
第59章 自然之趣(9)



障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

Jane Goodall was born in 1934.She is a Britain primatoIogist and anthropoIogist.As a young girl,she always wanted to study animals.She went to Africa and studied chimps.Her research showed the connections between chimps and human beings.She works to protect chimps everywhere.

It is 5:45 am and the sun is just rising over Gombe National Park in East African.We are all going to visit the chimps in the forest.Jane has studied these animals for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans.

Nobody before has fully understood chimp behavior.Jane spent many years observing and recording their daily activities.She did not study at a university but she was determined to work with animals in their own environment.When she arrived at Gombe in 1960,it was unusual for a woman to live in the forest.[A]Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.Her work changed the way people think about chimps.For example,one thing she discovered was that chimps hunt and eat meat.Until then everyone had thought chimps ate only fruit and nuts.She actually observed chimps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it.She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system.

For forty years Jane Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.She has set up special places where they can live safely.Her life is very busy but as she says:"Once I stop,it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in Iaboratories.It's terrible.It affects me when I watch the wild chimps.I say to myself,‘Aren'tthey luck?"And then think about small chimps in cages though they have done nothing wrong.Once you have seen that you can never forget……"

[B]She has achieved everything she wanted to do:working with animals in their own environment,gaining a doctor's degree for her studies and showing that women can live in the forest as men can.[C]She inspires those who want to cheer the achievements of women.


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A OnIy after her mother came to heIp her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.


only修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句且放在句首时要求句子倒装。例如:Only in this way can we learn English well.只有以这种方法,我们才能学好英语。

B She has achieved everything she wanted to do:working with animaIs in their own environment,gaining a doctor's degree for her studies and showing that women can Iive in the forest as men can.



C She inspires those who want to cheer the achievements of women.



Homesick 思乡之情

Track 018.MP3






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障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

It's time to be honest.It's time to come out.I am a"cIoset farmer".I was raised in the 50's and 60's.I graduated from high school in 1972.Ours was a traditional farm with the full variety of crops,plus chickens,ducks,geese,cattle,pigs,horses,cats and dogs.My father was thrifty,so our equipment was neither shiny nor new,and we did many of our chores"by hand".

I would follow in my father's footsteps.I would head for the bright lights.[A]I have spent almost 20 years chasing the dollar at full throttIe,working to pay for all those things we just couldn'tlive without.I'm almost 40 now,and when I drive past a farm with cattle in the pasture and fruit on the trees,I look on the scene longingly.

I miss playing in the creek.I miss making forts in the huge piles of snow my father created as he pIowed out our lane.Before I had a driver's license,I rode my horse to town.I found it embarrassing then,but I would love to do that today.[B]I still remember that Saturday morning when a dozen or so combines and pickers rolled into our yard,followed by tractors and wagons.It was an unforgettable scene as that army of neighbors harvested our crop.I still don'tknow the names of the couple who live across the street.

When I walk past my children sprawIed in front of these tubes,fighting over which meaningless show they will watch next,I realize they miss the farm as well-THEY JUST DON'T KNOW IT YET.

I still have all the tools,and I almost cried when I sold my John Deere lawn tractor-[C]it was the last hold I had on a time when I came in late from the field,covered with dirt and full of a true sense of accomplishment.

Nowadays,I lie on the couch watching sports on Sunday,regretting that Monday will come too soon.I should be satisfied.After all,I could buy a house with my gold credit cards.


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A I have spent aImost 20 years chasing the dollar at full throttIe,working to pay for all those things we just couIdn'tIive without.


we just……是定语从句,先行词是things。

B I still remember that Saturday morning when a dozen or so combines and pickers rolled into our yard,followed by tractors and wagons.


a dozen一打,后不接of。例如:How much do you charge for a dozen eggs?一打蛋多少钱?

C it was the Iast hoId I had on a time when I came in Iate from the fieId,covered with dirt and full of a true sense of accompIishment.


full of……充满……。例如:Our earth is full of sound because it is full of motion.我们地球上充满了声音,因为它充满了运动。

Growing Roots 成长的树根

Track 019.MP3
