
第39章 求职面试(2)

I have no experience in work, but eager to learn.我没有工作经验,但是很好学。

Have you done some part time work你做过兼职吗?

How many employer have you worked for你为多少个雇主工作过?

Can you give me a general description of your former work能给我大体描述一下你以前的工作吗?

What’s your last job你上一份工作是做什么的?

Do you have any sales experience你有销售经验吗?

I am sorry to say that I have no experience in this field.很抱歉,我在这方面毫无经验。



What’s your education background你是什么学历?

education background学历,教育背景

I’m a M.A.我是文学硕士。

Which school are you studying in now你现在在哪所大学上学?

What’s your major你的专业是什么?

I’m specializing in Business Administration.我的专业是工商管理。

I heard you’re a junior college student.我听说你是大专生。

junior college student大专生,专科生

What’s your educational background你的文凭是?

What were your grades in college你在大学的成绩怎么样?

I graduated from Tsinghua University我是从清华大学毕业的。

I got a degree in International Trade.我有国际贸易的学位。


What do you expect to get from this job你对这份工作有什么期望?

What are your long-term career goals你的长期职业目标是什么?

career goal职业目标

Where would you like to be in three years三年后你想做到什么职位?

How do you think of this industry outlook in two years你认为两年内这个行业的发展如何?


How can you try to gain your success您将如何获得成功?

What type of job would you want你想要什么类型的工作?

What would you want to be responsible for你想负责什么?

responsible for为…负责

What type of team would you want你想要什么样的团队?

What kind of hours would you want to work你想要什么样的工作时间?

What sort of culture would you want the company have你想要的公司文化是什么?

I expect to begin with a secretary.我期望从秘书做起。

Is there any chance to get promoted我有机会升职吗?



What kind of person do you think you are你认为你是怎样的一个人?

What do you consider your major strength你认为你的最主要的优点是什么?

What’s your weak- point/weakness你的缺点是?

We need a person with ability plus flexibility.我们需要有能力及适应能力强的人。


I’m willing to work under pressure with leadership quality我愿意在压力下工作,兼具领导素质。

I’m an energetic, fashion-minded person.我是个精力旺盛,思想新潮的人。

I think I’m highly organized and efficient.我认为我工作有条理,办事效率高。


I’m equipped with the ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively.我善于和各种人打交道。

I’m a little irritable.我性格有点急躁。


I have no good and extensive social connections.我没有良好而广泛的社会关系。

I don’t have good analytical capability.我不具备较强的分析能力。

You don’t possess good presentation skills.你的表达能力不大好。


How many languages can you speak你能说几种语言

Are you good at English你擅长英语吗?

I have passed Band Six of CET.我已经通过了大学英语六级考试。

I passed BEC (Business English Certificate) last year.我去年通过了商务英语证书考试。

I Majored in Japanese at university.我大学主修日语。

My foreign language at college is Russian.我在大学修的外语是俄语。

My score on TOEFL is 658.我的托福成绩是658分。

I got a high score on GRE.我在GRE中得了高分。

My major is foreign trade English, minor in Japanese.我主修外贸英语,辅修日语。

I just can speak Korean a little.我只会讲一点点的韩语。

I can speak English fluently.我能说一口流利的英语。


I once worked as an English interpreter in a big foreign company.我曾在一家大的外国公司做翻译。


I can speak three foreign languages.我会讲三种外语。

You speak English well.你英语说得不错。


Why do you take interest in applying our firm你为什么有兴趣来本公司应聘?

Why are you interested in our company in particular你为什么对本公司情有独钟呢?

Why are you desirous to get this job你为什么想得到这份工作?


What has prompted you to apply for this position是什么让你想要申请这个职位的?

Why did you decide to seek a position in this company你为什么决定来本公司找工作呢?

What’s the reason for your application for this position你应聘这个职位的原因是什么?

Why are you leaving your present job你为什么放弃目前的工作?

I see no chance of advancement.我感觉没有晋升的机会。

I’m keen to shoulder higher responsibilities.我想要更多职责的工作。

I think I’m qualified for this position.我认为我很适合这一职位。

qualified for有担任…的资格


When can I know your decision我什么时候能知道你们决定?

Do I need the second interview我还需要第二次面试吗?

Do you have any questions you want to ask你有问题要问吗?

We’ll give you our decision in a few days.我们几天后将给你答复。

I expect to hear from you as soon as possible.我期待着能尽快得到你们的消息。

as soon as possible尽快

Thank you for your interest in our company.感谢你对我们公司感兴趣。

Would you please let the next applicant come in on your way out你出去时能通知下一个面试者进来吗?


Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to interview me.感谢您在百忙中抽空来面试我。

How can we get in touch with you我们怎样能联系到你?

get in touch with与…联系;和…接触

Any other questions还有其他什么问题吗?