
第16章 情感表达(4)

He has a short temper.他是急脾气。

Who do you think you're talking to? 你知道你是在跟谁说话吗?


You can't talk to me like that.不准这么跟我说话。

Do you have anything to say? 你还有什么好说的吗?

Do you have anything to complain about? 你还有什么要抱怨的?

Do you have any objection to it? 有什么要反驳的吗?

I won't let you have your own way.我不会让你随心所欲的。

You can't have everything your own way.你不能事事随心所欲。

Don't insult me.你别侮辱人。

You'll be sorry.你会后悔的。

You'll wish you hadn't done it.你会后悔的。

Are you delirious? 你疯了?

Are you all there? 你疯了?

Are you confused? 你疯了?


Don't stare at me! 别用那种眼神看着我!

→stare at…“一直盯着看,凝视”。

I want to get even with him.我要报复他。

Have it your way! 随便吧!

Okay, okay, have it your way! 好好,随你的便吧!

Do it your way! 随便吧!

It's your choice.随你。

Suit yourself! 你爱怎么着就怎么着吧!

→ 用于好心好意给人出主意却不被接受时,“那随你便吧,爱怎么着就怎么着吧”。

情境8 讨厌


It's boring.真无聊!


It's dull.无聊透顶。

It sucks.毫无价值。

It's nothing much.没什么了不起的。

I'm not satisfied.我不满意。

It's out of date.那早过时了。

Give me a break.拜托!

Tell me the truth.跟我说实话。

Stop joking.别开玩笑了。

Get serious.认真点。

Stop kidding! 别闹了!

I can't stand it.我再也受不了了。

→stand “容忍,忍耐”

I can't take it anymore.我再也受不了了。

That's enough.够了!


That's it.行了,别说了。

She's starting it again.她又开始了。

Oh, man! 哦,真烦人!

What else? 还有呢?


My life is dull.我的生活很无聊。

It's for the birds.真没劲。

It's no good.一点用都没有。

It's nothing great.没什么了不起的。

I'm dissatisfied.我不满意。

I'm not happy about it.我对此不是很满意。

I'm not content.我不满意。

I'm discontent.我不满意。

It's outdated.那早过时了。

Get real.现实点吧。

Stop pulling my leg! 别开玩笑了!

I can't bare it anymore.我再也受不了了。

I can't take the strain.我再也受不了了。

I can't stand it any longer.我再也受不了了。

I can't put up with it any longer! 我再也受不了了。

→put up with 忍受

I've had it.我知道了,不用说了。

I've had enough.我已经听够了。

I've heard enough! 我已经听够了。

Enough is enough.我说够了就是够了。

The more I hear about it, the more disgusted I get.越听越烦。

The more I know, the sicker I feel.我知道的越多越觉得烦躁。

There she goes again.她又来了。


She's saying it again.她又开始了。

I don't want to hear it.我不想听。

I don't want to hear about it.我不想听。

Now what? 这次又是什么?

What's next? 接着呢?

What else is wrong? 还有哪儿错了?

What is it this time? 这次又是什么?

情境9 担心


What's the matter? 怎么了?


What's wrong? 哪儿不舒服?

Is anything wrong? 有什么问题吗?

What's the problem? 出什么事了?

Are you okay? 你还好吧?


Are you all right? 你没事吧?

What's going on? 发生什么事了?

What happened? 发生什么事了?

What's happening? 怎么回事?

Is anything bothering you? 你有什么烦心事吗?

→bother “使……烦心”“折磨”

I was worried about you.我真的很担心你。

You look sad today.今天你看起来很难过。

You don’t look very happy today.你今天看上去不是很高兴。

You look very tired.你看上去很疲惫。

You need a break.你该休息一下。

You need a rest.你需要休息一下。

Who has irritated you? 谁惹你生气了?

You're nervous.你太紧张。


Is something on your mind? 你有心事吗?

→be on a person's mind 有什么挂心的事。

Do you have something on your mind? 你在担心什么?

What are you worried about? 你在担心什么?

What's on your mind? 你在担心什么?

I was concerned about you.我真的很担心你。

You look grave.你看上去脸色不太好。

Why are you so glum? 你怎么闷闷不乐的呀?

→glum 闷闷不乐的

Why so glum? 你在闷闷不乐什么呢?

Why the long face? 你怎么拉长着脸?

You look exhausted.你看上去很累。

→exhausted “筋疲力尽”“疲劳不堪”,表示在此情况下再也不能做任何事情的疲劳感。

You look worn-out.你看上去累坏了。

You look bushed.你看上去很疲惫。


You look pooped.你看上去很疲惫。


You need to take a break.你该休息一下。

You should take it easy.你该慢慢来,别着急。

Something is wrong with you today.你今天有点儿不大对劲。

You're not yourself today.你今天有点儿不大对劲。

You seem different today.你今天感觉不太在状态。

Who are you irritated with 谁让你烦躁了?

→be irritated with 为……而急躁的。

You seem nervous.你看上去似乎很紧张。



A.Why do you look so unhappy?


B.Oh, nothing special.I'm just a bit fed up.


A.With your job?


B.With everything.With taking the same bus every morning, sitting in the same office every day, eating the same food every year.


A.That's common people's life.Try to find the joy and beauty of life.


B.Thank you.I'm all right.Sometimes I just feel lonely and empty.


A.It's okay.That happens to everyone.Just remember that I'll always be there for you.





I shouldn't have done it.我真不该那么做。

→ 用“shouldn't have+过去分词”表示类似责备或斥责的心情,表示“不该……”“要是没……”。

That was a mistake.我做错了。

I blew it.我搞砸了。

I wish I hadn't done that.真希望我当时没那么做。

I really screwed up this time.这次我真的搞砸了。

I really messed up.这次我真的搞砸了。

I shouldn't have said that.要是我没说那话就好了。


I should have known.我应该早点知道的。

It was careless of me to do so.我的行为真是太不小心了。

→careless 表示“没注意的”“漫不经心的”“粗心大意的”。

I was careless.我真的很粗心。

I regret doing that.我后悔我做的事。

I had no choice.我别无选择。

I went too far.我做得太过了。