书城公版A Tale Of Two Cities


Mr. Lorry did so,and they went down-stairs and out in the streets.A few minutes brought them to Mr.Lorry's destination.Carton left him there;but lingered at a little distance,and turned back to the gate again when it was shut,and touched it.He had heard of her going to the prison every day.'She came out here,'he said,looking about him,'turned this way,must have trod on these stones often.Let me follow in her steps.'

It was ten o'clock at night when he stood before the prison of La Force,where she had stood hundreds of times. A little wood-sawyer,having closed his shop,was smoking his pipe at his shop-door.

'Good night,citizen,'said Sydney Carton,pausing in going by;for the man eyed him inquisitively.

'Good night,citizen.'

'How goes the Republic?'

'You mean the Guillotine. Not ill.Sixty-three today.We shall mount to a hundred soon.Samson and his men complain sometimes,of being exhausted.Ha,ha,ha!He is so droll,that Samson.Such a barber!'

'Do you often go to see him—''Shave?Always. Every day.What a barber!You have seen him at work?'


'Go and see him when he has a good batch. Figure this to yourself,citizen;he shaved the sixty-three today,in less than two pipes.Less than two pipes.Word of honour!'

As the grinning little man held out the pipe he was smoking to explain how he timed the execution,Carton was so sensible of a rising desire to strike the life out of him,that he turned away.

'But you are not English,'said the wood-sawyer,'though you wear English dress?'

'Yes,'said Carton,pausing again,and answering over his shoulder.

'You speak like a Frenchman.'

'I am an old student here.'

'Aha,a perfect Frenchman!Good night,Englishman.'

'Good night,citizen.'

'But go and see that droll dog,'the little man persisted,calling after him.'And take a pipe with you!'

Sydney had not gone far out of sight,when he stopped in the middle of the street under a glimmering lamp,and wrote with his pencil on a scrap of paper. Then,traversing with the decided step of one who remembered the way well,several dark and dirty streets—much dirtier than usual,for the best public thoroughfares remained uncleansed in those times of terror—he stopped at a chemist's shop,which the owner was closing with his own hands.A small,dim,crooked shop,kept in a tortuous,up-hill thoroughfare,by a small,dim,crooked man.

Giving this citizen,too,good night,as he confronted him at his counter,he laid the scrap of paper before him.'Whew';thechemist whistled softly,as he read it.'Hi!hi,hi!'

Sydney Carton took no heed,and the chemist said:

'For you,citizen?'

'For me.'

'You will be careful to keep them separate,citizen. You know the consequences of mixing them?'


Certain small packets were made and given to him. He put them,one by one,in the breast of his inner coat,counted out the money for them,and deliberately left the shop.'There is nothing more to do,'said he,glancing upward at the moon,'until tomorrow.I can't sleep.'

It was a reckless manner,the manner in which he said these words aloud under the fast-sailing clouds. nor was it more expressive of negligence than defiance.It was the settled manner of a tired man,who had wandered and struggled and got lost,but who at length struck into his road and saw its end.

Long ago,when he had been famous among his earliest competitors as a youth of great promise,he had followed his father to the grave. His mother had died,years before.These solemn words,which had been read at his father's grave,arose in his mind as he went down the dark streets,among the heavy shadows,with the moon and the clouds sailing on high above him.'I am the resurrection and the life,saith the Lord:he that believeth in me,though he were dead,yet shall he live:and whosoever liveth and believeth in me,shall never die.'

In a city dominated by the axe,alone at night,with natural sorrow rising in him for the sixty-three who had been that day put to death,and for tomorrow's victims then awaiting their doom inthe prisons,and still of tomorrow's and tomorrow's,the chain of association that brought the words home,like a rusty old ship's anchor from the deep,might have been easily found. He did not seek it,but repeated them and went on.

With a solemn interest in the lighted windows where the people were going to rest,forgetful through a few calm hours of the horrors surrounding them;in the towers of the churches,where no prayers were said,for the popular revulsion had even travelled that length of self-destruction from years of priestly impostors,plunderers,and profligates;in the distant burial-places reserved,as they wrote upon the gates,for Eternal Sleep;in the abounding gaols;and in the streets along which the sixties rolled to a death which had become so common and material,that no sorrowful story of a haunting Spirit ever arose among the people out of all the working of the Guillotine;with a solemn interest in the whole life and death of the city settling down to its short nightly pause in fury;Sydney Carton crossed the Seine again for the lighter streets.

Few coaches were abroad,for riders in coaches were liable to be suspected,and gentility hid his head in red nightcaps,and put on heavy shoes,and trudged. But.the theatres were all well filled,and the people poured cheerfully out as he passed,and went chatting home.At one of the theatre doors,there was a little girl with a mother,looking for a way across the street through the mud.He carried the child over,and before the timid arm was loosed from his neck asked her for a kiss.

'I am the resurrection and the life,saith the Lord:he that believeth in me,though he were dead,yet shall he live:and whosoever liveth and believeth in me,shall never die.'

Now,that the streets were quiet and the night wore on,thewords were in the echoes of his feet,and were in the air. Perfectly calm and steady,he sometimes repeated them to himself as he walked;but,he heard them always.