
第54章 自然之趣(4)

B We also put out bowls of water,which unfortunately within an hour had frozen solid.



C I stooped down furiously to pick up what I thought would be the messy remains only to discover the eggs had come to no harm-they were as solid as if they had been hard-boiled.



Freedom Parrot 呼唤自由的鹦鹉

Track 007.MP3






今日关键语导读 Today's Key Points



障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

A man,a great man,a flghter for freedom was traveling in the mountains.He stayed in a caravan for the night.[A]He was amazed that in the caravans there was a beautiful parrot in a golden cage,continually repeating"Freedom!Freedom!".And it was such a place that when the parrot repeated the word"Freedom!"it would go on echoing in the valleys,in the mountains.

The man thought:"I have seen many parrots,and I have thought they must want to be free from those cages……[B]But I have never seen such a parrot whose whole day,from the morning to the evening when he goes to sleep,is spent in calling out for freedom."He had an idea.In the middle of the night,when the owner was fast asleep,he got up and opened the door of the cage.He whispered to the parrot,"Now get out."

But he was very surprised that the parrot was cIinging to the bars of the cage.He said to him again and again,"Have you forgotten about freedom?Just get out!The door is open and the owner is fast asleep;nobody will ever know.You just fly into the sky;the whole sky is yours."

But the parrot was clinging so deeply,so hard,that the man said,"What is the matter?Are you mad?"He tried to take the parrot out with his own hands,but the parrot started pecking at him,and at the same time he was shouting,"Freedom!Freedom!"The valleys in the night echoed and re-echoed,but the man was also stubborn;he was a freedom flghter.

He pulled the parrot out and threw him into the sky;and he was very satisfied,although his hand was hurt.The parrot had attacked him as forcefully as he could,but the man was immensely satis fled that he had made a soul free.He went to sleep.

[C]In the morning,as the man was waking up,he heard the parrot shouting,"Freedom!Freedom!"He thought perhaps the parrot must be sitting on a tree or on a rock.But when he came out,the parrot was sitting in the cage.The door was open.


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A He was amazed that in the caravans there was a beautiful parrot in a golden cage,continually repeating"Freedom!Freedom!"



B But I have never seen such a parrot whose whole day,from the morning to the evening when he goes to sleep,is spent in calling out for freedom.


whose引导定语从句,该从句的骨干结构为:whose whole day……is spent in……。

C In the morning,as the man was waking up,he heard the parrot shouting.



The Rainbow 彩虹的故事

Track 008.MP3






今日关键语导读 Today's Key Points



障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel.All claimed that they were the best.

Green said:"Clearly I am the most important.I am the sign of life and of hope.I was chosen for grass,trees and leaves.Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority."

Blue interrupted:"You only think about the earth,but consider the sky and the sea.It is the water that is the basis of life.The sky gives space and peace and serenity.Without my peace,you would all be nothing."

Yellow chuckled:"The sun is yellow,the moon is yellow,the stars are yellow.Every time you look at a sunflower,the whole world starts to smile.Without me there would be no fun."

Orange started next:"I carry the most important vitamins.Think of carrots,oranges and mangoes.My beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you."

Red could stand it no longer,so he shouted out:"I am the ruler of all of you.I am blood life's blood!I bring fire into the blood.I am the color of passion and love."

Purple was very tall and spoke with great pomp:"I am the color of royalty and power.Kings,chiefs and bishops have always chosen me for I am the sign of authority and wisdom.People do not question me!They listen and obey."

Finally Indigo spoke,much more quietly than all the others,but with just as much determination:"Think of me.I am the color of silence.I represent thought and reflection,twiIight and deep water.You need me for balance and contrast,for prayer and inner peace."

[A]And so the colors went on quarreling,each convinced of his or her own superiority.Suddenly there was a startIing flash of bright lightening,and thunder rolled.Rain started to pour down.

Rain began to speak:"You foolish colors.Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose?[B]Join hands with one another and come to me."

Doing as they were told,the colors joined hands and united.

Rain continued:"[C]From now on,when it rains,each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace.The rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow."


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A And so the coIors went on quarreIing,each convinced of his or her own superiority.

convince sb of sth使某人信服……。例如:We finally convinced them of our innocence.我们终于使他们相信我们是无辜的。

B Join hands with one another and come to me.
