配线

assembly n. 装配

assembly industry 装配工业

assembly line 装配线

4. consumption articles 消耗品, 有的写成 articles of consumption, 如:

During the term of the agreement, Party A shall deliver to Party B such quantity of the raw materials and consumption articles as may be required for the manufacturing of the products no later than two (2) months before calendar quarter. 在本协议期间,甲方应在每个季度前不迟于2个月向乙方运送可能用于产品生产的以下数量的原材料和消耗品。

The parts, consumption articles and materials required for processing will be sent to Nanjing by Party A. 加工所需的零件、消耗品和材料将由甲方运至南京。



ABC有限公司(以下简称甲方)日本东京西-町目12/15号, 与广州有限公司(以下简称乙方)中国广州北京路5号,已经相互同意, 由甲方委托乙方在广州制造晶体管收音机,一切必需的零件和部件均由甲方供给,其条款如下:

1. 装配的商品及数量:

a. 商品:晶体管收音机

b. 数量:共计50万部

2. 一切需用的零件与部件由甲方供给,或由乙方在广州购买,详见附表(略)。

3. 每种型号的装配费如下:





