
第45章 人际交往(5)


Only once in a lifetime that a special dream comes true. And suddenly your entire world seems beautiful and new. Best wishes always!


Congratulations to the groom,best wishes to the bride. May your path belong and filled with joy.


Take hands──look into each other's eyes.Each year you will discovermore of one another──and love more deeply.手牵着手──注视着彼此的眼睛。每一年你们都会有新的发现──彼此爱得更深。

I know what it is to live entirely for and with what I love best on earth. I holdmyself supremely blest-blest beyond what language can express,becauseI am my husband's life as fully as he is mine.



A good marriage is like an incredible retirement fund. You put everything you have into it during your productive life,and over the years it turns from silver to gold to platinum.


This is a special day to remember how much you've meant to me. I love the happy life we share,the dreams we've made come true. And darling,with each passing year,I'm more in love with you.在这个特别的日子里,我感到你对于我是多么重要。我爱我们共享的幸福生活,我们同做的美梦现已成真。亲爱的人啊,年复一年,我对你的爱与日俱增!

May the love you've discovered as husband and wife grow richer and deeper each day of your life! Happy anniversary with love!


A dear little son,baby boys are wonderful and though they're kind of small.

The happiness they bring you is the greatest joy of all.


A baby girl,so small and sweet,will make your family life complete! You will learn the joys a daughter brings.一个娇娇逗人爱的女婴孩,会使你们的家庭生活格外美满欢快!你们的女儿将给你们带来无限的快乐。

情境5 祝愿生育康复


I wish you a speedy recovery.祝你早日康复。

The best of health.祝你健康。

I do hope you will soon get well again.我真诚希望你早日康复。

Health is the road to happiness. Get better soon.


Wishing you a quick return to good health.愿你尽快恢复健康!

Hoping you're feeling better every day and will soon be well to stay.


We're waiting for your return.我们都期盼你病愈归来。

A get-well prayer for you.为你的康复祈祷。

升级版There's not a day that goes by without my praying for you.


Thinking about you and sending this warm get-well greeting your way tohope you'll be feeling much better and more like yourself every day.


It won't be long till when you'll find you're feeling well and strong and on your feet again.不久你便会感到好转,体力恢复,健康如常。

It's hoped that very soon you're completely feeling good again.


We're sure it won't be long before you're back on your feet again.


With best wishes for your quick and complete return to health.


Hoping a few days will restore your health.希望你不日就能恢复健康。

May the year of 2014 find all your family in the best health and spirits.


Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of theyear.健康是这样的东西,它使你感到现在是一年之中最好的时光。

People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later tofind time for illness.没有时间娱乐的人,迟早要腾出时间生病。

A great big wish that you'll soon be back in tip-top condition.


Sure hope and pray you'll be fit and strong and with us again before toolong. Get well soon!


May every hour of every day bring you some small pleasure. May each day bring you closer to the very best of health.


情境2 慰问/慰唁


I'm sorry for your loss.节哀顺变。

We have just heard with profound sorrow the sad news.


I can't tell you how sorry I am.我无法表达我难过的心情。

With many,many thanks for all your heartfelt sympathy.


Your sympathy and kindness will always be remembered.


Your sympathy has brought us great comfort.


The dead don't die. They look on and help.


Death is the only pure,beautiful conclusion of a great passion.


May you find comfort in knowing that we are near,and so are friends wholove you.


I want you to know how much I sympathize with you and your family.



How deeply we feel for you in your sorrow.


With thanks from the family to tell you that your kind expression ofsympathy is deeply appreciated.我们全家对你的诚挚慰问深表谢意。

There are no words that can be a comfort to you now.


There is nothing which human courage will not undertake,and little thathuman patience will not endure.


Calamity is man's true touchstone.遭受严重的灾难,是人的真正试金石。

Life was meant to be lived,and curiosity must be kept alive. One mustnever,whatever reason,turn his back on life.人生应该生气勃勃,我们应该始终对世界充满好奇。无论发生了什么,都要直面人生。

Words are helpless things sometimes when it comes to expressing oneselfon a sorrowful event like this. I can only tell you that you are in my heartand thought.在这样悲惨的事情上,要表白真心,言语显得那样苍白无力,我只想告诉你,你在我心坎上,在我的思念中。

People do not die for us immediately,but remain bathed in a sort of auraof life which bears no relation to true immortality but through which theycontinue to occupy our thoughts in the same way as when they were alive.


Sorrow and silence are strong,and patient endurance is godlike.


As a well-spent day brings happy sleep,so life well-used brings happydeath.


He will be long remembered for his steadfast service to his host of friends and to the community.人们将永远记住他始终为朋友和社会所做的好事。

Time endears and cannot fade the memories that love has made. May the memories of your loved one bring you comfort.时间使记忆更甜蜜,爱造成的记忆永远不会消失,愿你对亲人的怀念,给你带来慰藉。

情境7 礼品赠言


For you,because you are special.这份特殊的礼物献给特别的你。