书城公版Volume Eight


Quoth Isaac of Mosul,[175] 'I went out one night from Al Maamun's presence,on my way to my house; and,being taken with a pressing need to make water,I turned aside into a by-street and stood in the middle fearing lest something might hurt me,if I squatted against a wall.[176] Presently,I espied something hanging down from one of the houses; so I felt it to find out what it might be and found that it was a great four-handled basket,[177] covered with brocade.Said I to myself,'There must be some reason for this,'and knew not what to think; then drunkenness led me to seat myself in the basket,and behold,the people of the house pulled me up,thinking me to be the person they expected.Now when I came to the top of the wall; lo! four damsels were there,who said to me,'Descend and welcome and joy to thee!'Then one of them went before me with a wax candle and brought me down into a mansion,wherein were furnished sitting-chambers,whose like I had never seen save in the palace of the Caliphate.So I sat down and,after a while,the curtains were suddenly drawn from one side of the room and,behold,in came damsels walking in procession and hending hand lighted flambeaux of wax and censers full of Sumatran aloes-wood,and amongst them a young lady as she were the rising full moon.So I stood up to her and she said,'Welcome to thee for a visitor!'and then she made me sit down again and asked me how I came thither.Quoth I,'I was returning home from the house of an intimate friend and went astray in the dark; then,being taken in the street with an urgent call to make water,I turned aside into this lane,where I found a basket let down.The strong wine which I had drunk led me to seat myself in it and it was drawn up with me into this house,and this is my story.'She rejoined,'No harm shall befall thee,and I hope thou wilt have cause to praise the issue of thine adventure.'Then she added,'But what is thy condition?'I said,'A merchant in the Baghdad bazar'and she,'Canst thou repeat any verses?''Some small matter,'quoth I.Quoth she 'Then call a few to mind and let us hear some of them.'But I said,'A visitor is bashful and timid; do thou begin.''True,'replied she and recited some verses of the poets,past and present,choosing their choicest pieces; and I listened not knowing whether more to marvel at her beauty and loveliness or at the charm of her style of declamation.Then said she,'Is that bashfulness of thine gone?'and I said,'Yes,by Allah!'so she rejoined,'Then,if thou wilt,recite us somewhat.'So I repeated to her a number of poems by old writers,and she applauded,saying,'By Allah,I did not think to find such culture among the trade folk,the sons of the bazar!'Then she called for food'Whereupon quoth Shahrazad's sister Dunyazad,'How pleasant is this tale and enjoyable and sweet to the ear and sound to the sense!'But she answered,'And what is this story compared with that which thou shalt hear on the morrow's night,if I be alive and the King deign spare me!'

Then Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

When it was the Two Hundred and Eightieth Night,She said,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that Isaac of Mosul continued,'Then the damsel called for food and,when it was served to her,she fell to eating it and setting it before me; and the sitting room was full of all manner sweet-scented flowers and rare fruits,such as are never found save in Kings'houses.Presently,she called for wine and drank a cup,after which she filled another and gave it to me,saying,'Now is the time for converse and story-telling.'So I bethought myself and began to say,'It hath reached me that such and such things happened and there was a man who said so and so,'till I had told her a number of pleasing tales and adventures with which she was delighted and cried,''Tis marvellous that a merchant should bear in memory such store of stories like these,for they are fit for Kings.'Quoth I,'I had a neighbour who used to consort with Kings and carouse with them; so,when he was at leisure,I

visited his house and he hath often told me what thou hast heard.'Thereupon she exclaimed 'By my life,but thou hast a good memory!'So we continued to converse thus,and as often as I was silent,she would begin,till in this way we passed the most part of the night,whilst the burning aloes-wood diffused its fragrance and I was in such case that if Al-Maamun had suspected it,he would have flown like a bird with longing for it.Then said she to me,'Verily,thou art one of the most pleasant of men,polished,passing well-bred and polite; but there lacketh one thing.''What is that?'asked I,and she answered,If thou only knew how to sing verses to the lute!'I answered,'I was passionately fond of this art aforetime,but finding I had no taste for it,I abandoned it,though at times my heart yearneth after it.Indeed,I should love to sing somewhat well at this moment and fulfil my night's enjoyment.'Then said she,'Meseemeth thou hintest a wish for the lute to be brought?'and I,'It is thine to decide,if thou wilt so far favour me,and to thee be the thanks.'So she called for a lute and sang a song in a voice whose like I never heard,both for sweetness of tone and skill in playing,and perfection of art.Then said she,Knowest thou who composed this air and whose are the words of this song?''No,'answered I; and she said,The words are so and so's and the air is Isaac's.'I asked 'And hath Isaac then (may I be thy sacrifice!) such a talent?'She replied,'Bravo![178]