
第36章 学校生活(2)

Please read it from the very beginning to the end.请从头读到尾。

Now listen and repeat.现在先听我读,然后跟我读。

Say it after me.跟我念。

Read slowly and clearly.念慢点,念清楚点。

Don't murmur.不要嘟囔。

Say it again.Let's repeat it.再来一遍,重复一下。

Once more.再来一遍。

It's your turn.该你了。

I want you to work in pairs.现在两人一组开始练习。

I want you to work in groups.大家分组练习。

Have I made myself clear?听明白了吗?

Can you follow me?明白了吗?

Are you with me?跟得上吗?

Put up your hands if you have any questions.有问题请举手。

Come on,you're almost there.加油,马上就解出来了。

I'll give you a clue.我来给个提示。

Let me give you a hint.我来给你个提示。

That makes sense.有道理。

Please give him a big hand.给他鼓鼓掌。

We stop here for today.今天就到这儿吧。

Let's call it a day.今天就到这儿吧。

情境3 作业


Here's your homework for today.这是今天的作业。

Hand in your homework tomorrow.明天把作业交上来。

What's the topic of the paper?报告的主题是什么?

When is the last day to hand in the paper?论文截止日期是什么时候?

Turn in your papers by Friday.周五之前把论文交上来。

How long does it have to be?要写多少?

At least 3 pages.至少三页。


Please pass the exercise books to the front.请把作业本交到前边来。

Here are your exercise books.Please hand them out.


Come and see me after class.下了课来找我。

What's the paper about?论文是关于什么内容的?

When is it due?截止日期是什么时候?

What's the due date?论文截止日期是什么时候?

The due date for the paper is this Friday.论文截止日期是这周五。

Your papers are due on Friday.周五把论文交上来。

How many pages?要写多少页?

The essay shouldn't be less than 3 pages.论文长度不少于三页。

It has to be at least 3 pages.论文至少要写三页。



Teacher Please hand your paper in.Oh,Christ,why you always forget to do your homework?


Christ Sorry,sir.Could you give me some more time? I promise I will bring it to you next lesson.


Teacher Christ,a person could be trusted because he is believable.You have forgotten many times.


Christ Sir,I'm really sure that I will hand it in next time.Please,just give me another chance.


Teacher Christ,tell me if you also forget next time,what can I do?


Christ OK,you can give me a zero and I will accept it.



情境1 考试


When is the final? 期末考是什么时候?

What is the final exam period?什么时候期末考试能考完?

What's on the exam?考什么内容?

It will be all in multiple-choice.都是多项选择题。

How are you prepared for the test?这次考试你准备得怎么样?

No cheating.禁止作弊。

Please do not cheat.请不要作弊。

Time is up.考试时间到。

Turn in the test.交卷。

Hand in your answer sheet.把答题卡交上来。

How was the exam?你考得怎么样啊?

It was difficult.考试很难。

It was nothing.没什么难的。

It was easy.试题很简单。

I ran out of time.我没时间写了。

I needed more time.当时时间不够了。


When are the examination dates?什么时候考试?

What's going on to be covered in the exam?这次的考试范围是什么?

What is he testing on?他要考什么内容啊?

You will have multiple choice questions.考多项选择题。

It's a multiple choice test.是多项选择测试。

How much preparing did you do?这次考试你准备得怎么样了?

What did you do to get ready for the test?这次考试你是怎么准备的?

Cheating will not be tolerated.考试不允许作弊。

Finish up.时间到了。

The exam is over.考试时间到。

Pass you tests forward.把考卷往前传。

How did you do?你答得怎么样啊?

How did you go with the test?这次考试你考得怎么样啊?

How did you make out in the exam?这次考试你考得怎么样啊?

Unbelievable hard!太难了!

I can't believe how difficult the test was.真不敢相信这次考试居然这么难。

The test was no problem.这次考试很简单。

I lacked time.时间不够用。

情境2 成绩


What's your GPA?你平均得多少分?

What are your grades like?你考了多少分?

I'm flunked.我挂科了。

I have bad grades.我考得不好。

He's a straight A student.他是一名全优生。

I blew it.我考砸了。

I think I did pretty well.我觉得答得挺好。

I aced it.我考得很好了。

I am comfortable about the test.这次考试我觉得很简单。


How did you do in that class?你那门课的成绩好吗?

What did you get for the course?这门功课你得了多少分?

I am about to fail.我没及格。

My grades are so low.我考的分数太低了。

I really flunked it.我真的挂了。

I must have failed it.我肯定要挂了。

I am on the dean's list.我是优等生。

I am on the honor roll.我是优等生。

I am an honor student.我是优等生。


Mary Hi,Tony.You look unhappy.What's wrong?


Tony Oh,Mary.I made a big mistake.


Mary What happened?


Tony I really wish I hadn't done it.


Mary What on earth are you talking about?


Tony I got caught while cheating.I feel so ashamed.The teacher saw me and told me I failed.


Mary What were you thinking?


Tony You know my father.If I fail,he'll kill me.I have to do well.


Mary But what you should do is to study hard.


Tony I know.It's my entire fault.I feel awful that I didn't study,and I cheated,and I got caught.


Mary So long as you learn from your mistakes.


Tony I know.I feel like a failure.My father is going to be so disappointed when he finds out what I've done.
