
第36章 智慧人生(2)


障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

Every great person,from Galileo to St.Francis to Martin Luther King grew up as a normal person and did normal things with normal people.[A]Probably none of their buddies expected that these souls would one day change the course of life on the planet and retooI the destiny of humanity.The seeds of greatness can sprout anywhere,through anyone-sometimes in the least likely situation.

Once I met Ernie,a fellow who I played in a band with years ago showed up at a friend's house.When I asked Ernie what he had been doing lately,he offered this astounding account:"A few years ago I went to see a friend in South America,and one evening a neighbor came to visit.She told me she had a headache,and I prayed for her.She felt better.That night she came back with her daughter,who was suffering from menstrual pain,I offered the girl prayer,and she experienced relief.The next day half the town was lined up for healing.After coming home,I received a call from a town representative who told me that the people would pay my air fare back if I returned.So I went back regularly and fly from town to town in a helicopter."

Now here's the kicker:the saint next door could be you.What is a saint,but someone who lets the light of his or her spirit shine purely and creatively?If you're not quite ready to go for sainthood,perhaps you would simply settle for greatness or success.Perhaps that book you've been playing within your mind;that song or that painting or that labor-saving device,is not some random thought,but a divinely inspired vision.Perhaps every great invention or seminar started with just one little seed thought,and the difference between living a life of struggle or fabulous success and service is simply that some people believed in their idea,and others didn't.

[B]It is said that anyone can count the number of seeds in an apple,but only God can count the number of apples in a seed.Actually,there are an in fl nite number of apples in a seed;how many actually come forth is a result only of cultivation.At this moment there are an in fl nite number of ideas and talents within you,ideas that can change your life as well as that of millions-who knows,maybe the whole planet.The saint next door may very well be you.


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A Probably none of their buddies expected that these souls would one day change the course of life on the planet and retool the destiny of humanity.


B It is said that anyone can count the number of seeds in an apple.but only God can count the number of apples in a seed.


It is said that……是主语从句,意思是“据说”。

I'm the Fire Goddess of the Volcano 我是火山的火女神

Track 004.MP3






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障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听 Words and Expressions

I saw a movie about mysterious island that had an erupting volcano when I was young.The island was ruled by a beautiful woman called Tandaleah,the Fire Goddess of the Volcano.Since then I desperately wanted to be the Fire Goddess.[A]I wrote it on my list of"Things to Be When I Grow Up",and asked my girlfriend if"Fire Goddess"was spelled with two Ds.

Through the years,the school system did its best to moId me into a no longer sans responsible,respectable citizen,and Tandaleah was forgotten.I spent the next twenty-five years being a good wife,eventually the mother of four.But The week I turned fl fty,my marriage came to a sudden end.Everything I'd owned was auctioned off to pay debts I didn't even know existed.In a week I'd lost my husband,my home and my parents,who refused to accept a divorce in the family.I had enough money to rent a cheap apartment while I looked for a job.Or I could use every penny I had to buy fl ve plane tickets from Missouri to the most remote island in the world,the Big Island of Hawaii.

My four children and I landed on the Big Island of Hawaii with less than two thousand dollars,knowing no one in the world was going to help us.I rented an unfurnished apartment where we slept on the floor and lived on cereal.I worked three jobs scrubbing fl oors on my hands and knees,selling macadamia nuts to tourists and gathering coconuts.I worked eighteen hours a day and lost thirty pounds because I lived on one meal a day.

I'd almost achieved my childhood dream but hadn't realized it because I was focused on my burdens instead of my blessings.[B]It was time to Iive my imagination not my history.Tandaleah,the Fire Goddess of the Volcano,had fl nally arrived!The next day I quit my jobs and invested my last paycheck in art supplies and began doing what I loved.

The past six years have been fl lled with adventures:My children and I have gone swimming with dolphins,watched whales and hiked around the crater rim of the volcano.We wake up every morning with the ocean in front of us and the volcano behind us.The dream I'd had more than forty years ago is now reality.I live on an island with a continuously erupting volcano.I am Tandaleah,the Fire Goddess of the Volcano,spelled with two Ds and I'm living.


长难句解析 Sentence Structures

A I wrote it on my Iist of"Things to Be When I Grow Up"and asked my girIfriend if"Fire Goddess"was speIIed with two Ds.


B It was time to Iive my imagination not my history.



Reuben's Mission 鲁本的使命

Track 005.MP3






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障碍词先听为快 Words and Expressions
