
第65章 Multimedia Technology(4)

The most noticeable trend in information technology from a system perspective has been the increasing integration of media. Traditionally, computer systems dealt exclusively with numerical calculations. However, text processing soon became an important concern for computer designers. Communication technologies were also developed to support the transmission of textual and numerical data. More recently, there has been a dramatic increase in the range of media types supported by computers and communications technologies. Significant steps have been taken in integrating graphics into computer workstations and communications technology. Researchers are now tackling the harder problems presented by audio and video.



n. 远景,前途;透视图;看法,观点


vi. 合作,协作


n. 压力,电压,强迫


adj. 戏剧性的,生动的


adv. 最初地,开头的


n. 分散,排除集中


vt. 使超载,超过负荷


n. 体积,大量,音量


vt. 完成,达到


n. 饥饿,饿死


n. 结合,合并,化合


n. 下部构造,基础下部组织


n. 综合


adj. 文本的,原文的


adj. 绘画的,图解的


n. 抱住,卷起














【Reading Material】

The Physics of Sound

Sound is created by the vibration of an object. The object transmits its vibrations to the air surrounding it, creating waves of air pressure. These waves travel through the air to our eardrums. The eardrums transfer the vibration to our inner ear, which in turn sends signals to the brain, and we interpret the vibration as sound. This basic mechanism is the means by which all sounds are created and perceived; one object causes air to vibrate, and another object captures the vibration.

Frequency andAmplitude

Sound waves have two basic characteristics: the number of times the wave vibrates in a given period of time (called frequency) and the strength of the vibrations (called amplitude).

Frequency is directly related to the pitch of a sound. High-pitched sounds are caused by rapid vibrations such as the piercing squeal of a whistle or a high note played on a violin.

Low-pitched sounds are caused by slower vibrations such as the rumble of a passing train or a low note played on a piano. We usually measure the frequency of sound in terms of vibrations per second. Sound engineers have adopted the scientific convention of hertz (abbreviated Hz), or cycles per second, to describe the frequency of a sound. For example, a common tuning reference on a piano, the note A below middle C, is described as 440 Hz.

Amplitude corresponds to the volume of a sound. The greater distance between the top and the bottom of a sound wave, the greater the amplitude. A good way to visualize this is to think of a guitar string. If you touch the string gently, it vibrates at a fixed rate (in other words, at a fixed frequency), but the distance between the top and bottom of the area in which it vibrates is small. Give the string a good, strong pluck, and the distance over which the string vibrates increases greatly. As a result, the string moves more air, and the volume is louder.b

Amplitude, or loudness, is described in decibels. A decibel is abbreviated as dB (i.e. one-tenth of a bell), a sound pressure level measurement named after Alexander Graham Bell. We need to clarify the concept of decibels here, because you’ II encounter the decibel frequently in the audio world. The dB unit (dBu) is used to measure two related but very different phenomena. One is the sound pressure level (SPL), the actual loudness perceived by your ears. This is based on the strength of air pressure changes caused by vibrations or “sound waves” traveling through the air. For purposes of comparison, the ambient background noise of a recording studio registers about 20 dB SPL, regular human speech at a distance of one foot registers 70 dB SPL, and a jet plane engine registers about 130 dB SPL.

The second use of the decibel is the measure of audio signal level as an electrical phenomenon. One real-world example is the strength of a line level voltage, frequently expressed as-10 dB. Another example is the dB meters you see on a tape recorder or mixer. In the real world, this is the important thing to remember: when dealing with decibels in terms of cables or connecting hard-ware, be sure the voltage levels match. When using decibel level as a measure of signal strength (as with volumes is a mixer), it is useful for comparing the level of different signals. The values are expressed relative to 0 dB, the point at which the signal going out is the same strength as the signal coming in.