
第32章 人际交往


I paid a visit to Sally last night.昨晚我去看望了莎莉。

Long time no see.好久不见了啊!

Could you bring your daughter on the next visit下次来访时把你女儿带来好吗?

Can I drop in on you on my way home我回家时顺便去看看你好吗?

drop in on顺便拜访,顺道拜访

Don’t forget to give me a call when you want to come.你想来的时候不要忘了给我一个电话。

Today is Mother’s Day; I’ve decided to go home to see my mum.今天是母亲节,我打算回家去看望我母亲。

You are quite a special guest.真是稀客。

Let’s pay her a visit.我们去看看她吧。

May I call on you tomorrow明天我可以拜访你吗?

call on拜访

I’ll fly to Canada to see my aunt tomorrow.明天我打算飞去加拿大去看望我的姑姑。


I’m your next-door neighbor. My name is Susan.我是你的新邻居,我叫苏珊。

Did you just move in next door你是刚搬到隔壁的吗?

next door隔壁

I’m really glad that we’re neighbors.很高兴我们能成为邻居。

I’ve just across the street.我就住在街的对面。

I live in Room 303, and you我住在303,你呢?

You must be new here!你一定是刚搬来的吧!

I live next to you.我住在你家隔壁。

Look, our new neighbors are moving in.瞧,我们的新邻居刚搬进来。

So we’re neighbors. Call me Frank.这么说我们是邻居了。叫我弗兰克好了。

Since we are neighbors, if you need any help, please come to me.既然我们是邻居,如果你需要任何帮助,都可以来找我。


I know you by name.久仰大名。

by name凭名字

This is my card.这是我的名片。

I’m happy to know you.很高兴认识您。

I feel as if I have seen you before.我觉得好像以前见过您似的。

I’m glad to finally have a chance to meet you.很高兴终于有机会见到您。

Nice to meet you!幸会!

We’re two of a kind.咱们俩性格太相近了。

Can I buddy up with you我能和你交个朋友吗?

buddy up迎合对方,巴结

I want to make friends with you.我想和你交个朋友。

Let’s be friends.让我们交个朋友吧。


My colleagues are warmhearted and cooperative.我的同事们都很热心,很配合工作。

I got on well with his colleague.我与同事相处融洽。

I’m right behind you!我做你的后盾!

I have our definite support.我绝对支持你。


How do you get along with your colleagues你是如何与同事相处的?

get along with与…和睦相处

You should be cautious when dealing with coworkers.你与同事相处要谨慎。



Did you have a good flight您旅途愉快吗?

Did you get any sleep on the plane您在飞机上睡觉了吗?

I am here to meet you today.今天我到这里来接你。

We met the last time you visited Taiwan.上次你来台湾时我们见过面。

Have you had breakfast yet你吃过早餐了吗?

I’ve made a reservation at the hotel you used last time.我已预订了你上次住过的旅馆。

We’ve booked a Western-style room for you.我们已为你订了一间西式的房间。

Let’s go to the office first.我们先去办公室吧。

Did you sleep well last night您昨晚睡得好吗?

Do you have an appointment您有预约过吗?

It’s such a pleasure to meet you.很高兴见到您。

This is the schedule of today.这是今天的行程安排。


Thanks for coming all the way from abroad.感谢您不远万里从国外赶来。

come all the way远道而来


I’ll be there after dinner.我晚饭后到。

Do I need to bring anything我要带些什么东西吗?

I haven’t seen you for a long time.我很久没有看见你了。

for a long time很长时间,很久

Nice to see you, my old friend.真高兴见到你,我的老朋友。

I’m here to see Jane.我是来拜访简的。

How have you been these years这些年你怎么样?

You’ve changed little.你一点也没变。

Thanks for the delicious dinner.谢谢你美味的晚餐。


Thank you very much for a wonderful evening.谢谢你安排这么美好的夜晚。


Come in and sit down.进来坐下吧。

Is anyone hungry大家饿不饿?

What would you like to eat你想吃些什么?

It doesn’t matter to me.随便就可以了。

Do you know any of those people你认识这些人吗?

Let me get you some more wine.让我来再给你斟点酒。

Just a drop, please.再来一点吧。

Shall I help you to some of the beef steak我来给你夹点牛排好吗?

beef steak牛排

Please make yourself at home.请不要拘束。

make yourself at home别拘束,随便

Would you like something to drink你想喝点什么?


We graduated from the same university.我们毕业于同一所大学。

graduate from从…毕业

We are Yale University Alumni.我们是耶鲁大学的校友。

I had never seen her since we graduated from university.自从大学毕业之后我就再也没有见过她了。

I came all the way and finally get in touch with him by the website of alumni.我费尽周折最终在校友网上找到了他。

For many years passed, I still clearly remember the alumni.很多年过去了,我依然清晰地记得当年的校友。

I heard that she and you are alumni.我听说她和你是校友。


What class你是哪届的?


I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.抱歉,让你久等了。

My alarm clock didn’t go off.我的闹钟没响。

alarm clock闹钟

Traffic is really heavy today.今天的交通太拥堵了。

I was working late last night and couldn’t get up on time.我昨天工作太晚今早没及时起床。

I wish I had come earlier.真希望我能早点到。

Could we schedule another appointment我们能安排下次再约吗?

I was late on the first date.我第一次约会就迟到了。

I lost my car keys!我的车钥匙丢了。

car key车钥匙

My car died!我的车坏掉了。

Nobody woke me up!没人叫我起床。

My alarm didn’t go off!我的闹钟罢工了。


Thank you so much for the flowers and the Secretary’s Day card.非常感谢你的花和秘书节的卡片。

Just a small gift, please take it.一点儿微薄之礼,请您收下。

Thank you for sending me such a beautiful gift.谢谢您送我这么漂亮的礼物。

I’m so glad you like it.很高兴您喜欢这个礼物。

Thank you for your gift, but I can’t accept it.谢谢你的礼物,但是我不能收。

It’s just a thought.只是一个小小心意。

I wonder if you like it.不知道您喜不喜欢。

You have done a lot for this negotiation.您已经为我们的协商做了很多。


Please accept it.请您收下。


Is there anything you need有什么需要的吗?

When are you being released你什么时候能出院?

How are you feeling today今天感觉怎样?

Are you feeling better today今天感觉好些了吗?

feel better感觉好点了

You look good today.你今天看上去气色不错。

I brought you some fruits.我给你带了一些水果。

I came as soon as I heard.我一听说就过来了。

Get well soon.祝你早起康复。