书城公版Robinson Crusoe


Any one would think,that in this State of complicated good Fortune,I was past running any more Hazards;and so indeed I had been,if other Circumstances had concurr'd,but I was inur'd to a wandring Life,had no Family,not many Relations,nor however rich had I contracted much Acquaintance;and though I had sold my Estate in the Brasils,yet I could not keep the Country out of my Head,and had a great Mind to be upon the Wing again,especially I could not resist the strong Inclination I had to see my Island,and to' know if the poor Spaniards were in Being there,and how the Rogues I left there had used them.

My true Friend,the Widow,earnestly diswaded me from it,and so far prevail'd with me,that for almost seven Years she prevented my running Abroad;during which time,I took my two Nephews,the Children of one of my Brothers into my Care:The eldest having something of his own,I bred up as a Gentleman,and gave him a Settlement of some Addition to his Estate,after my Decease;the other I put out to a Captain of a Ship;and after five Years,finding him a sensible bold enterprising young Fellow,I put him into a good Ship,and sent him to Sea:And this young Fellow afterwards drew me in,as old as I was,to farther Adventures my self.

In the mean time,I in Part settled my self here;for first of all I marry'd,and that not either to my Disadvantage or Dissatisfaction,and had three Children,two Sons and one Daughter:But my Wife dying,and my Nephew coming Home with good Success from a Voyage to Spain,my Inclination to go Abroad,and his Importunity prevailed and engag'd me to go in his Ship,as a private Trader to the East Indies:This was in the Year 1694.

In this Voyage I visited my new Collony in the Island,saw my Successors the Spaniards,had the whole Story of their Lives,and of the Villains I left there;how at first they insulted the poor Spaniards,how they afterwards agreed,disagreed,united,separated,and how at last the Spaniards were oblig'd to use Violence with them,how they were subjected to the Spaniards,how honestly the Spaniards used them;a History,if it were entred into,as full of Variety and wonderful Accidents,as my own Part,particularly also as to their Battles with the Carribeans,who landed several times upon the Island,and as to the Improvement they made upon the Island it self,and how five of them made an Attempt upon the main Land,and brought away eleven Men and five Women Prisoners,by which,at my coming,I found about twenty young Children on the Island.

Here I stay'd about 20 Days,left them Supplies of all necessary things,and particularly of Arms,Powder,Shot,Cloaths,Tools,and two Workmen,which I brought from England with me,viz. a Carpenter and a Smith.

Besides this,I shar'd the Island into Parts with 'em,reserv'd to my self the Property of the whole,but gave them such Parts respectively as they agreed on;and having settled all things with them,and engaged them not to leave the Place,I left them there.

From thence I touch'd at the Brasils,from whence I sent a Bark,which I bought there,with more People to the Island,and in it,besides other Supplies,I sent seven Women,being such as I found proper for Service,or for Wives to such as would take them:As to the English Men,I promis'd them to send them some Women from England,with a good Cargoe of Necessaries,if they would apply themselves to Planting,which I afterwards perform'd. And the Fellows prov'd very honest and diligent after they were master'd,and had their Properties set apart for them. I sent them also from the Brasils five Cows,three of them being big with Calf,some Sheep,and some Hogs,which,when I came again,were considerably encreas'd.

But all these things,with an Account how 300 Caribbees came and invaded them,and ruin'd their Plantations,and how they fought with that whole Number twice,and were at first defeated,and three of them kill'd;but at last a Storm destroying their Enemies Cannoes,they famish'd or destroy'd almost all the rest,and renew'd and recover'd the Possession of their Plantation,and still liv'd upon the Island.

All these things,with some very surprizing Incidents in some new Adventures of my own,for ten Years more,I may perhaps give a farther Account of hereafter.