书城公版Robinson Crusoe


I had three Encouragements,1. A smooth calm Sea,2. The Tide rising and setting in to the Shore,3. What little Wind there was blew me towards the Land;and thus,having found two or three broken Oars belonging to the Boat,and besides the Tools which were in the Chest,I found two Saws,an Axe,and a Hammer,and with this Cargo I put to Sea;For a Mile,or thereabouts,my Raft went very well,only that I found it drive a little distant from the Place where I had landed before,by which I perceiv'd that there was some Indraft of the Water,and consequently I hop'd to find some Creek or River there,which I might make use of as a Port to get to Land with my Cargo.

As I imagin'd,so it was,there appear'd before me a little opening of the Land,and I found a strong Current of the Tide set into it,so I guided my Raft as well as I could to keep in the Middle of the Stream:But here I had like to have suffer'd a second Shipwreck,which,if I had,I think verily would have broke my Heart,for knowing nothing of the Coast,my Raft run a-ground at one End of it upon a Shoal,and not being a-ground at the other End,it wanted but a little that all my Cargo had slip'd off towards that End that was a-float,and so fall'n into the Water:I did my utmost by setting my Back against the Chests,to keep them in their Places,but could not thrust off the Raft with all my Strength,neither durst I stir from the Posture I was in,but holding up the Chests with all my Might,stood in that Manner near half an Hour,in which time the rising of the Water brought me a little more upon a Level,and a little after,the Water still rising,my Raft floated again,and I thrust her off with the Oar I had,into the Channel,and then driving up higher,I at length found my self in the Mouth of a little River,with Land on both Sides,and a strong Current or Tide running up,I look'd on both Sides for a proper Place to get to Shore,for I was not willing to be driven too high up the River,hoping in time to see some Ship at Sea,and therefore resolv'd to place my self as near the Coast as I could.

At length I spy'd a little Cove on the right Shore of the Creek,to which with great Pain and Difficulty I guided my Raft,and at last got so near,as that,reaching Ground with my Oar,I could thrust her directly in,but here I had like to have dipt all my Cargo in the Sea again;for that Shore lying pretty steep,that is to say sloping,there was no Place to land,but where one End of my Float,if it run on Shore,would lie so high,and the other sink lower as before,that it would endanger my Cargo again:All that I could do,was to wait 'till the Tide was at highest,keeping the Raft with my Oar like an Anchor to hold the Side of it fast to the Shore,near a flat Piece of Ground,which I expected the Water would flow over;and so it did:As soon as I found Water enough,for my Raft drew about a Foot of Water,I thrust her on upon that flat Piece of Ground,and there fasten'd or mor'd her by sticking my two broken Oars into the Ground;one on one Side near one End,and one on the other Side near the other End;and thus I lay 'till the Water ebb'd away,and left my Raft and all my Cargo safe on Shore.

My next Work was to view the Country,and seek a proper Place for my Habitation,and where to stow my Goods to secure them from whatever might happen;where I was I yet knew not,whether on the Continent or on an Island,whether inhabited or not inhabited,whether in Danger of wild Beasts or not:There was a Hill not above a Mile from me,which rose up very steep and high,and which seem'd to over-top some other Hills which lay as in a Ridge from it northward;I took out one of the fowling Pieces,and one of the Pistols,and an Horn of Powder,and thus arm'd I travell'd for Discovery up to the Top of that Hill,where after I had with great Labour and Difficulty got to the Top,I saw my Fate to my great Affliction,(viz.) that I was in an Island environ'd every Way with the Sea,no Land to be seen,except some Rocks which lay a great Way off,and two small Islands less than this,which lay about three Leagues to the West.

I found also that the Island I was in was barren,and,as I saw good Reason to believe,un-inhabited,except by wild Beasts,of whom however I saw none,yet I saw Abundance of Fowls,but knew not their Kinds,neither when I kill'd them could I tell what was fit for Food,and what not;at my coming back,I shot at a great Bird which I saw sitting upon a Tree on the Side of a great Wood,I believe it was the first Gun that had been fir'd there since the Creation of the World;I had no sooner fir'd,but from all the Parts of the Wood there arose an innumerable Number of Fowls of many Sorts,making a confus'd Screaming,and crying every one according to his usual Note;but not one of them of any Kind that I knew:As for the Creature I kill'd,I took it to be a Kind of a Hawk,its Colour and Beak resembling it,but had no Talons or Claws more than common,its Flesh was Carrion,and fit for nothing.

Contented with this Discovery,I came back to my Raft,and fell to Work to bring my Cargo on Shore,which took me up the rest of that Day,and what to do with my self at Night I knew not,nor indeed where to rest;for I was afraid to lie down on the Ground,not knowing but some wild Beast might devour me,tho',as I afterwards found,there was really no Need for those Fears.

However,as well as I could,I barricaded my self round with the Chests and Boards that I had brought on Shore,and me a Kind of a Hut for that Night's Lodging;as for Food,I yet saw not which Way to supply my self,except that I had seen two or three Creatures like Hares run out of the Wood where I shot the Fowl.