
第62章 度假购物趣(6)

Could you tell me how to fill out this form?


What is the checkout time here?退房时间是什么时候?

→checkout time 退房的时间。

Where is my room?我的房间在哪儿?

Your room is 518?on the fifth?floor.您的房间在5楼518号。

What time is breakfast served?早饭几点开始供应?

When can I have dinner?什么时候吃晚饭?

I would like to change my room.我想换房间。

Will you let me see the room?能让我看一下房间吗?

This room will do.这个房间就可以。

Please call if you need anything.需要什么东西请直接打电话。

Please call a bellboy.请帮我叫个行李员。

How much luggage do you have?您有多少行李?

Here's something for you.这是您的小费。

Can I have my key, please?能把钥匙给我吗?

I left my key in my room.我把钥匙忘在房间里了。

The lock is broken.锁坏了。

Can I deposit valuables here?贵重物品能寄存在这儿吗?

?Where is the lavatory/fire?exit,please?请问洗手间/安全出口在哪儿?

I will be there in the lobby.我在休息室等你。

I am in room number 828.我在898号房。

I'm going out and shall be back at four.我出去一会儿,大概四点钟回来。

Any messages for me?有我的留言吗?

There is no soap here.这里没有肥皂。

I want to send this to the laundry.我想把这些衣服送洗。

Will you please make the room warmer?能把房间温度调高点吗?

I will leave tomorrow. Bring me the bill, please.



Would you sign the register?麻烦您填一下登记表好吗?

Please explain this item.请解释一下这一条款好吗?

I want my breakfast ready at six tomorrow.明天我想六点吃早饭。

Please bring my breakfast to my room.请把早餐送到我房间来。

I would like to change the room to a single, not twin.


Please be sure to call if we can help you with anything.


Please send me a boy to help me with the luggage.请叫个人帮我提行李。

I will send someone there to help you.我会找个人去帮您。

Please bring my baggage.请帮我提一下行李。

I want to have this suitcase carried up.请叫个人帮我提行李。

Here you are.这是给您的。

I locked myself out.我把自己锁在外边了。

The best way is to go down to the front desk and ask for a duplicate key.最好的办法就是下楼去前台要一下备份钥匙。

I am afraid this is a wrong key.这个钥匙恐怕不是这间屋子的。

I would like to put some money in safekeeping.


How long would you like us to keep it?您想让我们帮您存多久?

Please keep this baggage till five o'clock.


Where can I wash my hands?请问洗手间在哪儿?

Where is the dining hall?Is it on the first floor or in the basement?


Where can I buy a toothbrush?请问哪儿能买到牙刷?

Please tell me how to use phone.请问电话怎么用。

Will you tell me how to telephone outside the hotel?


I would like to send this letter to Japan.我想把这封信寄到日本。

First, pick up the receiver and dial nine. When you hear the tone, dial the number.首先,拿起话筒拨9。听到铃声后再拨您要拨打的号码。

If you want to place a long distance call, dial zero and call the operator.


Please send this letter by air mail.请帮我寄个航空邮件。

I'll go out at five.我五点钟要出去一趟。

Do you have any messages for me?有给我的留言吗?

There are no towels in my room.我房间里没有毛巾。

When will this suit be cleaned?这件西服什么时候能洗好?

Please iron these things.请帮我熨一下这几件衣服。

Please have the maid clean my room.请让人来帮我打扫一下房间。

I want you to wake me at six tomorrow morning as I will take the first train.我明天早上要赶第一班火车,请六点钟叫醒我。

When will you leave?你什么时候离开?

I'll leave at eight tomorrow.我明天八点走。

I want to leave one day earlier.我想提前一天走。

I want to settle my account.我要结账。

Please make up my bill.请结账。

情境3 观光旅游


Can I have a sightseeing guide-book?请问有景点指南吗?

Where is the tourist information office?请问旅游咨询办公室在哪儿?

Do you have a sightseeing brochure for this town?


Do you have a free city map?你们有免费的城市地图吗?

I'd like to go shopping. Where is the downtown area?


Where is the place to enjoy a nice view?哪里的景色最好?

What kind of tours do you have?你们都有哪些行程?

Do you have a full-day/night tour?你们有一日游/夜游线路吗?

Could you tell me where we'll visit on this tour?


Could you recommend some popular tours?


Could you recommend some places where I could go and come back in a day?能给我推荐一些一天之内能往返的景点吗?

Are there any city sighting buses?有城市观光巴士吗?

What can I see on this sightseeing bus?在这辆观光巴士上能看到什么?

Where does the bus start?巴士从哪儿开始出发?

Can I join the sightseeing tour at this hotel?


Do I have enough time to take pictures?有足够的时间拍照吗?

Do you have any tours with Chinese-speaking guides


What is the fee of guide per day 导游的钱一天是多少?

Do we have a Chinese-speaking guide 咱们有中文导游吗?

I'm sorry.We have only English-speaking guides.


What is the price of this tour?这个行程的价格是多少?

How much is the entrance fee?门票多少钱?

How much is it for a day?一天多少钱?

Where can I get the bus?请问我该去哪儿坐公交车?

You should take the number 5 bus.你应该坐5路车。
